



  • 導演: Serena Davies
  • 編劇:Sean B. Carroll / John Rubin
  • 主演:Ellen Becker-Gray,Jerry Chu,  Kandace Cummings,Lance Lewman
  • 中文名:達爾文所不知道的事
  • 外文名: What Darwin Never Knew
  • 製片地區:美國
  • 拍攝地點:英國
  • 拍攝日期:2006年7月11日
  • 類型:科學,紀錄
  • 片長:120分鐘
  • 上映時間:2009年12月29日
  • 色彩:彩色
  • 線上播放平台:優酷


【導演】 Serena Davies / Rushmore DeNooyer / Sarah Holt / John Rubin
【編劇】 Sean B. Carroll / John Rubin
【主演】 Ellen Becker-Gray / Jerry Chu / Kandace Cummings / Olivia Judson / Lance Lewman / Neil Shubin / Karl Steudel
【上映】 2009-12-29
地球有很多驚人的各種各樣的動物,包括9000種鳥類、28000種魚類,和超過350000種甲蟲。如何解釋這種爆炸的生物- 1.4不同物種發現到目前為止,也許另一個5000萬嗎?生命之源的無盡的形式是一個奧秘,直到達爾文提出自然選擇的革命性的想法。但達爾文的激進的見解提出了儘可能多的問題回答。


Earth teems with a staggering variety of animals, including 9,000 kinds of birds, 28,000 types of fish, and more than 350,000 species of beetles alone. What explains this explosion of living creatures-1.4 million different species discovered so far, with perhaps another 50 million more to go? The source of life's endless forms was a profound mystery until Charles Darwin's revolutionary idea of natural selection, which he showed could help explain the gradual development of life on earth. But Darwin's radical insights raised as many questions as they answered. What actually drives evolution and turns one species into another? And how did we evolve? On Charles Darwin's 2009 bicentennial, and the 150th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species, NOVA reveals answers to the riddles that Darwin couldn't explain. Stunning breakthroughs in a brand new science-nicknamed evo devo -are linking the enigma of origins to another of nature's great mysteries, the development of an embryo. To explore this exciting new idea, NOVA takes viewers on a journey from the Galapagos Islands to the Arctic, and from the Cambrian explosion of animal forms half a billion years ago to the research labs of today. Here scientists are finally beginning to crack nature's biggest secrets at the genetic level. And, as NOVA shows in this absorbing detective story, the results are confirming the brilliance of Darwin's insights while exposing clues to life's breathtaking diversity in ways he could scarcely have imagined.




