



  • 中文名:趙麗秋
  • 國籍:中國
  • 出生日期:1982.01
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校:比利時魯汶大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:經濟學




2012 –目前: 中國人民大學勞動人事學院


Fei Wang, Liqiu Zhao, Zhong Zhao, 2016, “China’s Family Planning Policies and Their Labor Market Consequences”, Journal of Population Economics, accepted.
Can Tang, Liqiu Zhao, Zhong Zhao, 2016, “Child Labor in China”, China Economic Review,
Yu Guo, Mo Tian, Keqing Han, Karl Johnson and Liqiu Zhao, 2016, “What Determines Pension Insurance Participation in China? Triangulation and the Intertwined Relationship among Employers, Employees and the Government”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27(18), 2142-2160.
Wouter Torfs and Liqiu Zhao, 2015, “Does Everybody Need Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 55, 39-54.


Liqiu Zhao, Fei Wang and Zhong Zhao, “Trade Liberalization and Child Labor”
Randall Akee, Liqiu Zhao and Zhong Zhao, “Unintended Consequence of China's New Labor Contract Law”
Liqiu Zhao and Yu Guo, “Can Social Assistance Enable the Poor to Escape the Poverty Trap? The Effects of Minimum Living Standard Guarantee System on Household Expenditures in Rural China”
Liqiu Zhao and Minghai Zhou, “Do Only Children Have Poor Vision: Evidence from China’s One Child Policy”, Working Paper.
Liqiu Zhao, “A Gravity Model of Migration: Estimating Dialect Border Effects in China”
Liqiu Zhao and Xianguo Yao, Does Local Social Capital Deter Labor Migration? Evidence from Rural China
Liqiu Zhao, Tao Yang and Yu Guo, “Consumption and Cities: Evidence from Urban China”
Jozef Konings, Werner Roeger and Liqiu Zhao, “Price-cost Margins and Share of Fixed Factors”
Liqiu Zhao, Mark-ups and Agglomeration: Price Competition vs. Externalities


Jun Han and Liqiu Zhao, “Life Cycle Consumption During the Economic Transition of Structure Rural China”
Yun Xiao, Li Li and Liqiu Zhao, “The Short Run Effects of Education Fee Reduction: Evidence from a Free Compulsory Education Reform in Rural China”


2016年6月3日-4日,於成都參加2016 Regional Urban and Spatial Economics conference,並報告文章“A Gravity model of migration: estimating dialect boarder effects in China” 。
2016年3月31日-4月1日,於美國華盛頓參加2016年美國人口學年會,並報告文章“Trade Liberalization and Child Labor in China”。
2015年12月,於廈門參加2015 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics,並報告文章“Unemployment and Its Effects on Unhappiness: Unintended Consequence of China's New Labor Contract Law”。
2015年1月2日-5日,於美國波士頓參加2015年美國經濟學年會,並報告文章“Unintended Consequence of China's New Labor Contract Law”。
2014年7月18-19日,於德國波恩參加第6屆IZA/CIER Annual Workshop on Research in Labor Economics,並報告文章“Does Public Health Insurance Crowd Out Private Transfer? Evidence from China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme”。
2013年12月7-8日,於廈門參加2013 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics,並報告文章“Everybody Needs Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”。
2013年6月,於北京參加第1屆Econometric Society China Meeting,並報告文章“Everybody Needs Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”。
2013年5月17-19日,於美國波士頓參加第10屆Annual International Industrial Organization Conference,並報告文章“Adjustment Costs in Capital and Labor”。
2012 第17屆青年經濟學家春季會議 (SMYE),曼海姆,德國
2011 第58屆北美區域科學協會年會,邁阿密,美國
2011 第51屆歐洲區域科學協會年會,巴塞隆納,西班牙
2011 CEPR-JIE套用產業組織年會,特拉維夫,以色列
2011 Belgian Day for Labor Economists,根特,比利時
2009 第六屆關於利用微觀數據的實證研究的CWE國際研討會,北京,中國


2012 第17屆青年經濟學家的春季會議 (SMYE)最佳論文獎,“Does Everybody Need Good Neighbors? Labor Mobility Costs, Cities and Matching”,曼海姆,德國
2008-2012 博士生獎學金,魯汶大學,比利時
2007-2008 LMU-CSC獎學金
2007 利茲大學Postgraduate Research Summer School支助,英國
2006 宗慶後獎學金,浙江大學
2005 經濟學院最佳學位論文,浙江大學




