《追隨可能性:羅伯特·克里利詩歌尺度研究》 是中山大學出版社出版的圖書, ISBN是 9787306039484, 7306039482
- 書名:追隨可能性:羅伯特·克里利詩歌尺度研究
- 頁數: 233頁
- 出版社:中山大學出版社
- 裝幀:平裝
叢書名: 新視野學術文庫
正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787306039484, 7306039482
條形碼: 9787306039484
尺寸: 20.6 x 14.2 x 1.8 cm
重量: 458 g
Chapter One Poetry: The Measure of the Poet's Own Phenomenality
1.1 The Measure of the Poet's Own Phenomenality: Contexts and Meaning
1.1.1 Contexts
1.1.2 Meaning
1.2 The Measure of the Poet's Own Phenomenaiity as Reflected in Creeley's Poetry
1.3 A Contemporary Version of Negative Capability
1.3.1 Definition
1.3.2 Similarities
1.3.3 Differences
Chapter Two Form: An Extension of Content
2.1 A Brief Survey of the Relation Between Form and Content
2.2 Creeley's Poetics of Form and the Poetics of Projective Verse
2.2.1 Creeley's Poetics of Form
2.2.2 Creeley's Poetics of Form as Related to the Poetics of Projective Verse
2.3 A Demonstration of Creeley's Poetics of Form—— "Le Fou"
2.4 Postmodemity of Creeley's Poetics of Form
2.5 Inconsistency between Creeley's Theory and Practice
Chapter Three Words:Self-Contained Things
3.1 Indications of Words' Thingness in Creeley's Poetry
3.1.1 Problematized Language-reality Nexus
3.1.2 Words Doing Things
3.1.3 Weakened Subjectivity
3.1.4 Highlighted Physical Features of Language
3.2 Approach to Words' Thingness: Literality Instead of Objectivity
3.3 Suspicious Elements in Cree|ey's Poetics of Language
3.4 A Genealogy of Creeley's Poetics of Language
3.4.1 Sources
3.4.2 Influence
Chapter Four Emotion: A Primary Measure for Poetry
4.1 Emotion and Poetry
4.2 Emotion and Creeley's Poetry
4.3 Emotion as Related to the Other Three Measures
4.4 Creeley's Mode of Turning Out Emotion as Distinguished from Wordsworth's and Lowell's
4.4.1 Creeley and Wordsworth: Betraying vs Expressing
4.4.2 Creeley and Lowell: Exact vs General
Works Cited
Appendix: Biographical Chronology of Robert Creeley