



  • 軟體名稱:迷你深藍
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:17.60MB
  • 支持版本:iOS3.0及以上
霍納宣布推出一系列用於iPhone和iPod Touch革命性的新套用:該霍納Squeezebox的。 模仿的霍納的標誌性電暈經典全音階手風琴的布局,這些直觀的虛擬手風琴的應用程式提供一個超級敏感, 25鍵三排鍵盤的演奏聽起來像傳統樂器。 在霍納Squeezebox的應用程式允許音樂家練習和弦組合,體重秤,並在這去的歌曲。耳機可用於私人執業,或虛擬手風琴的音頻輸出可以通過插入電腦揚聲器或其他聲音增強設備被放大。 玩家可以選擇對白色大pearloid按鈕中顯示的音符名稱。有了輕觸按鈕,調性可以從“濕調”給人一種動畫的聲音,以“乾調”來改變。 這個程式是非常適合初學者或專業音樂家誰需要一個簡單的隨身伴侶讚美他或她的實際手風琴。雖然並不意味著要取代一個真正的手風琴,應用程式是一個方便和容易的工具練習,學習或教學。 EAD常用於德克薩斯 - 墨西哥, Cojunto ,北? o和柴迪科。 觸摸變速選擇按鈕選擇左,中,右25標準的31鍵鍵盤的按鍵。 一定要檢查出“真正的玩家,真正的音樂”上的應用程式網站的視頻。 霍納- 迷你(在GCF ) ,霍納- FBbEb Mini和霍納- EAD迷你可用於iPhone和iPod Touch 。 Hohner announces the introduction of a series of revolutionary new apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch: The Hohner SqueezeBox. Mimicking the layout of Hohner's iconic Corona Classic diatonic accordion, these intuitive virtual accordion apps feature a super responsive, 25-button three-row fingerboard that plays and sounds like the traditional instrument. The Hohner SqueezeBox apps allow musicians to practice chord combinations, scales, and songs on-the-go. Headphones can be used for private practice, or the audio output of the virtual accordion can be amplified by plugging into computer speakers, or other sound enhancing devices. Players may select to have the note names displayed on the large white pearloid buttons. With the touch of a button, the tonality can be changed from "wet tuning" giving an animated sound, to "dry tuning". This app is ideal for the beginning student or professional musician who needs a simple carry-on companion to compliment his or her actual accordion. While not meant to be a replacement for a real accordion, the app is a convenient and easy tool for practicing, learning, or teaching. EAD is commonly used for Tex-Mex, Cojunto, Norteo, and Zydeco. Touch the shift select buttons to choose the left, center, or right 25 buttons of the standard 31-button fingerboard. Be sure to check out the "Real Players, Real Music" videos on the app website. Hohner-Mini (in GCF), Hohner-FBbEb Mini, and Hohner-EAD Mini are available for the iPhone and iPod Touch. Hohner-GCF, Hohner-FBbEb, Hohner-EAD, Hohner-ADG, and Hohner-BbEbAb, full 31-button instruments are also available for the iPad.


