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趙穎(1988-),女,山東菏澤人,講師,吉林大學和美國密西根大學(University of Michigan,Ann Arbor)聯合培養博士,車輛工程專業,主要從事車輛智慧型化與輕量化技術等方面的研究。


  • 中文名:趙穎
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:吉林大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師


1. 車輛智慧型化技術
2. 共享互聯車輛的組群控制
3. 安全導向先進材料與結構設計


1. Fangwu Ma, Ying Zhao, Yongfeng Pu, Jinhang Li (2018). A Comprehensive MCDM Model Combining TOPSIS and IEM for Sustainable Material Selection Considering Life Cycle Assessment Method. IEEE Access. (IF: 3.557)
2. Fangwu Ma, Ying Zhao*, Longfan Yang, Hongyu Liang (2018). Theoretical study and simulation analysis on re-entrant square cellular material's mechanical properties [J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. (SCI IF: 0.848)
3. Fangwu Ma, Ying Zhao*, Hongyu Liang, Jiawei Wang (2018). Effects of Cell Microtopology on the In-plane Dynamic Crushing Analysis of Re-entrant Square Cellular Material [J]. Automotive Innovation.
4. Fangwu Ma, Ying Zhao*, Guowang Wang, Liang Wu, Yongfeng Pu (2019). Crashworthiness Optimization Design of Thin-Walled Tube Filled with Re-entrant Triangles Honeycombs [J]. Automotive Innovation.
5. Ying Zhao*, Fangwu Ma, Longfan Yang, Yueqiang Wang, Hongyu Liang (2017). Study on Engine Hood with Negative Poisson's Ratio Architected Composites Based on Pedestrian Protection, SAE International Journal of Engines. (EI)
6. Fangwu Ma, Ying Zhao*, Yongfeng Pu, Jiawei Wang (2017). Study on the Gear Meshing and Order Tracking of a Transfer Case, SAE Technical Paper.
7. Fangwu Ma, Ying Zhao*, Guowang Wang, Yongfeng Pu (2019). Performance Analysis on 3D printed beak-shaped automotive tail fin filled with honeycomb cellular structure. SAE Technical Paper.


