1. "The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications," (with Yao A. Li, John Whalley and Shunming Zhang)The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, 2011, vol. 34(4), pages 516-545, 04. 2. "The Relative Importance of the Chinese Stimulus Package and Tax Stabilization during the 2008 Financial Crisis",(with John Whalley) Applied Economics Letters,2013, vol. 20: 682-686. 3. "Housing price and household savings rates: Evidence from China"(with Shi Li, and John Whalley), Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2013, vol. 11(3): 197-217. 4. "The Contribution of Human Capital to China’s Economic Growth" (with John Whalley, China Economic Policy Review, 2013,vol. 2(1): 1-22. 5. "Intergenerational Transfer, Human Capital and Long-term Growth in China under the One Child Policy" (with Xi ZHU and John Whalley), Economic Modelling, 2014, vol. 40: 275-283. Publications in Chinese
趙西亮:農民工與城市工資:來自中國內部移民的證據,《經濟學》(季刊),刊用"Migrants and urban wage: Evidence from China internal migration", China Economic Quarterly, forthcoming
趙西亮、李建強:勞動力成本與企業創新:基於中國工業企業數據的實證分析,《經濟學家》,2016年第7期。"Labor Cost and firm innovation--Empirical analysis on the data of Chinese industrial firms", Economist, 2016, No. 7.