- 中文名:趙興煒
- 畢業院校:德國柏林工業大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:機構學,非線性動力學
1. X. Zhao, H. Liu, H. Ding, L. Qian, An approach for computing the transmission index of full mobility planar multi-loop mechanisms,Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 9(4), 041017.
2. X. Zhao, B. Zi, L. Qian, Design, analysis, and control of a cable-driven parallel platform with a pneumatic muscle active support,Robotica, (2015) 1-22.
3. X. Zhao, B. Zi, Design and analysis of a pneumatic muscle driven parallel mechanism for imitating human pelvis,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228(4) (2014) 723-741.
4. X. Zhao, N. Gräbner, U. von Wagner, Theoretical and experimental investigations of the bifurcation behavior of creep groan of automotive disk brakes,Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, (2018) 1-12.