



  • 書名:車輛工程專業英語
  • 作者:劉宏新
  • ISBN:9787111483915
  • 定價:48元
  • 出版社:機械工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年3月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16開




Section I Motor Vehicle Basics
Chapter l Introduction of Motor Vehicles
1. 1 Definition of Motor Vehicles
1. 2 Parts and Systems of Motor Vehicles
1. 2. 1 Basic Parts and Systems
1. 3 Motor Vehicles and Society
1. 3. 1 Promoting the Development of Social Economy
1. 3. 2 Accelerating the Road Transportation
1. 3. 3 Improving the Quality of Life
1. 3.4 Influencing Ecological Environment
1. 3. 5 Building Harmony of Motor Vehicles and Society
Reading Material
Chapter 2 Classification of Motor Vehicles
2.1 Functions
2. 1. 4 Trucks
2. 1. 7 Racing Cars
2. 1. 8 Vehicles for Special Transportation
2. 1. 9 Vehicles for Special Work
2. 1. 10 Agricultural Vehicles
2.3 Body Types
2. 3. 1 Sedans
2.3.2 Hardtops
2. 3. 3 Hatchbacks
2. 3. 4 Convertibles
2. 3. 5 Vans
2. 3. 6 Station Wagons
2. 3.7 Sport Utility Vehicles
2. 3. 8 Pickup Trucks
Reading Material
Section n Motor Vehicle Development
Chapter 3 History of Motor Vehicles
3.1 History of Foreign Automobiles
3. 1. 1 Steam Powered Vehicles
3. 1. 2 Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles
3.2 History of Chinese Automobiles
3. 3 Progress of Motor Vehicles
Chapter 4 Future of Motor Vehicles
4. 1 Lightweight Light Weight
4. 1. 2 Plastic and Polymers
4. 1. 3 Composite Materials
4. 2 Intelligence Smart Vehides
4. 2. 1 Safety Technologies
4. 2. 2 Automatic Technologies
4. 3. 1 Design of Structures
4. 3. 2 Diversity for Fuels
4. 4. 1 Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Section m Motor Vehicle Culture
Chapter 5 Notabilities of Motor Vehicles
5.1 Nicolaus August Otto
5. 1. 1 0ttos First Engine
5. 1. 2 Partnership with Langen
5. 1. 3 The Four-Stroke Engine


