辦事便利貼是書籍閱讀類軟體,支持Android 1.5。
- 套用名稱:辦事便利貼
- 套用平台:mobile
- 套用版本:1.0
- 運行環境:Android 1.5
- 套用類型:書籍閱讀類
成功看似遙遠其實就在眼前,關鍵是你能夠保持清醒的頭腦,找對辦事的方式方法,那將會有事半功倍的效果,這裡我們為您傾情提供了以下書籍:《IT高手》《三十六計·為人處世》《三十六計與頂尖創業》《人際物語》《小計策大效益》《微軟的秘密》《管理書系—管理十大秘訣》。。。(In fact,success seems far away in front,the key is that you can keep a clear head,to find ways and means of work,it will have a multiplier effect,where we offer you the following portrait of books“IT expert”Thirty six dollars and acted“Thirty-Six with leading entrepreneurs”interpersonal Story“small big benefit plan”Microsoft‘s secret“Letters of Administration Department-Administration 10 tips”)。