


  • 中文名:趙航芳
  • 畢業院校:浙江大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:水聲信號處理、層析成像、水下目標探測、陣信號處理
  • 職務:信號空間和信息系統研究所副所長
  • 性別:女
  • 職稱:教授




  1. 重點研發專項“海洋聲學層析成像理論、技術與套用示範”,負責人
  2. 海軍預研項目“水下探測XXX 和系統性研究”,負責人


  1. 2015.12 《海洋水聲環境效應及XX處理技術》獲國防科學技術二等獎,排名第9
  2. 2013.10 《XX遠程探測基礎研究》獲中國船舶重工集團公司科學技術一等獎,排名第10
  3. 2013.10 《強混響背景下XX目標微弱信號檢測與識別》獲中國船舶重工集團公司科學技術三等獎,排名第3
  4. 2010.12 《XXX型綜合聲納》獲國防科學技術二等獎,排名第6
  5. 2007年入選“浙江省新世紀151人才工程”第三層次培養人員
  6. 2005.12 《XX綜合聲納系統技術》獲國防科學技術二等獎,排名第2


1 ZHAO Hangfang, LI Chunxiao, GONG Xianyi, ZENG Xiaohui, “Delay-Doppler deconvolution image formation for multiple targets in waveguide environment”, Chinese Journal of Acoustics, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 473-488, 2017.
2 Zi-bin Yu, Hang-fang Zhao, Xian-yi Gong, and N. Ross Chapman, “Time-Reversal Mirror-Virtual Array Method for Acoustic Imaging of Proud and Buried Targets”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering,41(2), 382-394,2016.4
3 Zhiguo Yang, Hangfang Zhao, Wen Xu, “Bayesian passive acoustic tracking of a cooperative moving source in shallow water”, IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, 8(3), 202-208, 2014
4 Zi-bin Yu, Lei Cheng, Hang-fang Zhao, Xian-yi Gong,”Optimal invariant detection of a monochromatic plane wave with unknown amplitude, frequency, phase, direction of arrival and noise variance”, IET Radar Sonar and Navigation, 8(5), 465-478, 2014
5 項楠,趙航芳,宮先儀,“非尋復域狀態-空間濾波”,浙江大學學報(工學版),48(4),727-733,2014
6 曾小輝,趙航芳,宮先儀,李春曉,“波導環境多目標時延-都卜勒解捲成像“,聲學學報,2016,5,354-361
7 Hangfang Zhao, Xingyu Ji,Yan Qiu,Ying Huang,'Least Square Innovation Method For Ocean Acoustic Tomography,' Proc. of UACE2017 (the 4th Underwater Acoustics Conference and Exhibition), Skiathos Island, Greece, Sep. 3-8, 2017.
8 Shuai Shentu,Hangfang Zhao,Yuwei Wu, Xiaohua Zhu,'Maximum Entropy Method for Ocean Acoustic Tomography,' Proc. of IEEE ICSPCC 2017,Xiamen,China,Oct. 22-25, 2017.
9 Yue Shen, Hangfang Zhao , Liying Yan, 'Three-dimension Fourier Transform Matched Filed Localization Using Helix Array, ' Proc. of IEEE ICSPCC 2017, Xiamen, China, Oct. 22-25, 2017.
10 Yeye Lv, Hangfang Zhao, 'Richness of Random Multipath Fields in Waveguides,' Proc. of IEEE ICSPCC 2017,Xiamen, China, Oct. 22-25, 2017.
11 Zibin Yu, Lei Cheng, Hangfang Zhao, Xianyi Gong, “Optimal invariant detection of a monochromatic plane wave with five unknown parameters”, 2013 IEEE China Summit & International Conference on Signal and Information Processing (ChinaSIP), 2013
12 Yang Wu, Hangfang Zhao, and Wen Xu,“Sound Transmission Loss Correction due to Hydrophone Fluctuation with Propagation Model”,Proc. Of OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Genova, Italy, July, 2015.
13 YAN Liying, ZHAO Hangfang, “Kernelized method for compressive beamforming,”IEEE COA, Harbin, China, Jan. 2016
14 M Jehanzeb Irshad, Hangfang Zhao and Wen Xu,High Resolution Matched-Field Source Localization Based on Sparse-reconstruction,IEEE COA, Harbin, China, Jan. 2016
15 M Jehanzeb Irshad, Hangfang Zhao and Wen Xu,Sparse reconstruction-based underwater source localization using co-prime arrays,Proc. of OCEANS 2016, Shanghai, China, April 2016.
16 Ying Huang, Hangfang Zhao and Feiyi Wang,Ocean acoustic tomography using travel-time sensitivity kernel,Proc. of OCEANS 2016, Shanghai, China , April 2016.
17 Weijian Gao, Hangfang Zhao and Wen Xu,Direction of arrival estimation based on spherical harmonics decomposition,Proc. of OCEANS 2016, Monterey, CA, USA , July 2016.
18 趙航芳,汪非易,朱小華,徐文,海洋聲學層析現狀與展望,海洋技術學報,34(3),69-74,2015


  1. 趙航芳等, 一種海洋環境與聲場不確實性的表征與傳遞的快速計算方法,ZL200910100595.7,2012.07.04
  2. 吳洋 趙航芳, 一種基於模型的海洋聲傳播調查爆炸波自動截取方法,ZL201410850534.3,2017.06.27
  3. 曾小輝 趙航芳, 一種時延-都卜勒R-L解卷多路徑信道估計方法,ZL20510166086.X,2018.01.02
  4. 汪非易 趙航芳, 一種基於時延敏感核的海洋聲層析方法,ZL201510943664.6,2018.07.10
  5. 王雯潔,汪非易,趙航芳,基於分散式感測器能量比的水下運動目標擴展卡爾曼濾波跟蹤方法,ZL201610028570.0,2018.06.01


