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  • 中文名:趙靜
  • 畢業院校:美國德克薩斯農工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:課程與教學
  • 任職院校:中山大學


2017至今 中山大學外國語學院副教授
2014-2015 美國哈佛大學訪問學者
2011-2013 中山大學外國語學院師資博士後
2011: 美國德克薩斯農工大學教育學院課程與教學博士
2007: 青島大學外國語言學與套用語言學碩士
2004: 青島大學英語語言文學學士


Second language acquisition (SLA);
Bilingual language and literacy development;
EFL teacher professional development


Spring 2018:外語教學理論與實踐(17級英語語言文學、外國語言學及套用語言學研究生); 英語口譯II(15英語專必);
Fall 2017: 現代語言學(17級英語語言文學、外國語言學及套用語言學研究生)
Fall 2016: 英語口譯I (14英語專必); 英語口譯基礎II(14輔修專必)
Spring 2016: 英語口譯基礎I (14輔修專必);綜合英語 III(14輔修專必)
Fall 2015: : 英語口譯I (13英語專必); 英語口譯基礎II(13輔修專必)
Spring 2014: 語言學概論(與常晨光教授合上;12英語專必)
Fall 2013: 英語口譯I (11英語專必); 英語口譯基礎II(10輔修專必);英語寫作 (10輔修專必)
Spring 2013:英語口譯II(10英語專必);英語口譯基礎I (10輔修專必);語言學概論(與常晨光教授合上;11英語專必)
Fall 2012: 外國文化 I (12英語專必);英語口譯I (10英語專必); 英語口譯基礎II(09輔修專必)
Spring 2012:英語口譯基礎I (09輔修專必)
Fall 2011:英語寫作 (08輔修專必); 第一外國語(英語) (11日法德俄碩士博士研究生)


Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Zhao, J., Joshi, M., Dixon, L. Q., & Chen, S. (2017). Contribution of phonological, morphological and orthographic awareness to English word spelling: A comparison of EL1 and EFL models.Contemporary Educational Psychology,49, 185-194. doi:
Zhao, J., Dixon, L.Q., Quiroz, B., & Chen, S. (2017). The relationship between vocabulary and word reading among Head Start Spanish-English bilingual children.Early Childhood Education Journal,45(1), 27-34. doi: 10.1007/s10643-015-0764-8 (SSCI)
Zhao, J., Quiroz, B., Dixon, L. Q., & Joshi, M. (2016). Comparing bilingual to monolingual learners on English spelling: A meta-analytic review.Dyslexia, 22, 193-213. doi:10.1002/dys.1530(SSCI; Impact Factor 1.733; Q1)
Zhao, J., Joshi, R.M., Dixon, L. Q., & Huang, L. (2016). Chinese EFL teachers’ knowledge of basic language constructs and their self-perceived teaching abilities.Annals of Dyslexia, 66(1), 127-146. doi: 10.1007/s11881-015-0110-2 (SSCI; Impact Factor: 1.444; Q2)
Yi, L., Fan, Y.,Zhao, J., Huang, D., Li, Y., & Zou, X. (2013). Atypical understanding of mental terms in Chinese-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder.Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 7, 1411-1417. doi: 10.1016/j.rasd.2013.08.009 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q.,Zhao, J., Shin, J.-Y., Wu, S., Su, J.-S., Burgess-Brigham, R., Gezer, M. U. & Snow, C. E. (2012). What we know about second language acquisition: A synthesis from four perspectives.Review of Educational Research, 82 (1), 5-60. doi: 10.3102/0034654311433587 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q.,Zhao, J., Quiroz, B., & Shin, J.-Y. (2012). Home and community factors influencing bilingual children’s ethnic language vocabulary development.International Journal of Bilingualism, 16,541-565. doi: 10.1177/1367006911429527 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q.,Zhao, J., & Joshi, R. M. (2012). One dress, two dress: Dialectal influence on spelling of English words among kindergarten children in Singapore.System, 40, 214-225. doi: 10.1016/j.system.2012.02.003 (SSCI)
Dixon, L. Q.,Zhao, J., & Joshi, R. M. (2010). Influence of L1 orthography on spelling English words by bilingual children: A natural experiment comparing syllabic, phonological, and morphosyllabic first languages.Learning Disability Quarterly, 33, 211-221. (SSCI)
Quiroz, B., Snow, C. E., &Zhao, J.(2010). Vocabulary skills of Spanish/English bilinguals: Impact of mother-child language interactions and home language and literacy support.International Journal of Bilingualism,14, 379-399. doi: 10.1177/1367006910370919 (SSCI)
黃麗燕、趙靜(通訊作者)、陳心怡. 2016. 英語教師的基本語言知識結構要素及其預測能力研究.外語教學與研究 (CSSCI一類A核心期刊) 48(4): 425-436.
Books and Book Chapters
Zhao, J., & Dixon, L.Q. (2017) (Eds.).English-Medium Instruction in Chinese Universities: Perspectives, Discourse and Evaluation. New York, NY: Routledge.
Dixon, L.Q., &Zhao, J.(2016). Bilingual language development. In Jean Berko Gleason & Nan Bernstein Ratner (Eds.)The Development of Language (9th Edition)(pp. 285-307). New York, NY: Pearson.
Jing, Y., &Zhao, J.(2015). A comparative study of reporting verb usage in academic writing of Chinese and English scholars. In X. Xu. & J. Chen (Eds.).Language Meaning: Grammar, Discourse and Corpus(pp. 242-259). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press.
Book Reviews and Translation
Zhao, J.(2016). A review of “Intercultural contact, language learning and migration”.Language and Education,30(3),286-288. doi:10.1080/09500782.2015.1115058 (A&HCI; SSCI)
Zhao, J.(2012). A review of “Spelling and society: The culture and politics of orthography around the world”.Asia EFL Journal, 14(2),157-159.
Zhao, J.(2010). A review of “Modern languages in the primary school”.Language and Education, 6, 542-545.
Zhao, J., & Dai, F. (2014).Lingnan Foundation: Long-lasting Influence in Education――The 30th Anniversary of Cooperation between Sun Yat-sen University and Lingnan Foundation (1980—2010). Guangzhou: Sun Yat-sen University Press.
Research Grants
(1) Home literacy environment and emergent literacy development in Chinese children with ASD (PI)
Funded by the National Social Science Fund of China
(2) Expressive writing and university students’ foreign language anxiety: An intervention study (PI)
Funded by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China
(3) The relationship between metalinguistic awareness and children’s EFL reading skills (PI)
General Financial Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
(4) Strengthening Europeans' Capabilities by Establishing the European Literacy Network (ELN) (non-EU expert; PI: Rui Alves)
Funded by European Cooperation in Science and Technology


2014 廣東省高等學校“千百十工程”校級培養對象
2010 George W. Kunze Prize, Office of Graduate Studies, Texas A&M University
2010 Dissertation Research Grant, Department of Teaching, Learning and Culture, Texas A&M University
2009 George Bush International Travel Grant,George Bush Presidential Library Foundation


  • 中國英漢語對比研究會心理語言學專業委員會理事 (2011—present) ---中國心理語言學論壇:
  • Member, Asia TEFL (April, 2008— present)
  • Member, American Education Research Association (Feb 2009—present)
  • Member, Society of Scientific Study of Reading (Feb 2009-present)
  • Member, American Association of Applied Linguistics (Feb 2010—present)


