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  • 中文名:這才是真正的英文思維
  • 作者:基思·斯坦諾維奇
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年6月1日
  • ISBN:9787115511843




  基思·斯坦諾維奇(Keith E. Stanovich),目前擔任加拿大多倫多大學人類發展與套用心理學的國家首席教授,他的研究領域是推理和閱讀的心理學機制。他於2010年獲得格威爾美爾教育獎(Grawemeyer Award in Education)。他至今已發表了200多篇科學論文。在一項對於論文引用率的調查中,斯坦諾維奇位列引用率*高的50位發展心理學家之一,也是25位*高產的教育心理學家之一。他所撰寫的《這才是心理學》(How to Think Straight about Psychology)一書被全球300多所心理學高等教育機構採用。


   1 Psychology Is Alive and Well
  (and Doing Fine Among the Sciences) 1
  The Freud Problem 1
  The Diversity of Modern Psychology 3
  Implications of Diversity 4
  Unity in Science 4
  What, Then, Is Science? 6
  Systematic Empiricism 7
  Publicly Verifiable Knowledge: Replication and Peer Review 8
  Empirically Solvable Problems: Scientists’ Search for Testable Theories 10
  Psychology and Folk Wisdom: The Problem with “Common Sense” 11
  Psychology as a Young Science 15
  Summary 16
   2 Falsifiability: How to Foil Little
  Green Men in the Head 17
  Theories and the Falsifiability Criterion 18
  The Theory of Knocking Rhythms 19
  Freud and Falsifiability 20
  The Little Green Men 22
  Not All Confirmations Are Equal 23
  Falsifiability and Folk Wisdom 24
  The Freedom to Admit a Mistake 25
  Thoughts Are Cheap 27
  Errors in Science: Getting Closer to the Truth 28
  Summary 30
   3 Operationism and Essentialism:
  “But, Doctor, What Does It Really Mean?” 31
  Why Scientists Are Not Essentialists 31
  Essentialists Like to Argue About the Meaning of Words 32
  Operationists Link Concepts to Observable Events 32
  Reliability and Validity 34
  Direct and Indirect Operational Definitions 37
  Scientific Concepts Evolve 38
  Operational Definitions in Psychology 40
  Operationism as a Humanizing Force 42
  Essentialist Questions and the Misunderstanding of Psychology 43
  Summary 44
   4 Testimonials and Case Study Evidence:
5 Correlation and Causation: Birth
   6 Getting Things Under Control:
   7 “But It’s Not Real Life!”:
   8 Avoiding the Einstein Syndrome:
  The Importance of Converging Evidence 106
  The Connectivity Principle 107
  A Consumer’s Rule: Beware of Violations of Connectivity 108
  The “Great-Leap” Model Versus the Gradual-Synthesis Model 109
  Converging Evidence: Progress Despite Flaws 110
  Types of Converging Evidence 113
  Scientific Consensus 118
  Methods and the Convergence Principle 118
  The Progression to More Powerful Methods 119
  A Counsel Against Despair 122
  Summary 124
   9 The Misguided Search for the “Magic Bullet”:
  The Issue of Multiple Causation 125
  The Concept of Interaction 126
  The Temptation of the Single-Cause Explanation 128
  Summary 131
   10 The Achilles’ Heel of Human
  Cognition: Probabilistic Reasoning 132
  “Person-Who” Statistics 135
  Probabilistic Reasoning and the Misunderstanding of Psychology 136
  Psychological Research on Probabilistic Reasoning 138
  Insufficient Use of Probabilistic Information 139
  Failure to Use Sample-Size Information 140
  The Gambler’s Fallacy 142
  A Further Word About Statistics and Probability 144
  Summary 146
   11 The Role of Chance in Psychology 147
  The Tendency to Try to Explain Chance Events 147
  Explaining Chance: Illusory Correlation and the Illusion of Control 150
  Chance and Psychology 151
  Coincidence 151
  Personal Coincidences 153
  Accepting Error in Order to Reduce Error: Clinical Versus Actuarial Prediction 155
  Summary 160
   12 The Rodney Dangerfield of the Sciences 162
  Psychology’s Image Problem 163
  Psychology and Parapsychology 163
  The Self-Help Literature 165
  Recipe Knowledge 166
  Psychology and Other Disciplines 167
  Our Own Worst Enemies 168
  Our Own Worst Enemies, Part II: Psychology
   Has Become an Ideological Monoculture 172
  Isn’t Everyone a Psychologist? Implicit Theories of Behavior 178
  The Source of Resistance to Scientific Psychology 179
  The Final Word 182
  References 183
  Name Index 210
  Subject Index 217


