


  • 中文名:趙柳蘭
  • 國籍中國




3.2016.1-2019.1, 四川農業大學,博士後,合作導師:李學偉




2.n-3高不飽和脂肪酸對鯉魚脂質代謝的作用機制研究,農業部淡水水產生物技術與遺傳育種重點實驗室開放課題,2014-2015, 2萬,已結題,主持
5三峽庫區鄉村振興視野下稻漁綜合種養模式集成與推廣,重慶市教育科學委員會項目,2018-2019, 10萬,已結題,主研






1.發明專利, ZL 2015 10989978.X,一種達氏鱘受精卵的組織切片方法,2018-08-17,發明人:劉亞,趙柳蘭,楊淞,龔全,陳葉雨,肖青,杜軍,符紅梅
2.實用新型專利,ZL2016 20126127.2,一種均勻噴灑蛋黃乳液的育苗投餵裝置,2016-07-06,發明人:楊淞,顏濤,趙柳蘭,吳浩,崔燦,杜宗君,楊世勇,王艷


(1)Zhao L L, J L Sun, J Liang, Q Liu, J Luo, Z Q Li, T M Yan, J Zhou, S Yang. Enhancing lipid metabolism and inducing antioxidant and immune responses to adapt to acute hypoxic stress inSchizothorax prenanti[J]. Aquaculture,2020,519, 734(933): 1-15.
(2)Zhao L L, H Wu, J L Sun, L Liao, C Cui, Q Liu, J Luo, X H Tang, W Luo, J D Ma, X Ye, S J Li, S Yang. MicroRNA-124 regulates lactate transportation in the muscle of largemouth bass (micropterus salmoides) under hypoxia by targeting MCT1[J]. Aquatic Toxicology,2020,218(105359):1-10 .
(3)趙柳蘭,陳僑蘭,楊淞,符紅梅,葉星,李勝傑,楊世勇,杜宗君.大口黑鱸消化道組織結構及黏液細胞的類型和分布[J].四川農業大學學報,2018,36(4): 549-554.
(4)趙柳蘭,代敏,楊淞,等.成年似鮎高原鰍外周血細胞及血細胞發生的觀察[J].淡水漁業, 2018,48(2): 16-23.
(5)趙柳蘭,陳僑蘭,楊淞(通訊作者),李勝傑,王艷,杜宗君. “優鱸1號”大口黑鱸血細胞的形態特徵及吞噬功能的研究[J].南方水產科學, 2016, 12(3): 43-50.
(6)Zhao L L, X Z Yang, Y X Cheng*, S Yang. Effect of dietary histamine supplementation on growth, digestive enzyme activities and morphology of intestine and hepatopancreas in the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis[J]. SpringerPlus, 2016, 5:552.
(7)趙柳蘭,楊筱珍,成永旭,楊淞.高濃度組織胺促進中華絨螯蟹腸道組織胺及PCNA免疫反應性[J].中國組織化學與細胞化學雜誌,2015,24(6): 567-572.
(9)趙柳蘭,蒲粟,楊淞(通訊作者),楊黎,劉巧,趙金全,嚴太明,章家恩.兩種殼色福壽螺免疫功能的比較研究[J].水產學報,38(6): 896-903.
(11)Zhao L, Yang X, Cheng Y*, Liang P, Zhang J, Hong Y, Wang C, Yang Z, Effects of Histamine on Survival and Immune Parameters of the Chinese Mitten Crab,Eriocheir sinensis[J]. Journal of Shellfish Research, 2012, 31(3): 827-834.
(14)Zhou J , H Zhao, L Zhang, X L Ye, Z P Wang, Q Li, H Y Ke, G Zhao, J Du, S Yang,L L Zhao. Effects of bacterial haemorrhagic septicemia on the immune response of Leiocassis longirostris by RNA-Seq and microRNA-Seq[J].Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part D, 2020, 34, 100659: 1-10.通訊作者
(15)Yang S, J Du, J Luo, Y Zhou, Y L Long, G C Xu,L L Zhao, et al. Effects of different diets on the intestinal microbiota and immunity of common carp (Cyprinus carpio)[J]. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 2019, 127, 1327-1338.通訊作者
(16)Yang S, J Luo, Y L Long, J Du, G C Xu,L L Zhao, et al. Mixed Diets Reduce the Oxidative Stress of Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio): Based on MicroRNA Sequencing[J]. Frontiers in Physiology, 2019, 10(631): 1-11.通訊作者
(17)Yang S, H Wu, K He, T Yan, J Zhou,L L Zhao, et al. Response of AMP-activated protein kinase and lactate metabolism of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) under acute hypoxic stress[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 666:1071-1079.通訊作者
(18)Yang S, J Du, Y L Duan, Q Xiao, N Q Li, Q Lin,L L Zhao, et al. Differences in the digestive enzyme activity,intestinal mucosa and microbial community in loach cultivated in two separate environments[J]. BMC Microbiology, 2018, 18(1):1-12.通訊作者
(19)Yang S, J R Zhong,L L Zhao, et al. The salinity tolerance of the invasive golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata)[J]. Molluscan research, 2018, 3(37): 1-9.通訊作者
(20)Yang S, H Wu,L L Zhao, et al. Morphology and histochemical analysis of glycoproteins in the digestive tract of Dabry’s sturgeon[J]. Journal of Applied lchthyology, 2018, 34: 1-9.通訊作者
(21)Yang S, T Yan,L L Zhao, et al. Effects of temperature on activities of antioxidant enzymes and Na/K-ATPase, and hormone levels inSchizothorax prenanti[J]. Journal of Thermal Biology, 2018, 72: 155-160.通訊作者
(22)楊淞,李冬梅,趙柳蘭,等.似鮎高原鰍皮膚與鰭的組織學觀察[J].動物學雜誌, 2017, 52(5):842-849.通訊作者
(23)Yang S, T Yan, H Wu,L L Zhao,et al. Acute hypoxic stress: effect on blood parameters, antioxidant enzymes, and expression of HIF-1a lpha and GLUT-1 genes in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)[J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 2017, 67: 449-458.通訊作者
(24)Yang S, Y L Duan, J Zhang, J Zhou, Y Liu, J Du,L L Zhao, et al. Observational comparisons of intestinal microbiota characterizations, immune enzyme activities, and muscle amino acid compositions of loach in paddy fields and ponds in Sichuan Province[J]. Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology, 2017, 101(11): 4775-4789.通訊作者
(25)Yang S, Q Liu, Y Wang,L L Zhao,et al. Effects of dietary supplementation of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) egg on survival, pigmentation and antioxidant activity of Blood parrot[J]. Springerplus, 2016, 5(1):1556.通訊作者
(26)陳僑蘭,楊淞,趙柳蘭等.大口黑鱸鰓黏液細胞的組織化學特徵及5-HT免疫反應陽性細胞的分布[J].中國組織化學與細胞化學雜誌, 2016, 25(3):242-247.通訊作者
(27)Yang S, L K Ni,L L Zhao, et al. Repair process and enzymatic activity associated with induction of shell regeneration in the invasive speciesPomacea canaliculata[J]. Molluscan Research, 2016, 36(3): 207-212.通訊作者
(28)楊淞,鐘敬仁,趙柳蘭等.鹽度脅迫對入侵生物福壽螺的急性毒性效應[J]. 華南農業大學學報,2015,36(5): 31-35.通訊作者
(30)楊淞,顏濤,趙柳蘭等.齊口裂腹魚血細胞的發生[J].動物學雜誌,2015,50(2): 231-242.通訊作者


