



  • 書名:路徑與挑戰:不同視角下的上海國際金融中心建設
  • 作者:賀瑛 張樹義
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年12月
  • 頁數:145 頁
  • 定價:25 元
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787309105209


本書是“2013全球金融案例大賽” (2013 Global Finance Case Competition)的報告匯集文集。來自德國、紐西蘭、匈牙利、坦尚尼亞、辛巴威、日本、中國大陸、中國台灣和中國香港等地的高校學生,圍繞現代金融和科技發展,深入分析全球化背景下的金融中心建設及其金融與科技互動等問題,為上海國際金融中心建設建言獻策,本書是各組學生的研究報告合集。


Chapter 1 The Development of Tokyo International Financial
Center and Its Enlightenment for Shanghai
Li Shenru, Hidemi Kurita, Taewoong Kim, Nicole Lee
Waseda University Team
1 Introduction
2 The Development of Tokyo as a Financial Center
3 Experience and Lessons Learned from Tokyo Experiences:
Positioned to Serve the Real Economy
4 Tokyo’s Enlightenment for Shanghai
Chapter 2 Building the Global Financial Centre — The Path and
Evidence from Hong Kong
Jinhao Chen, Harry Au, Karry Kong, Jordan Shin
The University of Hong Kong Team
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Quality of Financial Product & Product Diversity
4 Strengthening Supervision by Regulations
5 Development of Modern Business and Communications
6 Building and Education of Human Capital and Financial
7 Limitations
8 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Building the International Financial Center: Path and
Highlights for Shanghai
Rujia Wang, Xina Liu, Xiaokai Jin, Yashu Li
Shanghai Finance University Team
1 Financial History of Shanghai
2 Shanghai’s Relative Advantages and Disadvantages
Compared with Other IFCs
3 Some Existing Prominent Problems
4 Future Orientation of Shanghai IFC
5 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Shanghai International Financial Center
Hsin-Jen Wen, Hsiao-Ting Huang, Bei-Yu Gao,
Tzu-Han Kao
Takming University of Science and Technology Team
1 The Purpose of Project
2 The Advantages of the Financial Center
3 The Establishment of Shanghai International Financial Center
4 Summary
Chapter 5 Shanghai Finance Center and Africa’s Experiences
Doreen Kifumani, Saunath Tayah, Jonathan Muromba
African Union Team
1 What Is a Financial Center
2 Why Do We Study Financial Centers
3 What Are the Global Financial Centers Today
4 What Are the Key Lessons for Shanghai from All These
5 Shanghai Financial Center and Hong Kong Financial Center
6 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Shanghai Budapest Business Bridge
Roland Kapros, Agenlla Serafin
Budapest College of Communication, Business and Arts Team
1 What Is a Global Financial Center
2 Why Do Financial Centers Exist in Our Electronic Age
3 What Are the Benefits of Being Such a Center
4 General Attribute of Hungary
5 Why Budapest Could Be the Financial Center of East-Central Europe
6 Plan: Budapest Gate
7 Shanghai-Budapest Business Bridge
8 Conclusion
Chapter 7 Turning Taipei into an International Financial Center
Shou-Han Liu, En-Ti Hwang, Tien-Yung Chou,
Shao-Yi Peng
National Taiwan University Team
1 What Is an International Financial Center
2 Taiwan
3 Why Can We Turn Taipei into an International Financial Center
Chapter 8 The Development and Future of Shanghai as an
International Financial Center
LING Quincy, OSWALD Kolja, TURNBULL Mahoney
Matariki University Network Team
1 Introduction
2 Methodologies
3 Frankfurt as a Case Study
4 Shanghai as an IFC
5 Conclusions


