任教專業: 管理學-工商管理類
在職情況: 在
性 別: 男
所在院系: 天津大學管理學院
簡 介:2003年畢業於
清華大學數學科學系計算數學專業,獲理學博士學位。2003年9月於天津大學管理學院從事博士後研究工作。已發表學術論文60餘篇,其中SCI檢索26篇, EI檢索37篇, 出版著作3部。2001年10月獲中國運籌學會頒發的首屆“運籌新人獎”。 2004年獲得中國博士後科學基金一等資助。2007年獲教育部《新世紀優秀人才》資助。 2006年5-7月法國Anger大學學術訪問。2007年至2009年英國Aberystwyth大學計算機系從事學術研究。現兼任國際雜誌《Information》編委及《Journal of Uncertain Systems》領域主編。
王林書,鮑蘭平,趙瑞清,《機率論與數理統計》, 北京:科學出版社,1999.
3. 劉寶碇,趙瑞清,王綱,《不確定規劃及其套用》,北京:清華大學出版社,2003.
4. R.Zhao, W.Tang, Redundancy Optimization Problems with Uncertain Lifetimes (Chapter) in the book "Computational Intelligence in Reliability Engineering", Springer, 2006.
1. R.Zhao, B. Liu, A Genetic Algorithm for Estimation of Parameters under Partial Order Restrictions, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.6, No.3, 363-371, 1997.
2. R.Zhao, K.Iwamura and B.Liu, Chance Constrained Integer Programming and Stochastic Simulation Based Genetic Algorithms, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Vol.7, No.1, 96-102, 1998.
3. R.Zhao, Applications of Genetic Algorithm in Statisticalinference, Beijing Mathematics, Vol.4, No.2, 92-100, 1998.
4. R.Zhao, K.Iwamura and B.Liu, A Genetic Algorithm for Multivariate Isotonic Regression, Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 19, No. 2, 273-284, 1998.
5. J.Ren, R.Zhao, L.Bao, Stochastic Optimal Stock Models (in Chinese), Theory and Practice of Systems Engineering, Vol. 9, 14-18, 2000.
6. L.Zhang, J.Ren, R.Zhao, An Multiobjective Linear Fractional Programs with Fuzzy Decisions (in Chinese), Fuzzy Systems and Mathematics, Vol. 15, 85-88, 2001.
7. R.Zhao, B.Liu, Stochastic Programming Models for General Redundancy Optimization Problems, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 52, No. 2, 181-191, 2003.
8. R.Zhao, J.Gao, Maintenance Policy for Multi-Component System with Fuzzy Lifetimes, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1, 49-54, 2003.
9. R.Zhao, W. Li, and W.Tang, Fuzzy Random Block Replacement Policies, Asian Information-Science-Life, Vol. 2, 2003, 1-5.
10. R.Zhao, and B.Liu, Redundancy Optimization Problems with Uncertainty of Combining Randomness and Fuzziness, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 157, No. 3, 716-735, 2004.
11. R.Zhao, and B.Liu, Renewal Process with Fuzzy Interarrival Times and Rewards, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness & Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol.11, 573-586, 2003.
12. R.Zhao, W.Tang, and H.Yun, Random Fuzzy Renewal Process, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 169, 2006, 189-201.
13. R.Zhao, B. Liu, Standby Redundancy Optimization Problems with Fuzzy Lifetimes, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.49, 2005, 318-338.
14. R.Zhao, W. Tang, Some Properties of Fuzzy Random Processes. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol.14, No.2, 2006, 173-179.
15. Y. Ning, W. Tang, R. Zhao, Multiproduct Aggregate Production Planning in Fuzzy Random Environments, World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol.2, 2006, 33-44.
16. S. Li, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Fuzzy Random Homogeneous
Poisson processand Compound Poisson Process, Journal of Information and Computing Science, 2006, 207-224.
17. S. Li, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Fuzzy Random Delayed Renewal Process and Fuzzy Random Equilibrium Renewal Process, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 18, 2007, 149 - 156.
18. X. Wang, W. Tang, R. Zhao, Random fuzzy EOQ model with imperfect quality items, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2007, 6(2), 139-153.
19. Y. Liu, W. Tang, R. Zhao, Reliability and
MTTFof unrepairable systems with fuzzy random lifetimes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,15(5), 2007,1009-1026.
20. L. Cui, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Principal-agent problem in a fuzzy environment, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 15, 2007, 1230-1237 .
21. R. Zhao, W. Tang, C. Wang, Fuzzy Random Renewal Process and Renewal Reward Process, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 2007, 6(3): 279-295 .
22. J. Wang, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Fuzzy Programming Models for Vendor Selection Problem in a Supply Chain, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2008, Pages 106-111.
23. X. Wang, W. Tang, R. Zhao, Fuzzy EOQ inventory models without backordering, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2007, 12(1):91-96.
24. C. Yi, W. Tang, R. Zhao, A random fuzzy decision approach for R&D project under uncertainty, Information, 2006, 9(6): 821-836.
25. J. Zhang, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Fuzzy Age-Dependent Replacement Policy and
SPSAAlgorithm Based-on Fuzzy Simulation, Information Sciences,178 (2008) 573–583.
26. F. Xue, W. Tang, R. Zhao, The Expected Value of Function of Fuzzy Variable with Continuous Membership Function, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 55(6), 2008, 1215-1224.
27. R. Guo, R. Zhao, X. Li,Reliability analysisBased on Scalar Fuzzy Variable , Journal of Economic Quality Control, Vol. 22 (2007), No 1, pp50-70.
28. T. Huang, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Risk Model with Fuzzy random Individual Claim Amount, European Journal of Operational Research 192 (2009) 879–890.
29. C. Wang, W. Tang, R. Zhao, The Continuity and Convexity Analysis of the Expected Value Function of a Fuzzy Mapping, Journal of Uncertain Systems, 2007, 1(2): 148-160.
30. Q. Shen, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Random fuzzy alternating renewal processes. Soft Computing, 13(2):139-147, 2009.
31. C. Zhou, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Two-
echelonsupply chain games in a fuzzy environment, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 55(2), 2008, 390-405.
32. R. Zhao,W. Tang, Monkey algorithm for global numerical optimization, Journal of Uncertain Systems, Vol.2, No.3, 164-175, 2008.
33. Q. Shen, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Modelling Random Fuzzy Renewal Reward Processes, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 16(5):1379-1385, 2008.
34. S. Li, Q. Shen, W. Tang and R. Zhao.S. Li, Q. Shen, W. Tang and R. Zhao. Random fuzzy delayed renewal processes. Soft Computing, 13(7):681-690, 2009.
35. C. Wang, W. Tang, R. Zhao, Static Bayesian Games with Finite Fuzzy Types and the Existence of Equilibrium,Information Sciences, 2008, to be published.
36. C. Zhang, R. Zhao, W. Tang, Optimal Run Lengths in Deteriorating Production Processes in Random Fuzzy Environments, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2009, to be published.
1. GJB軍用標準修訂,兵種部資助,1998-1999(主要成員).
2. 液體火箭發動機風險分析與評估,中國航天航空總公司,1998-1999(主要成員).
3. 不確定規劃:模型、進化算法及其套用,國家自然科學基金,1999-2001(主要成員).
4. Metaheuristics for Solving Large-Scale Uncertain Programming Models, Sino-French Joint Laboratory for Research in Computer Science, Control and Applied Mathematics (LIAMA), 2000-2001(主要成員).
5. 不確定規劃與混合智慧型算法,清華科技基金,2002-2003(主要成員).
6. Metaheuristics for Solving Large-Scale Uncertain Programming Models, Sino-French Joint Laboratory for Research in Computer Science, Control and Applied Mathematics (LIAMA), 2002(主要成員).
7. 隨機模糊規劃與混合智慧型算法,國家自然科學基金,2002-2004(主要成員).
8. 模糊隨機更新過程及套用,國家自然科學基金,2005-2007(主要成員).
9. 不確定過程及套用,中國博士後科學基金一等資助,2004-2005(主持).
10. 銀河公司發展戰略研究,中國網通集團,2004-2005(主持).
11. 模糊隨機環境下的對策論及其套用,國家自然科學基金,2006-2008(主持).
12. 不確定理論、對策論、智慧型算法及套用,新世紀優秀人才, 2007-2009(主持).