- 中文名:趙長星
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:山東省曹縣
- 出生日期:1976年5月
- 職業:青島農業大學教授
- 畢業院校:山東農業大學、青島農業大學、中國科學院
- 代表作品:現代旱地作物栽培技術及種質創新的研究術
- 從事學科領域:作物栽培學與耕作學
受邀成為”Asian Journal of Plant Science”、” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces “、“Agricultural and Forest Meteorology”、“Comptes Rendus Biologies”等國際刊物及“生態學報”、“西北植物學報”、“遺傳”等國內刊物的審稿專家。
項目名稱 | 起止時間 | 項目來源 | 項目編號 | 經費總額(元) | 主持/參加 |
《植物生態學》課程體系建設與教學改革 | 2006-2009 | 青島農業大學 | 1000 | 參加 | |
農學專業山東省特色專業 | 2008-2009 | 山東省教育廳 | 200000 | 參加 |
編號 | 項目名稱 | 起止時間 | 項目來源 | 項目編號 | 經費總額 | 位次 |
1 | 現代旱地作物栽培技術及種質創新的研究 | 2009.01- 2013.12 | "泰山學者"項目 | 630919 | 200 | 7/7 |
2 | 旱地超高產小麥節水高效生理生態機制的研究 | 2008.01- 2009.12 | 國家自然科學基金 | 30871484 | 8 | 2/7 |
3 | 耐旱高產冬小麥品種根系吸水特徵及其機理研究 | 2008.01- 2009.12 | 國家重點實驗室 | 10501-194 | 5 | 主持 |
4 | 小麥-玉米周年生物節水栽培技術研究與套用 | 2008.01- 2010.12 | 青島市自然基金 | 620910 | 5 | 3/6 |
5 | 旱地小麥高產生理生態機制的研究 | 2008.01- 2009.12 | 國家博士後基金 | 20080430567 | 3 | 主持 |
6 | 現代花生產業技術體系栽培土肥研究室-旱作栽培機理研究 | 2008.01- 2013.12 | 國家現代農業產業技術體系 | Nycytx-19 | 350 | 3/8 |
7 | 環境協調型旱作節水農作制度研究 | 2007.01- 2010.12 | 國家科技支撐計畫 | 2006BAD29B02 | 20 | 3/6 |
8 | 玉米根系生態學及水力學特徵與其整體水分關係的研究 | 2007.01- 2008.12 | 山東省教育廳 | J06K57 | 2 | 1/5 |
9 | 耐旱節水性小麥種質資源根系吸水特徵特性及其機理的研究 | 2007.01- 2009.12 | 青島市自然基金 | 08-1-3-21-jch | 10 | 1/7 |
10 | 高產優質多、出口、專用花生新品種培育 | 2006.01- 2010.12 | 山東省良種工程 | 魯農良種字[2006]6號 | 50 | 4/6 |
11 | 小麥根系水分生理生態機制的研究 | 2006.01- 2007.12 | 青島農業大學博士啟動基金 | 630523 | 6 | 主持 |
12 | 玉米根系吸水的雜種優勢研究 | 2006.01- 2008.12 | 國家自然科學基金 | 30571127 | 26 | 2/7 |
13 | 半乾旱地區農業高效用水的生物學原理及其套用 | 2005.01- 2008.12 | 中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目 | KZCX3-SW-444 | 150 | 3/6 |
14 | 中國乾旱區不同基因型小麥根系水分功能的研究 | 2005.01- 2006.01 | 國家留學基金委員會 | 留金出(040114) | 12 | 主持 |
成果名稱 | 位次 | 獎勵等級 | 頒獎單位 | 時間 |
旱地小麥肥料早施深施節水優質高產栽培理論與技術 | 5 | 二等 | 教育部 | 2008.01 |
中國科學院劉永齡獎學金 | 1 | 特別獎 | 中國科學院 | 2005.07 |
水土保持與旱地農業國家重點實驗室主任獎學金 | 1 | 特別獎 | 國家重點實驗室 | 2005.07 |
中國科學院"西部學子"獎學金一等 | 1 | 一等 | 中國科學院 | 2005.07 |
中國科學院院長獎 | 1 | 優秀獎 | 中國科學院 | 2004.10 |
論文名稱 | 刊物名稱 | 出版時間 | 作者位次 | SCI/EI收錄情況 | 影響因子 | 起止頁碼 | |
1. | Cobalt Induced Variations in Growth and Pigment Composition of Arachis hypogaea L | Academic Journal of Plant Sciences | 2009.02 | 通訊作者/4 | 74-77 | ||
2. | Antioxidant potentials protect Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek plants from soil cobalt stress and improve growth and pigment composition | Plant Omics Journal | 2009.03 | 通訊作者/4 | 120-126 | ||
3 | Variations in Growth and Pigment Compositon of Sunlower Varieties under Early Season Drought Stress | Global Journal of Molecular Sciences | 2009.02 | 通訊作者/5 | 50-56 | ||
4 | Co-aggregation in Azospirillum brasilensense MTCC-125 with other PGPR strains: Effect of physical and chemical factors and stress endurance ability | Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers | 2009.05 | 通訊作者/5 | 491-499 | ||
5. | Effects of different water availability at post anthesis stage on grain nutrition and quality in strong-gluten winter wheat | Comptes rendus Biologies | 2009.08 | 1/5 | SCI | 1.454 | 759-764 |
6. | Effect of physical desiccation on the regeneration efficiency of rice (Oryza sativa L.) variety Super basmati | Journal of Plant Physiology | 2009.07 | 2/4 | SCI | 2.437 | 1568-1575 |
7. | ABA and GA3 affect the growth and pigment composition in Andrographis paniculata Wall.ex Nees., an important folk herb | Frontiers of Biology in China | 2009.03 | 通訊作者/6 | 337-341 | ||
8. | Antioxidant defense responses: Physiological plasticity in higher plants under abiotic constraints | Acta Physiol Plant | 2009.01 | 7/9 | SCI | 0.0379 | 427-436 |
9. | Study on nitrate leaching and nitrogen fate under intensive vegetable production pattern in north China | Comptes Rendus Biologie | 2009.04 | 通訊作者/4 | SCI | 1.454 | 385-392 |
10. | Non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidant variations in tender and mature leaves of Strychnos nux-vomica L. (Family: Loganiaceae) | Comptes Rendus Biologies | 2009.01 | 通訊作者/4 | SCI | 1.454 | 52-57 |
11. | Low Concentration of Cobalt Increases Growth, Biochemical Constituents, Mineral Status and Yield in Zea Mays | Journal of science research | 2009.01 | 通訊作者/4 | 128-137 | ||
12. | Soil applied cobalt alters the nodulation, leg-haemoglobin content and antioxidant status of Glycine max (L.) Merr | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 2008.12 | 3/4 | SCI | 2.593 | 272-275 |
13. | Endogenous hormonal and enzymatic responses of Catharanthus roseus with triadimefon application under water deficits | Comptes Rendus Biologies | 2008.11 | 通訊作者/7 | SCI | 1.454 | 844-852 |
14. | Prospectives for applying molecular and genetic methodology to improve wheat cultivars in drought environments | Comptes Rendus Biologies | 2008.08 | 1/5 | SCI | 1.454 | 579-586 |
15. | A glimpse of lignicolous marine fungi occurring in coastal water bodies of Tamil Nadu (India) | Comptes Rendus Biologies | 2008.06 | 通訊作者/4 | SCI | 1.454 | 475-480 |
16. | Advances in functional regulation mechanisms of plant aquaporins: Their diversity, gene expression, localization, structure and roles in plant soil-water relations | Molecular Membrane Biology | 2008.03 | 通訊作者/4 | SCI | 3.952 | 179 - 191 |
17. | Water-deficit stress-induced anatomical changes in higher plants | Comptes Rendus Biologies | 2008.03 | 4/4 | SCI | 1.454 | 215-225 |
18. | Aquaporin structure-function relationships: Water flow through plant living cells | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 2008.02 | 1/3 | SCI | 2.593 | 163-172 |
19. | Some advances in plant stress physiology and their implications in the systems biology era | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 2007.01 | 通訊作者/8 | SCI | 2.593 | 33-36 |
20. | Investigation on the relationship of proline with wheat anti-drought under soil water deficits | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 2006.01 | 7/8 | SCI | 2.593 | 113-119 |
21. | A primary investigation on the eco-environmental improvement in the western China by the use of in vitro propagation techniques of Taxus (Taxus Media) | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences | 2006.09 | 通訊作者/7 | SCI | 1995-1998 | |
22. | Plant gene regulatory network system under abiotic stress | Acta Biologica Szegediensis | 2006.08 | 通訊作者/6 | SCI | 1-9 | |
23. | Changes in Root Hydraulic Conductivity During Wheat Evolution | Journal of Integrative Plant Biology | 2005.03 | 1/6 | SCI | 0.434 | 302-310 |
24 | Current situation and counter-measures of the development of dryland farming in China | Transaction of the CSAE | 2004.07 | 1/6 | EI | 280-285 | |
25. | Advances in the studies on water uptake by plant roots | Acta Botanica Sinica | 2004.05 | 1/6 | SCI | 0.413 | 505-514 |
著作名稱 | 出版社 | 出版時間 | 位次或職責 |
生態學 | 中國科學出版社 | 2007.8 | 參編 |
根系與植物高效用水 | 中國科學出版社 | 2009.10 | 參著 |