



  • 軟體名稱:通用更新
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:23.92MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
你已經做了新地冰淇淋,蛋糕,餅乾,蛋糕在你的iPhone或iPod Touch或iPad...但什麼餡餅?然而,你切它,人人都喜歡餡餅,所以這個程式是為任何人,每個人嗎?創建一個餅圖,看起來一樣好(或更好)比你奶奶的!下面是如何掀起了 - 它是易如反掌! 首先,選擇一個殼,然後決定什麼樣的餅餡,你想要把在地殼中的。 現在是時候混合灌餅配料在碗裡。用木勺攪拌,直到餡料充分混合。用鏟子傳播填進你選擇的餡餅皮。如果摘心你想需要烘烤,不要忘了把它放在烘烤前的填充。現在,放置在烤箱裡的餡餅,看著它,直到它變成金黃色! 有趣的是還沒有結束嗎?你不能忘記的冰淇淋或奶油,灑嗎?變換成一個字元一個愚笨的臉用的糖果和水果裝飾或者朱古力和草莓糖漿片餡餅嗎?做任何你想要的樂趣,豐富多彩,美味的項目從6個甜類別: 孔板 叉和匙 灑,水果,多 - 冰淇淋 糖漿 鞭打霜 所有的選擇,你會發現自己烘烤的餡餅,餡餅後不同口味,痂皮,和澆頭嗎?太糟糕了,你不能使用它們扔在你討厭的同學在學校嗎?但是,你不會想反正毀了你甜美的享受,讓你的朋友留下深刻的印象,並張貼在Facebook上,而不是!您也可以通過電子郵件或保存在冰櫃里以後炫耀。 這種餅製作的免費版本包括一個採樣餡餅項目。如果你想訪問到所有的項目,你將不得不購買內容包可從遊戲內。享受! You have made sundaes, cakes, cookies, and cupcakes on your iPhone or iPod Touch, or iPad… but what about pies However you slice it, everyone loves pies, so this app is for anyone and everyone! Create a pie that looks just as good (or better) than your grandma’s! Here’s how to whip it up- it’s easy as pie! First, choose a crust, and then decide what kind of pie filling you want to put in the crust. Now it’s time to mix the pie filling ingredients in the bowl. Stir them with the wooden spoon until the filling is well mixed. Use a spatula to spread the filling into the pie crust you chose. If the topping you want needs to bake, don’t forget to place it over the filling before baking. Now, place the pie in the oven and watch it until it turns golden brown! The fun is not over yet! You can’t forget the ice cream or the whipped cream and sprinkles! Transform your slice of pie into a character with a goofy face using the candy and fruit decorations or perhaps the chocolate and strawberry syrup! Do whatever you want with fun, colorful, and delicious items from 6 sweet categories: -Plates -Forks and spoons -Sprinkles, fruit, and more -Ice cream -Syrup -Whipped creams With all the choices, you will find yourself baking pie after pie with different flavors, crusts, and toppings! Too bad you can’t use them to throw at your annoying classmate at school! But, you wouldn’t want to ruin your sweet treat anyway, so impress your friends, and post it on Facebook instead! You can also show off by emailing or saving it in the fridge for later. This FREE version of Pie Maker includes a SAMPLING of pie making items. If you want access to ALL of the items, you will have to BUY the content packs which are available from within the game. Enjoy!


