



  • 軟體名稱:迎來的管理事件
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:20.11MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
迎來?對於事件管理是管理與Facebook的活動最酷的方式。獨家策劃的事件很容易地從您的智慧型手機。 一個更好的方法來與Facebook的管理事件:傳送個性化請柬為你的下一個事件,使得大多數您的Facebook網路。規劃聯誼會或兄弟會扎堆,夜總會事件或局部表現?與亞瑟小子,你可以創建從你的iPhone的事件和使用方便的過濾器來邀請你的客人在幾分鐘內。 從規劃到聚會,所有的智慧型手機上:檢查回函實時,甚至送最後一分鐘邀請。管理單獨的貴賓名單和您的活動使用亞瑟小子在你的iPhone集成的客人名單的每一個方面。不舒服不列印的嘉賓名單?亞瑟小子可以列印,對於你的。 手機門票涼的事件:亞瑟小子直接把你的客人的智慧型手機提供獨特的移動門票。在你的下一個街區聚會或聯誼會正式的,你的客人會不會擔心失去他們的門票或排起了長在門線上。 前所未有管理門:您門衛可以檢查人在使用上迎來他們的iPhone ,使用Facebook的照片, QR碼,視力代碼,亞瑟碼驗證票,聲碼...... ,一旦一方開始,你可以看到什麼?誰是從手機到達,而無需設定你喝下去!Usher for Managing Events is the coolest way to manage events with Facebook. Plan exclusive events easily from your smartphone. A better way to manage events with Facebook: Send out personalized invitations for your next event, making the most of your Facebook networks. Planning a sorority or fraternity get together, nightclub event, or local performance With Usher, you can create an event from your iPhone and use convenient filters to invite your guests in minutes. From planning to party, all on your smartphone: Check RSVPs in real-time, and even send last minute invitations. Manage separate VIP lists and every aspect of your event with integrated guest lists using Usher on your iPhone. Not comfortable without your printed guest list Usher can print that for you, too. Mobile tickets as cool as your event: Usher delivers unique mobile tickets directly to your guests’ smartphones. At your next block party or fraternity formal, your guests won’t have to worry about losing their tickets or waiting in a long line at the door. Manage the door like never before: Your doormen can check people in using Usher on their iPhones, validate tickets using a Facebook photo, QR Code, Sight Code, Usher Code, Sonic Code...and once the party starts, you can see who’s arrived from your phone without having to set your drink down!


