北京大學國家發展研究院(前身北京大學中國經濟研究中心)經濟學教授。1995年於美國芝加哥大學獲得經濟學博士學位,曾任教於任教於美國喬治華盛頓大學,1996年至今任教於北京大學國家發展研究院/中國經濟研究中心,長期專注勞動經濟學和老年經濟學的研究與教學。趙耀輝教授曾於2006年入選教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”、2014年當選教育部“長江學者”特聘教授。趙耀輝教授還是中國健康與養老追蹤調查(CHARLS) 項目組負責人,《The Journal of the Economics of Ageing》副總編、北京大學中國女經濟學者研究培訓項目聯合主任。
“The Role of Migrant Networks in Labor Migration: The Case of China,” submitted to Contemporary Economic Policy (Download word 187KB)
“Causes and Consequences of Return Migration: Recent Evidence from China,” accepted for publication at Journal of Comparative Economics(Download word 810KB)
“Chinese Urban Pension System: Reforms and Problems,” (with J. Xu) Cato Journal, forthcoming(Download word 129KB)
“Earnings Differentials between State and Non-State Enterprises in Urban China,” Pacific Economic Review, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2002(Download word 210KB)
“Foreign Direct Investment and Relative Wages: The Case of China,” China Economic Review, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 1-18, 2001(Download word 544KB)
“Land holding and social security in rural China,” (with J Wen), Homo oeconomicus, Vol. XVI (2), 1999.(Download word 739KB)
“Labor migration and earnings differences: the case of China,” Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 47, 767-782, July 1999(Download pdf 815KB)
“China’s food security—are there grounds to be concerned?” (with D. B. Gardner) Choices, first quarter 1999.
“Leaving the countryside: rural to urban migration decisions in China,” American Economic Review, Vol. 89, 281-286, May 1999(Download word 139KB)
“Labor migration and returns to rural education in China,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 79, 1278?1287, November 1997.(Download word 149KB)
English book chapters
“Rural-urban migration in China: the past and present,” in West and Zhao (eds.) Chinese Rural Labor Flows, Institute for East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley , 2000(Download word 95KB)
“Chinese rural social security and land holding” (with J. Wen) in Z. Yin, L. Lin and D. Gates (eds.) Social Security Reform: Options for China, World Scientific Pulishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2000
“The nature of the Chinese state-owned enterprises and implications for employment,” in James Wen and Dianqing Xu (eds.) Reformability of State Sector in China, World Scientific Publishing House, 1997.
Chinese journal articles
“中國城鎮養老保險體制的轉軌問題”(與徐建國)《改革》2000年第3期 (Download word 79KB)
“我國城鎮養老保險體制改革中的激勵機制問題”,《經濟學季刊》,第1卷第1期,2001年10月 (Download word 181KB)