迪吉彭理工學院(DigiPen Institute of Technology)成立於1998年,它不是典型的高等學府。在以往的普林斯頓遊戲設計專業院校排名里,迪吉彭一直處於前位,在2013年的排名里,本科專業排名第三,僅次於南加州大學和猶他大學並領先於麻省理工學院這樣的頂尖綜合大學。
- 中文名:迪吉彭理工學院
- 外文名:DigiPen Institue of Technology
- 簡稱:DIT
- 創辦時間:1998年
- 類別:私立學院
- 現任校長:Claude Comair
- 所屬地區:美國
- 主要獎項:2014 Sense of Wonder Night in Tokyo
Winner of Student Showcase in 2012 IGF
Winner of Student Showcase in 2011 IGF
Winner of Student Showcase in 2010 IGF
Winner of Student Showcase in 2009 IGF
學校介紹,學校地址,教學規模,本科學位,碩士學位,大學排名,學校服務,科研成就,學生遊戲參賽成果,Independent Games Festival,PAX 10,Indie Game Challenge,Other Game Awards,電影參賽結果,Super Secret(2013),Level 1457 LAST(2013),Sushi Mischief(2013),Beneath the Night Sea(2013),Cat Fight(2013),Bait and Switch(2014),
迪吉彭的宗旨是訓練年輕人才,設計新一代的Donkey Kongs和Mario Brothers的電子遊戲。學校職員說,他們希望造就新一批合格學員,以滿足電子遊戲業越來越多的需求。華盛頓州州長駱家輝在2002年正式承認了這家私立大學。大學每年將招收200餘名bachelor of science學位的學生。美國任天堂為大學提供技術援助、實驗室空間和課程援助。迪吉彭創辦人科邁爾說:“這個地點是世界電腦軟體之都。” 他指出微軟、康帕和Digital等電腦大公司的總部近在咫尺。他說,他之所以選擇學校不附屬任何現有大學,是因為他希望控制學生必須考取的學分數目——比標準大學規定的還高出很多的嚴格的150分左右。每名學生將擁有一台位於公共區域的連線網際網路的電腦。

Redmond是離西雅圖很近的一個小城市,位於西雅圖東部、太平洋西北麥卡高科技區,居民人口約46000 人。不過白天的流動人口達90000 人。西雅圖是美國太平洋西北部的商業、文化及先進技術中心,也是橫跨太平洋及歐洲貿易的主要港口城市。西雅圖這個城市不僅西靠太平洋,在市區裡面,有個大湖:Lake Washington, 將西雅圖隔開為東西兩邊,湖東則有Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Medina等幾個小區構成,著名的微軟公司就建在Redmond,西雅圖幾乎連年被評選為全美最適合居住的城市。
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Game Design
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Engineering and Sound Design
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Digital Art and Animation
Bachelor of Arts in Game Design
Bachelor of Arts in Music and Sound Design
Master of Science in Computer Science
Master of Fine Arts in Digital Arts
Princeton Review
Career Service:學校提供面試指導以及簡歷輔導。junior, senior以及master student可以參加學校主持的company day。 在特定的company day會有不同的公司前來初步面試學生。其中較為著名的包括微軟, 暴雪, 任天堂以及wargaming。
標題 | 作者 | 獎項 |
"Priority-Based Level of Detail Approach for Interpolated Animations of Articulated Models." | Antoine Abi Chakra and Xin Li | the Best Paper Award at the 2010 Asia Conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Games. |
"Dynamic Motion Patches in Configurable Environments for Character Animation and Path Planning." | Kelson Gist and Xin Li | the Best Paper Award at the 2008 GAME-ON North America Conference. |
"Player Modeling Using Knowledge Transfer." | Guy Shahine and Bikramjit Banerjee | the Best Paper Award at the 2007 GAME-ON North America Conference. |
Independent Games Festival
- Dungeon Delvers- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF China 2015 (Singapore)
- Dungeon Delvers- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2015 (Singapore)
- Lurking- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)
- Lurking- Excellence in Technology (Professional Category), IGF China 2014 (Singapore)
- Lurking- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)
- Iris- Excellent Student Winner,IGF China 2014 (Singapore)
- Iris- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)
- Meowchine Mayhem- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2014 (Singapore)
- Descension: Depths of De’Mae- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2013 (Singapore)
- Perspective- Finalist, Technical Excellence (Professional Category), IGF 2013
- Super Space ____- Finalist, Excellence in Design (Professional Category), IGF 2013
- Chrono Disfunglement- Honorable Mention, Student Showcase, IGF 2013
- Blockhead- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2012 (Singapore)
- Flip's Adventure- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2012 (Singapore)
- Potawatomi- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2012 (Singapore)
- Pixi- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2012 (Singapore)
- Nous- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Honorable Mention, Student Showcase, IGF 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Honorable Mention, Technical Excellence (Professional Category), IGF 2012
- Be Good- Honorable Mention, Student Showcase, IGF 2012
- Solace- Winner, Student Showcase, IGF 2011
- Pixi- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2011 (Singapore)
- Pixi- Excellent Student Winner, IGF China 2011 (Singapore)
- Terra: The Legend of the Geochine- IGF Student Finalist, GDC China 2011 (Singapore)
- Void- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF China 2011 (Singapore)
- Void– Winner, Best Student Game, China IGF 2011 (Singapore)
- Void–Excellence in Technology (Professional Category), China IGF 2011 (Singapore)
- Dreamside Maroon- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2010
- Igneous- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2010
- GEAR- Honorable Mention, IGF 2010
- Tag: The Power of Paint- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF 2009
- Tag: The Power of Paint- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2009
- Empyreal Nocturne- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2008
- Synaesthete- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF 2008
- Synaesthete- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2008
- Synaesthete- Finalist, Excellence in Visual Arts (Professional Category), IGF 2008
- Base Invaders- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2007
- Gelatin Joe- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2007
- Toblo- Winner, Best Student Game, IGF 2007
- Toblo- Finalist, Student Showcase, IGF 2007
- Toblo- Finalist, Design Innovation Award (Professional Category), IGF 2007
- Narbacular Drop- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2006
- Orblitz- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2006
- Sea of Chaos- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2006
- Rumble Box- Finalist, Innovation in Game Design (Professional Category), IGF 2006
- Kisses- Finalist (Professional Category), IGF 2005
- Kisses- Finalist (Open Category), IGF 2005
- Rock Station- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2005
- Scavenger Hunt- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2005
- Ice Wars- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2004
- Bontago- Winner, Innovation in Game Design (Professional Category), IGF 2004
- Scrapped- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2004
- Crazy Cross- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003
- Vektor Space- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003
- Mall Monster- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003
- Valence- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2003
- Commando Attack Sub- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2002
- Thugs- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2002
- GenJox- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2001
- Matrix Attack- Student Showcase Winner, IGF 2001
PAX 10
- Flickers- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2014
- Deity- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2012
- A Flipping Good Time- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2011
- Solace- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2010
- Tag: The Power of Paint- PAX 10 Selection, Penny Arcade Expo 2009
Indie Game Challenge
- Nitronic Rush- Gamer's Choice Award, Voted on by the Public, Indie Game Challenge 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2012
- The Fourth Wall- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2012
- Solace- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2011
- Subsonic- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2011
- GEAR- Non-Professional Grand Prize Winner, Indie Game Challenge 2010
- GEAR- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2010
- Dreamside Maroon- Finalist, Indie Game Challenge 2010
Other Game Awards
- RumbleTV- Winner, E3 College Game Competition 2015
- girl, i see right thru u, Bronze Winner, Games for Good (Student), Serious Play Awards 2015
- Close Your Eyes- Finalist, IndieCade 2014
- Sunder- Winner, Audience Choice Award, IndieCade 2014
- Sunder- Official Selection, IndieCade 2014
- Chained- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2014
- Chained- Gold Winner, Games for Good, International Serious Play Awards 2014
- Lurking- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2014
- SubRay- Finalist, Indie Game Contest, Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival 2014
- SubRay- Winner, Intel Developer Showcase Award, Intel Buzz Workshop 2014
- Inaris: The Cloud Temple- Finalist, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2014
- Iona: Coded Will- Finalist, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2014
- Umbra Chronicles- Finalist, Indie Game Contest, Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival 2014
- Umbra Chronicles- Finalist, Best Student Game, Gamelab Barcelona 2014
- Umbra Chronicles-Winner, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2013
- Umbra Chronicles- Finalist, Best Sound Award, hóPlay 2013
- Twisted- Finalist, Best Student Game, Gamelab Barcelona 2013
- Perspective- Finalist, Best Gameplay, Brazilian International Game Festival 2012
- Perspective- Finalist, Best Original Idea Award, hóPlay 2012
- Perspective- Finalist, Playability Award, hóPlay 2012
- Super Space_____- Finalist, IndieCade 2012
- Molto Vivace- Finalist, Best Basque Video Game Award, hóPlay 2012
- Douse- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2012
- Deity- Grand Prize Winner, Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Technical Excellence Winner, Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Grand Prize), Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Best Audio), Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Winner (Playability Award), hóPlay 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Best Sound/Music Award), hóPlay 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Finalist (Best Design Award), hóPlay 2012
- Nitronic Rush- Winner, Best Independent Game Award, Fun & Serious Games Festival 2012
- Leshy- Finalist (Technical Excellence), Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Leshy- Finalist (Best Design), Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Leshy- Finalist (Best Audio), Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Nous- Best Narrative Award, Brazilian International Game Festival 2012
- Gear: Full Circle- Honorable Mention, Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- The Fourth Wall- Honorable Mention, Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Solstice- Winner, Kinect Award, hóPlay 2012
- Solstice- Honorable Mention, Independent Propeller Awards 2012
- Solstice- Invited Presenter at the Sense of Wonder Night, Tokyo Game Show 2011
- Solace- Finalist, IndieCade 2010
- Solace- Honorable Mention, Independent Propellor Awards 2012
- A Flipping Good Time- Official Selection, Extra Credits Innovation Award, LOGIN 2011
- Sowlar- Finalist, IndieCade 2009
- Toblo- Finalist, Slamdance 2007
- Base Invaders- Finalist, Slamdance 2007
- Toblo- Best Game on the Go Winner, Intel Games Demo 2006
- Toblo- Audience Award, Northwest Games Festival 2006
- Narbacular Drop- Finalist, Slamdance 2006
- Rumble Box- Physics Award, Slamdance 2006
- Rumble Box- Finalist, Slamdance 2006
- Scavenger Hunt- Audience Award, Slamdance 2005
- Scavenger Hunt- Finalist, Slamdance 2005
Super Secret(2013)
- Seattle International Film Festival
- LA International Student Film Festival
- Portland Film Festival
- Traverse City Film Festival (by invitation)
- Tumbleweed Film Festival (by invitation)
- Tacoma Film Festival (by invitation)
- Columbia Gorge Film Festival
- Blue Plum Animation Festival
Level 1457 LAST(2013)
- Blue Plum Animation Festival, Winner, Best of Student Award, 2014
- Palm Springs International Shorts Fest
- SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 Animation Theater
- Los Angeles International Student Film Festival
- Portland Film Festival
- Columbia Gorge International Film Festival
Sushi Mischief(2013)
- Portland Film Festival
- Columbia Gorge International Film Festival
- Blue Plum Animation Festival
Beneath the Night Sea(2013)
- Columbia Gorge International Film Festival
- Blue Plum Animation Festival
- Best Animation at DAFNE (formerly the Digital Arts Festival) in Redmond
Cat Fight(2013)
- Blue Plum Animation Festival
- Columbia Gorge International Film Festival
Bait and Switch(2014)
- Blue Plum Animation Festival
- Columbia Gorge International Film Festival