01-外星人與美國西部 Aliens and the Old West 02-外星人與怪獸 Aliens and Monsters 03-外星人與聖地 Aliens and Sacred Places 04-外星人與黃金神殿 Aliens and Temples of Gold 05-外星生物與神秘儀式 Aliens and Mysterious Rituals 06-外星人與古代工程師 Aliens and Ancient Engineers 07-外星人與 瘟疫和流行病 Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics 08-外星人與失落的世界 Aliens and Lost Worlds 09-外星人與致命武器 Aliens and Deadly Weapons 10-外星人與邪惡之地 Aliens and Evil Places 11-外星人與開國元勛 Aliens and the Founding Fathers 12-外星人與致命的邪教 Aliens and Deadly Cults 13-外星人與秘密代碼 Aliens and the Secret Code 14-外星人與亡靈 Aliens and the Undead 15-外星人,眾神與英雄 Aliens, Gods and Heroes 16-外星人與人類的創造 Aliens and the Creation of Man