在《經濟學》(季刊)、《數量經濟技術經濟研究》、《World Economy》等國內外重要期刊發表論文十餘篇。China Economic Review、 Asian Development Review、《經濟學》(季刊)、《管理世界》、《南方經濟》、《財貿研究》、《中國經濟問題》等期刊審稿人。
- 中文名:趙西亮
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:清華大學數量經濟學專業
- 性別:男
Publications in English
1. "The Higher Educational Transformation of China and Its Global Implications," (with Yao A. Li, John Whalley and Shunming Zhang)The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, 2011, vol. 34(4), pages 516-545, 04.
2. "The Relative Importance of the Chinese Stimulus Package and Tax Stabilization during the 2008 Financial Crisis",(with John Whalley) Applied Economics Letters,2013, vol. 20: 682-686.
3. "Housing price and household savings rates: Evidence from China"(with Shi Li, and John Whalley), Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2013, vol. 11(3): 197-217.
4. "The Contribution of Human Capital to China’s Economic Growth" (with John Whalley, China Economic Policy Review, 2013,vol. 2(1): 1-22.
5. "Intergenerational Transfer, Human Capital and Long-term Growth in China under the One Child Policy" (with Xi ZHU and John Whalley), Economic Modelling, 2014, vol. 40: 275-283.
Publications in Chinese
2. "The Relative Importance of the Chinese Stimulus Package and Tax Stabilization during the 2008 Financial Crisis",(with John Whalley) Applied Economics Letters,2013, vol. 20: 682-686.
3. "Housing price and household savings rates: Evidence from China"(with Shi Li, and John Whalley), Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, 2013, vol. 11(3): 197-217.
4. "The Contribution of Human Capital to China’s Economic Growth" (with John Whalley, China Economic Policy Review, 2013,vol. 2(1): 1-22.
5. "Intergenerational Transfer, Human Capital and Long-term Growth in China under the One Child Policy" (with Xi ZHU and John Whalley), Economic Modelling, 2014, vol. 40: 275-283.
Publications in Chinese
- 趙西亮:農民工與城市工資:來自中國內部移民的證據,《經濟學》(季刊),刊用"Migrants and urban wage: Evidence from China internal migration", China Economic Quarterly, forthcoming
- 趙西亮、李建強:勞動力成本與企業創新:基於中國工業企業數據的實證分析,《經濟學家》,2016年第7期。"Labor Cost and firm innovation--Empirical analysis on the data of Chinese industrial firms", Economist, 2016, No. 7.
- 趙西亮:傾向指數匹配方法:變數選擇和模型設定問題,《數量經濟技術經濟研究》,2015年第11期。“PropensityScoreMatching:IssuesonCovariatesChoiceandModelSpecification”,JournalofQuantitative&TechnicalEconomics,2015,No.,11.
- 趙西亮、梁文泉、李實:房價上漲能夠解釋中國城鎮居民高儲蓄率嗎?《經濟學》(季刊),2013年第13卷第1期。“CanGrowingHousingPricesExplainHighHouseholdSavingRatesinUrbanChina?AnEmpiricalAnalysisUsingCHIPsData”,ChinaEconomicQuarterly,2013,Vol.13No.1,81-102.
- 趙西亮、鄒海峰:知情交易機率能測度信息風險嗎?《經濟管理》,2010年第9期。“CanProbabilityofInformativeTradingmeasureInformationRisk?”JournalofEconomicsandManagement,2010,No.9.
- 趙西亮、朱喜:城鎮居民大學教育收益率估計:傾向指數匹配方法,《南方經濟》,2009年第11期。“ReturntoCollegeEducationinUrbanChina:APropensityScoreMatchingAnalysis”,SouthernEconomics,2009,No.11.
- 趙西亮:匯率變動與經濟成長:面板協整分析,《廈門大學學報》,2008年第2期。“ExchangeRateAppreciationandEconomicGrowth:APanelCo-integrationAnalysis”,JournalofXiamenUniversity,2008,No.2.
- 趙西亮、趙景文:人民幣均衡匯率分析:BEER方法,《數量經濟技術經濟研究》,2006年第12期。“EquilibriumExchangeRateAnalysisofRMB:ABEERApproach”,JournalofQuantitative&TechnicalEconomics,2006,No.12.