


  • 中文名:達高峰
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1983年
  • 性別:男




1. 博士後基金項目:系統Signature的計算及其在可靠性中的套用
2011.09—2012.09  主持
2. 自然科學基金項目:獨立不同分布元件的關聯繫統的隨機性質
2011.01—2013.12  參與


  1. Gaofeng Da, Taizhong Hu. (2012+). On bivariate signatures for systems with independent modules. In: Lecture Notes in Statistics (Eds: H. Li and X. Li). In honor of Professor Moshe Shaked on his 70th Birthday, Springer. (To appear)
  2. Gaofeng Da, Lvyu Xia, Taizhong Hu. (2012+). On computing signatures of k-out-of-n systems consisting of modules. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability.
  3. Weiyong Ding, Gaofeng Da, Peng Zhao. (2012+). On sample ranges of two sets of heterogeneous random variables. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. (To appear)
  4. Rongfang Yan, Gaofeng Da, Peng Zhao. (2012+). Further results for parallel systems with two heterogeneous exponential components. Statistics. (To appear)
  5. Gaofeng Da, Ben Zheng, Taizhong Hu. (2012). On computing signatures of coherent systems. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 103, 142-150.
  6. Gaofeng Da, Ben Zheng, Taizhong Hu. (2012). Ordering Consecutive k-out-of-n:F Systems. Probability in Engineering and Informational Science, 26, 147 -158.
  7. Xiaohu Li, Gaofeng Da, Peng Zhao. (2012). Competing between two groups of individuals following frailty models. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 14,1033-1051.
  8. Yanyan Huang, Gaofeng Da. (2012). Some new stochastic comparison results on proportional odds models. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 28, 43-50.
  9. Peng Zhao, Xiaohu Li, Gaofeng Da. (2011). Right spread order of the second order statistic from heterogeneous exponential random variables. Communications in Statistics-Thoery and Methods, 40, 3070-3081.
  10. Xiaohu Li, Gaofeng Da. (2010). Stochastic comparisons in multivariate mixed model of propational reversed hazard rate with applications. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101, 1016-1025.
  11. Xiaohu Li, Gaofeng Da, Peng Zhao. (2010). On reversed hazard rate in general mixed model. Statistics and Probability Letters, 80, 654-661.
  12. Gaofeng Da, Weiyong Ding, Xiaohu Li. (2010). On hazard rate odering of parallel systems with two independent components. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 2148-2154.
  13. Jingyun Sun, Gaofeng Da. (2008). The Erlang(2) risk model with a two-step premium rate. Mathematica Applicata, 21,612-621.


