- 中文名:路群
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:中國農業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:細胞自噬與免疫炎症調控
2012年6月-2019年4月在Washing University School of Medicine先後從事博士後和Staff Scientist研究。
細胞自噬 (Autophagy)是真核生物中一種高度保守的由溶酶體介導的細胞內的降解過程。隨著對自噬的核心功能的深入和廣泛研究,科學家們發現自噬的核心功能是清除細胞內不需要的和有潛在危害的細胞組分,例如錯誤摺疊的蛋白聚合物、受損的線粒體以及入侵的細菌病毒等,來維持細胞的穩態平衡。自噬異常與人類的癌症、代謝失調、衰老、神經退行性疾以及免疫炎症和細菌、病毒感染等各個方面都密切相關。我自博士畢業後開始從事自噬相關的研究,包括在秀麗線蟲(Caenorhabditis elegans)中進行自噬基因的遺傳篩選和鑑定,以及自噬基因對小鼠免疫炎症和免疫內穩態的調控作用的研究。自噬基因Epg5首先線上蟲的遺傳篩選中被鑑定發現。2013年人類遺傳學疾病分析顯示,EPG5突變會引起人類多系統失調綜合症Vici syndrome。以小鼠為模型,我們發現Epg-5和其他自噬基因的缺失會導致肺部免疫環境穩態的失衡,引起免疫炎症,進而提高對流感病毒的抵抗,表明個體體內正常的免疫穩態平衡在控制組織炎症和感染疾病中的重要作用。我們將深入下一步的關鍵問題的研究,也就是細胞自噬在免疫炎症發生和調控中的機理。將結合生命科學中心已有研究基礎,綜合免疫學、病毒感染、遺傳學、細胞分子生物學、生物化學等手段,著重探索細胞自噬對肺臟、腸道等黏膜免疫相關組織器官中免疫炎症發生的控制和調節機理,以及自噬基因對流感病毒在高等生物及人體內的抑制作用。
- Martinez, J., Cunha, L.D., Park, S., Yang, M., Lu, Q., Orchard, R., Li, Q.Z., Yan, M., Janke, L., Guy, C., Linkermann, A., Virgin, H.W., and Green, D.R. (2016) Noncanonical autophagy inhibits the autoinflammatory, lupus-like response to dying cells. Nature 5, 115-119. (IF: 41.577, selected as “Very Good” for FACULTY OF 1000 Biology).
- Lu, Q., Yokoyama, C.C., Williams, J.W., Baldridge, M.T., Jin, X.H., DesRochers, B., Bricker, T., Wilen, C.B., Bagaitkar, J. Loginicheva, E., Sergushichev, A, Kreamalmeyer, D., Keller, B.C., Zhao, Y., Kambal, A., Green, D.R., Martinez, J., Dinauer, M.C., Holtzman, M.J., Crouch, E.C., Beatty, W., Boon, A.C.M., Zhang, H., Randolph, G.J., Artyomov, M.N., and Virgin, H.W. (2016) Homeostatic control of innate lung inflammation by Vici syndrome gene Epg5 and additional autophagy genes promotes influenza pathogenesis. Cell Host & Microbe 19, 102-113. (IF: 17.872, Previewed in the same issue of Cell Host & Microbe).
- Martinez, J., Malireddi, R.K., Lu, Q., Cunha, L.D., Pelletier, S., Gingras, S., Orchard, R., Guan, J.L., Tan, H., Peng, J., Kanneqanti, T.D., Virgin H.W., and Green D.R. (2015) Molecular characterization of LC3-associated phagocytosis reveals distinct roles for Rubicon, NOX2 and autophagy proteins. Nature Cell Biology 17, 893-906. (IF: 19.064, selected as “Very Good” for FACULTY OF 1000 Biology).
- Zhang, H., Chang, J.T., Guo, B., Hansen, M., Jia, K.L., Kovács, A.L., Kumsta, C., Lapierre, L.R., Legouis, R., Lin, L., Lu, Q., Meléndez, A., O'Rourke, E.J., Sato, K., Sato, M., Wang, X.C. and Wu, F. (2015) Guidelines for monitoring autophagy in Caenorhabditis elegans. Autophagy 11, 9-27. (IF: 11.1)
- Wang, H.B., Lu, Q. (Co-first author), Cheng, S., Wang, X., and Zhang, H. (2013). Autophagy activity contributes to programmed cell death in Caenorhabditis elegans. Autophagy 9, 1975-1982. (IF: 11.1)
- Cheng, S.Y., Wu, Y., Lu, Q., Yan, J.C., Zhang, H., and Wang, X.C. (2013). Autophagy genes coordinate with the class II PI/PtdIns 3-kinase PIKI-1 to regulate apoptotic cell clearance in C. elegans. Autophagy 9, 2022-2032. (IF: 11.1)
- Lu, Q., Wu, F., and Zhang, H. (2013) Aggrephagy: lessons from C. elegans. Biochemical J 452 (part 3), 381-390. (IF: 3.857, review article)
- Lin, L., Yang, P.G., Huang, X.X., Zhang, H., Lu, Q., and Zhang, H. (2013). The scaffold protein EPG-7 links cargo-receptor complexes with the autophagic assembly machinery. Journal of Cell Biology 201, 113-129. (IF: 8.784)
- Sun, T., Wang, X.W., Lu, Q., Ren, H.Y., and Zhang, H. (2011). CUP-5, the C. elegans ortholog of the mammalian lysosomal channel protein MLN1/TRPML1, is required for proteolytic degradation in autolysosomes. Autophagy 7, 1308-1315. (IF: 11.1)
- Lu, Q., Yang, P.G., Huang, X.X., Hu, W.Q., Guo, B., Wu, F., Lin, L., Kovács, A.L., Yu, L. and Zhang, H.(2011) The WD40 repeat PtdIns(3)P-binding protein EPG-6 regulates progression of omegasomes to autophagosomes. Developmental Cell 21, 343-357. (IF: 9.616, selected as “Very Good” for FACULTY OF 1000 Biology).
- Tian, Y., Ren, H.Y., Zhao, Y., Lu, Q., Huang, X.X., Yang, P.G., and Zhang, H.(2010) Four metazoan autophagy genes regulate cargo recognition, autophagosome formation and autolysosomal degradation. Autophagy 6, 984-985. (IF: 11.1)
- Tian, Y., Li, Z.P., Hu, W.Q., Ren, H.Y., Tian, E, Zhao, Y., Lu, Q., Huang, X.X., Yang, P.G., Li, X., Wang, X.C., Kovács, A.L., Yu, L. and Zhang, H.(2010) C. elegans screen identifies autophagy genes specific to multicellular organisms. Cell 141, 1042-1055. (IF: 31.898, Previewed as a leading edge finding in the same issue of Cell; selected as “Exceptional” for FACULTY OF 1000 Biology; highlighted by in Nature China).
- Zou, W., Lu, Q. (Co-first author), Zhao, D.F., Li, W.D., Mapes, J., Xie, Y., and Wang, X.C. (2009). Caenorhabditis elegans myotubularin MTM-1 negatively regulates the engulfment of apoptotic cells. PLoS genetics 5, e1000679. (IF: 5.54)
- Lu, Q., Zhang, Y., Hu, T.J., Guo, P.F., Li, W.D., and Wang, X.C. (2008). C. elegans Rab GTPase 2 is required for the degradation of apoptotic cells. Development 135, 1069-1080. (IF: 5.413)