



  • 軟體名稱:逃脫與控制
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:1.28MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
在這個系列紀錄片,國際知名的記者和製片人喬恩·龍森(冒險與極端分子,密探睥死羊和精神變態的測試男性)把他的注意力到網際網路。 具體來說,這些人誰試圖控制它 - 或好或壞。 逃生與控制:案例關於人們試圖控制網際網路 它有時感覺我們正在創造一種新的民主網上,我們控制和調節,而不是被告知如何做人當權者對方。但有些人在那裡誰不喜歡這個主意。所以他們要拿出辦法來控制它。 有時甚至秘密的方法... 隨著灼熱的採訪,解開奧秘,沿途的一些非常有趣,喬恩龍森是一次冒險,可能意味著你永遠也看您的滑鼠以同樣的方式再次掀起。In this documentary series, internationally acclaimed journalist and filmmaker Jon Ronson (Adventures with Extremists, The Men Who Stare At Goats and The Psychopath Test) turns his attentions to the Internet. Specifically, those people who try to control it -- for good or bad. Escape and Control: Stories About People Trying To Control The Internet It can sometimes feel like we're creating a new kind of democracy online, where we control and regulate each other instead of being told how to behave by those in authority. But there are people out there who don't like this idea at all. So they want to come up with ways to control it. Sometimes maybe even secret ways... With searing interviews, unravelling mysteries and some great fun along the way, Jon Ronson is setting off on an adventure that may mean you'll never look at your mouse in the same way again.


