1994.09-1998.07: 山東農業大學資源與環境學院,土地管理專業,獲學士學位
2017.02-至今: 北京師範大學地理科學學部,陸地表層系統科學與可持續發展研究院,副院長、院長
2016.11-至今: 北京師範大學地理科學學部,副教授、教授
2015.07-2016.07:Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis,訪問學者
2004.08-2016.11: 北京師範大學資源學院,講師、副教授
2006.11-2009.07: 北京師範大學資源學院,分黨委副書記、資源學系副主任
2014.03-2016.11:北京師範大學資源學院 生態水文與水土資源綜合利用研究所,副所長
2004.08-2007.07: 北京師範大學資源學院,2004級碩士研究生輔導員
2010.09-2017.07.07: 北京師範大學資源學院,2010級、2014級自然資源專業碩士研究生輔導員
國際地理聯合會“面向未來地球的地理學:人地系統耦合與可持續發展”專業委員會 主席
國際景觀生態學會中國分會 理事
中國土地學會土地生態分會 委員
土地資源與管理:2006-2015學年,研究生課程;2007-2011 學年,2017-2019學年,本科生課程
2017-2022: 主持國家重點研發計畫課題"氣候變化對生態系統土壤保持服務的影響"(2017YFA0604704)
2019-2021: 主持國家自然科學基金中挪合作研究項目“生態系統多重壓力的緩解策略”(4181101243)
2018-2021: 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目“基於SAORES模型改進的區域生態系統服務權衡與調控”(41771197)
2017-2019: 主持地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室方向性項目" 區域生態系統服務評估及套用:以黃土高原典型流域為例"(2017-FX-01(2))
2016-2020: 參與國家重點研發計畫課題" 黃土高原生態修復的土壤侵蝕效應與控制機制"(2016YFC0501604),負責子課題“生態修復的流域侵蝕產沙調控與尺度效應”
2015-2018: 參與國家自然科學基金重大計畫“黑河流域生態系統結構特徵與過程集成及生態情景研究”(NO.91425301),負責子專題““黑河下游荒漠河岸林生態水文參數集成"
2014-2018: 參與國家自然科學基金重大課題”黃土高原草灌生態系統對土壤水變化的回響機制“(No.41390462),負責子專題”黃土高原草灌生態系統與土壤水分關係的區域分異”
2012-2015: 主持國家自然科學基金“土地利用格局與土壤流失關係的尺度效應分析與尺度轉換”(No.41171069)
2011-2013: 參與教育部創新團隊項目“土壤水文與土壤侵蝕”(No.IRT1108)
2008-2012: 主持國家科技支撐課題“青海湖流域生態和環境綜合監測與評估”的子專題“青海湖流域生態功能區劃分”(No.2007BAC30B01)
2007-2012: 主持973 課題“生態系統服務功能與生態—生產功能區最佳化布局”的子專題“土地利用轉型與生態功能置換”(No.2007CB106806)
2009-2011: 主持地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室自由探索課題“黃土丘陵溝壑區坡面尺度土地利用格局變化的水土流失效應”(No.2008-ZY-08)
2006-2008: 主持國家自然科學基金“基於土壤流失過程的多尺度土地利用格局指數研究”(No.40501002)
2008-2009: 參與國家環境保護部重點項目“青藏高原生態環境及社會經濟現狀及發展情景分析”
2007-2007: 主持國土資源部土地利用重點實驗室開放基金“多尺度土壤侵蝕評價指數的套用分析”
2004-2005: 參與國家科技攻關計畫西部開發科技行動項目的子課題“新疆北水南調工程的生態環境效應研究”
2004-2005: 參與中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目“黃土高原水土保持的區域環境效應研究”
2002-2004: 參與國家自然科學基金重大研究計畫項目“黃土丘陵溝壑區景觀格局演變與水土流失機理”
2003-2004: 參與中國與比利時弗拉芒大區科技合作項目“ Farming system analysis and land use evaluation towards sustainable land use in the loess hilly area of China ”
2011-2011: 主持山東陵縣國土局項目“土地利用總體規劃資料庫建設”
2010-2010: 主持山東德州市國土局項目“城鎮土地級別調整與基準地價更新”
2009-2010: 主持山東陵縣國土局項目“縣域土地利用總體規劃修編研究”
2009-2010: 主持山東沂南國土局項目“省級開發區土地集約利用評價研究”
2007-2009: 參與國土資源部項目“城鎮土地等別調整研究”
2006-2006: 參與全國土地規劃綱要修編-土地利用與生態環境建設研究專題
2006-2006: 參與昆明市土地利用總體規劃綱要修編專題研究項目-昆明市協調土地利用與生態環境建設研究
2006-2006: 參與國家發展改革委科研項目資源源節約型城市發展模式及評價指標體系研究
2005-2006: 主持北京師範大學青年基金“區域土地生態規劃研究”
2013-2016: 主持北京師範大學校級教學建設與改革項目“PI教學法在《土地管理學》教學實踐中的套用與創新”
2010-2012: 主持北京師範大學校級教學建設與改革項目“研究性教學模式探索:以土地資源管理課程為例”
2008-2008: 主持北京師範大學黨建基金“新時期大學生思想政治狀況調查”
2008-2008: 主持北京師範大學 2008 學生工作科研課題“高校學生黨組織在和諧校園建設中發揮作用的理論與實踐研究”
2006-2008:主持中國開放式教育資源共享學會( CORE )開放式課件翻譯“Surface Processes and Landscape Evolution”
2006-2006: 參與北京師範大學教學建設與改革立項項目“資源科學與工程專業基礎課程建設與改革研究”
2005-2006: 參與北京師範大學教學建設與改革立項項目“研究生學術論文寫作與學術報告能力培訓”
Lizhi Jia, Wenwu Zhao, Ruijie Zhai, Yue Liu, Meimei Kang, Xiao Zhang. Regional differences in the soil and water conservation efficiency of conservation tillage in China. Catena, 2019, 175: 18-26.
Xiao Zhang, Wenwu Zhao, Lixin Wang, Yuanxin Liu, YueLiu, Qiang Feng. 2019. Relationship between soil water content and soil particle size on typical slopes of the Loess Plateau during a drought year. Science of the Total Environment.648:943-954. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.211
Jing Wang, Wenwu Zhao, Xiao Zhang, Yue Liu, Shuai Wang, Yanxu Liu.2019.Effects of reforestation on plant species diversity on the Loess Plateau of China: A case study in Danangou catchment.Science of The Total Environment. 651:979-989. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.266
Stefani Daryanto, Bojie Fu, Wenwu Zhao. 2019. Evaluating the use of fire to control shrub encroachment in global drylands: A synthesis based on ecosystem service perspective. Science of The Total Environment. 648:285-292. doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.08.140.
Wenwu Zhao, Yue Liu, Stefani Daryanto, Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang and Yanxu Liu. Metacoupling supply and demand for soil conservation service. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.2018.33:136–141.
Wenwu Zhao, Hui Wei, Lizhi Jia,Xiao Zhang, Yanxu Liu. Soil erodibility and its influencing factors on the Loess Plateau of China: a case study in the Ansai watershed. Solid Earth, 9, 1507–1516, 2018
Wenwu Zhao, Lizhi Jia, Stefani Daryanto, Liding Chen and Yue Liu (2019) Source–Sink Landscape. In: Fath, B.D.(editor in chief) Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2nd edition, vol. 1, pp. 467–473. Oxford: Elsevier.
Zhao Wenwu, Fang Xuening, Daryanto Stefani, Zhang Xiao and Wang Yaping. Factors influencing soil moisture in the Loess Plateau, China: a review. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 2018. doi.org/10.1017/S1755691018000671.
Jingyi Ding, Wenwu Zhao, Bojie Fu,Hao Fan. Variability of Tamarix spp. characteristics in riparian plantcommunities are affected by soil properties and accessibility of anthropogenicdisturbance in the lower reaches of Heihe River, China. Forest Ecology andManagement. 2018,410: 174-186. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2017.10.003.
Hao Fan, Wenwu Zhao, Stefani Daryanto, Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang, Yaping Wang. Variations of soil organic carbon and its influencing factors under different land use types in desert riparian zone in downstream of Heihe River Basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. doi: 10.1029/2018JD028268
Siqi Yang, Wenwu Zhao, Yanxu Liu, Shuai Wang, Jing Wang, Ruijie Zhai. Influence of land use change on the ecosystem service trade-offs in the ecological restoration area: Dynamics and scenarios in the Yanhe watershed, China. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 644: 556–566.
Qiang Feng, Wenwu Zhao, Jingyi Ding, Xuening Fang, Xiao Zhang. Estimation of the cover and management factor based on stratified coverage and remote sensing indices: a case study in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2018,18:775–790 (DOI 10.1007/s11368-017-1783-4)
Ting Hua, Wenwu Zhao,Yanxu Liu, Shuai Wang, Siqi Yang. Spatial Consistency Assessments for Global Land-Cover Datasets: A Comparison among GLC2000, CCI LC, MCD12, GLOBCOVER and GLCNMO. Remote Sens. 2018, 10, 1846; doi:10.3390/rs10111846
Xiao Zhang,Wenwu Zhao,Lixin Wang,Yuanxin Liu,Qiang Feng,Xuening Fang and Yue Liu. Distribution of Shrubland and Grassland Soil Erodibility on the Loess Plateau. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018,15(6),1193; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15061193
Shuai Wang,Bojie Fu,Wenwu Zhao,Yanxu Liu,Fangli Wei. Structure, function, and dynamic mechanisms of coupled human–natural systems. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 2018, 33:87–91
Yanxu Liu,Bojie Fu,Wenwu Zhao,Shuai Wang, Yu Deng. A solution to the conflicts of multiple planning boundaries: Landscape functional zoning in a resource-based city in China. Habitat International, 2018, 77: 43-55
Yanxu Liu,Bojie Fu, Shuai Wang, WenwuZhao.Global ecological regionalization: from biogeography to ecosystem services. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 2018, 33:1-8.
趙文武,劉月,馮強,王亞萍,楊思琪. 2018. 人地系統耦合框架下的生態系統服務. 地理科學進展, 37(1): 139-151.
劉焱序,楊思琪,趙文武,傅伯傑. 2018. 變化背景下的當代中國自然地理學: 2017全國自然地理學大會述評. 地理科學進展, 37(1): 163-171.
劉月,趙文武,賈立志. 土壤保持服務:概念、評估與展望. 生態學報. 2019. DOI:10.5846/stxb201709301770
康美美,趙文武.自然科學與社會科學的交叉融合:國際科學聯合會述評.生態學報,2018, 38(11): 4096-4099
Jingyi Ding,Wenwu Zhao, StefaniDaryanto, Lixin Wang*, Hao Fan, Qiang Feng, and Yaping Wang. The spatial distribution and tempora lvariation of desert riparian forests and their influencing factors in the downstream Heihe Riverbasin, China. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, doi:10.5194/hess-21-1-2017
Qiang Feng, Wenwu Zhao, Bojie Fu, Jingyi Ding, Shuai Wang. Ecosystem service trade-offs and their influencing factors: A case study in the Loess Plateau of China. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, (607–608): 1250–1263.
Xiao Zhang, Wenwu Zhao, Yuanxin Liua, Xuening Fanga, Qiang Feng, Zongfeng Chen. Spatial variations and impact factors of soil water content in typical natural and artificial grasslands: a case study in the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2017, 17(1), 157-171 (DOI 10.1007/s11368-016-1505-3).
魏慧,趙文武,張驍,王新志. 基於土地利用變化的區域生態系統服務價值評價——以山東省德州市為例. 生態學報,2017,37(11):3830-3839.
魏慧,趙文武,王晶. 土壤可蝕性研究述評. 套用生態學報. 2017, DOI: 10.13287/j.1001–9332.201708.011
魏慧,趙文武. 土壤可蝕性K值最優估算方法遴選:以陝北安塞集水區為例. 中國水土保持科學. 2017, 15(6):52-65
范昊,趙文武,丁婧禕. 連線景觀異質性與社會環境系統——2017年美國景觀生態學年會會議述評,生態學報. 2017. 37(14):4919-4922
張驍,趙文武,劉源鑫. 遙感技術在土壤侵蝕研究中的套用述評.水土保持通報. 2017,37(2): 228-238.
馮舒,趙文武,陳利頂,呂楠. 2010年來黃土高原景觀生態研究進展. 生態學報. 2017,37(12):3957-3966.
鐘莉娜,王軍,趙文武. 多流域降雨和土地利用格局對土壤侵蝕影響的比較分析——以陝北黃土丘陵溝壑區為例. 2017,72(3):432-443.
傅伯傑,田漢勤,陶福祿,趙文武,王帥. 全球變化對生態系統服務的影響. 中國基礎科學. 2017, 6: 14-18.
Fang, X., Zhao, W., Wang, L*., Feng, Q., Ding, J., Liu, Y., and Zhang, X.: Variations of deep soil moisture under different vegetation types and influencing factors in a watershed of the Loess Plateau, China, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3309-3323, doi:10.5194/hess-20-3309-2016, 2016.
Xiao Zhang, Wenwu Zhao, Yuanxin Liua, Xuening Fanga, Qiang Feng. The relationships between grasslands and soil moisture on the Loess Plateau of China: A review. Catena. 2016, 145:56-67.
Yuanxin Liu, Wenwu Zhao, Xiao Zhang and Xuening Fang. Soil Water Storage Changes within Deep Profiles under Introduced Shrubs during the Growing Season: Evidence from Semiarid Loess Plateau, China.Water 2016, 8, 475; doi:10.3390/w8100475
Yuanxin Liu, Wenwu Zhao, Lixin Wang, Xiao Zhang, Stefani Daryanto and Xuening Fang. Spatial Variations of Soil Moisture under Caragana korshinskii Kom. from Different Precipitation Zones: Field Based Analysis in the Loess Plateau, China. Forests 2016, 7(2), 31; doi:10.3390/f7020031
FENG Qiang, ZHAO Wen-Wu, WANG Jun, ZHANG Xiao, ZHAO Ming-Yue, ZHONG Li-Na, LIU Yuan-Xin and FANG Xue-Ning. Effects of different land-use types on soil erosion under natural rainfall in the Loess Plateau, China. PEDOSPHERE. 2016, 26(2):243-256.
Jingyi Ding, Wenwu Zhao. Comparing Chinese and international studies of riparian forests: A bibliometric survey (1981–2014). Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2016, 36(5): 377–385.
趙文武, 王亞萍. 1981-2015年我國大陸地區景觀生態學研究文獻分析. 生態學報. 2016, 36(23):7886-7896.
劉月,趙文武, 張驍.助推2030 可持續發展議程環境目標落實——第二屆聯合國環境大會會議簡述.生態學報,2016,36(12): 3843-3846.
鐘莉娜,王軍,趙文武. 基於修正簡易模型的陝北黃土丘陵溝壑區降雨侵蝕力分布特徵.中國水土保持科學.2016,14(5):8-14
Xuening Fang ,Wenwu Zhao, Bojie FU, Jingyi Ding. Landscape service capability, landscape service flow and landscape service demand. : A new framework for landscape services and its use for landscape sustainability assessment. Progress in Physical Geography, 2015,39(6):817–836
Qiang Feng, Xudong Guo, Wenwu Zhao, Yang Qiu, Xiao Zhang. A Comparative Analysis of Runoff and Soil Loss Characteristics between “Extreme Precipitation Year” and “Normal Precipitation Year” at the Plot Scale: A Case Study in the Loess Plateau in China. Water, 2015, 7(7):3343-3366
趙明月,趙文武,劉源鑫. 不同尺度下土壤粒徑分布特徵及其影響因子的對比分析.生態學報,2015,35(14):4625-4632
丁婧禕,趙文武,房學寧. 社會水文學研究進展. 套用生態學報. 2015,26(4):1055-1063
丁婧禕, 趙文武, 王軍, 房學寧. 降水和植被變化對徑流影響的尺度效應: 以陝北黃土丘陵溝壑區為例. 地理科學進展,2015,34(8): 1039-1051
劉源鑫,趙文武,王軍. 協同應對全球變化, 促進可持續發展——"未來地球2025願景".生態學報,2015,35(7):2414-2417
王明珠,趙文武,房學寧. 國際土地爭奪影響效應研究述評. 資源科學. 2015,37(2):0219-0225
Ming-Yue Zhao, Wen-Wu Zhao, Yang Qiu, Qiang Feng and Li-Na Zhong. Scale effect analysis of the influence of land-use types and environmental factors on soil nutrients: a case study in loess areas of northern Shaanxi, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2014,23(3):787-794
Lina Zhong, Wenwu Zhao, Zhengfeng Zhang, Xuening Fang. Analysis of Multi-Scale Changes in Arable Land and Scale Effects of the Driving Factors in the Loess Areas in Northern Shaanxi, China. Sustainability, 2014, 6(4), 1747-1760
Zhengfeng Zhang, Wei Zhao, Wenwu Zhao. Commercialization Development of Crop Straw Gasification Technologies in China. Sustainability, 2014, 6(12), 9159-9178
Lina Zhong, Wenwu Zhao, Yuanxin Liu, Xiao Zhang, Xuening Fang. Deviation of land-use data from quickbird and tm remote sensing imagery: a case study of the tanjiaying small watershed in the loess hilly-gully area of china. IGRASS. 2014
陳利頂,李秀珍,傅伯傑,肖篤寧,趙文武. 中國景觀生態學發展歷程與未來研究重點. 生態學報. 2014,34(12):3129-3141 .
趙文武,房學寧. 景觀可持續性與景觀可持續性科學.生態學報,2014,(10):2453-2459
趙明月,趙文武,鐘莉娜. 土地利用和環境因子對表層土壤有機碳影響的尺度效應分析.生態學報,2014,(5): 1105-1113.
張驍,趙文武. 2013年水文土壤學與自然資源可持續利用國際學術研討會述評.生態學報,2014,34(3):774-777.
鐘莉娜,趙文武,呂一河,劉源鑫. 黃土丘陵溝壑區景觀格局演變特徵——以陝西省延安市為例. 生態學報. 2014,34(12):3368-3377.
馮強,趙文武. USLE/RUSLE中植被覆蓋與管理因子研究進展.生態學報,2014,(16).4461-4472
丁婧褘,趙文武. 生態恢複評價研究進展與展望—第5屆國際生態恢復學會大會會議述評. 套用生態學報, 2014,25(9): 2716-2722
鐘莉娜,郭旭東, 趙文武,劉世梁,吳 全.內蒙古鄂爾多斯市達拉特旗土地利用結構變化對生態系統服務價值的影響.中國土地科學.2014,28(10):25-32
Wenwu Zhao, Bojie Fu, Yang Qiu. An Upscaling Method for Cover-Management Factor and Its Application in the Loess Plateau of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ,2013, 10: 4752-4766.
Qiang Feng, Wenwu Zhao, Yang Qiu, Mingyue Zhao,Lina Zhong. Spatial Heterogeneity of Soil Moisture and the Scale Variability of Its Influencing Factors: A Case Study in the Loess Plateau of China. Water, 2013, 5: 1226-1242.
Hailiang Xu, Wenwu Zhao, Yinhui Zhang, Mingyue Zhao, Xiaoyan Liu. Price Differential Characteristics among Major World Grain Products from 1961 to 2009. Journal of Agricultural Science and Applications. 2013, 2(2): 102-107
Zhang Zhengfeng, Yan Jinming, Zhao Wenwu et al. An evaluation system for arable land consolidation potential and its application in China. Outlook on Agriculture, 2013, 42(4):265-272
房學寧,趙文武. 生態系統服務研究進展. 生態學報. 2013,33(20):6736-6740
鐘莉娜,趙文武. 2013年European Geosciences Union國際會議述評. 生態學報. 2013,33(22):7319-7321.
劉源鑫,趙文武. 未來地球⁃全球可持續性研究計畫. 生態學報. 2013, 33(23):7610-7613.
楊德偉,趙文武,呂一河. 景觀生態學研究:傳統領域的堅守與新興領域的探索. 生態學報. 2013, 33(24)
徐海燕,趙文武,趙明月,丁喜蓮,王強. 陝西省安塞縣生態退耕後農村經濟轉型及路徑選擇. 水土保持通報,2013,33(3):236-240
鐘莉娜,趙文武. 基於NDVI的黃土高原植被覆蓋變化特徵與空間自相關關係分析. 中國水土保持科學. 2013,11(5):57-62
胡瑩潔,趙文武,徐海亮. 國際土地爭奪發展現狀與影響因素分析.世界地理研究. 2013,4:25-34
W. W. Zhao, B. J. Fu, L. D. Chen. A comparison of the soil loss evaluation index and the C-factor of RUSLE: a case study in the Loess Plateau of China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012,16, 2739–2748.
Yiming An, Wenwu Zhao, Yinhui Zhang. Accuracy assessments of the GLOBCOVER2008 land cover dataset using statistical inventories and FLUXNET site data at global scale. Acta Ecologica Sinica. 2012,32: 314–320
趙文武. 世界主要國家耕地動態變化及其影響因素分析. 生態學報,2012,2012,32(20):6352-6462
陳利頂,趙文武,王計平. 土地利用、水土流失及其尺度效應. 見陳利頂,呂昌河等著,黃土丘陵溝壑區土地利用與水土流失的尺度效應研究. 北京:科學出版社,2012,1-18
安藝明,趙文武. 全球氣候變化下的糧食安全研究. 生態學報,2012,32(15):4940-4942
徐海亮,趙文武,安藝明. 1961-2009年國際糧食價格時間變化特徵分析. 世界地理研究,2012,21(3):58-69.
解純營,趙文武,徐海亮,安藝明. 世界食物消費變化和經濟發展關係分析. 世界農業,2012,(11):1-7
趙明月,趙文武,安藝明,靳婷. 青海湖流域土壤侵蝕敏感性評價. 中國水土保持科學,2012,10(2):15-20.
趙文武. 研究型教學模式設計——以土地資源管理課程為例. 教育技術期刊.2012,2(7):1-6
Bojie Fu, Dong Niu, Yihe Lu, Guohua Liu, Wenwu Zhao. Land degradation and ecological restoration in China. Francisco A. Comin. Ecological Restoration: A Global Challenge; Cambridge University Press; 2010: 140-174.
Yinhui Zhang, Yi Luo, Wenwu Zhao*. Land use dynamics and landscape change pattern in Hetao irrigation district, Inner Mongolia, China. Sixth International Symposium on Digital Earth. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7841, 78410X. 2010
趙文武. 土地利用研究的國際比較. 地球環境學報,2010,1(3):249-256.
趙文武,朱婧. 我國景觀格局演變尺度效應研究進展. 中國人口.資源與環境,2010,20:287-291.
徐海燕,趙文武*,解純營,靳婷. 組件式GIS技術構建的多尺度土壤侵蝕評價模組. 水土保持研究,2010,17(1):117-121.
Zhao Wenwu, Xu Haiyan, Jiang Guanghui, Zhang Yinhui. Land resources and sustainable utilization in China. PIAGENG2009. Remote Sensing and Geoscience for Agricultural Engineering. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7491, 749114 (Jul. 10, 2009) .
Zhao Wenwu, Xu Haiyan, Zhang Yinhui, Xie Chunying. Analysis on the rural house reconstruction agreement in the earthquake disaster rural areas. PIAGENG2009. Remote Sensing and Geoscience for Agricultural Engineering. Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7491, 749113 (Jul. 10, 2009)
Zhao Wenwu,Zhang Yinhui. Effects of land use pattern change on soil loss at catchment scale: a case study in Loess Plateau of China based on GIS and SEDEM. 2009 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE 2009, p 4840-4843, 2009.
Zhao Wenwu,Zhang Yinhui. GIS-based application of erosion management tool at Loess Plateau of China. 2009 1st International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, ICISE 2009, p 2071-2074, 2009
趙文武,徐海燕.災區農村恢復重建面臨的問題與對策.中國國土經濟學會.全國經濟地理研究與微區位前沿學術研討會. 2009 年 5 月.
X.-Y. Li, W.-W. Zhao , Y.-X. Song, W. Wang, X.-Y. Zhang. Rainfall harvesting on slopes using contour furrows with plastic-covered transverse ridges for growing Caragana korshinskii in the semiarid region of China. Agricultural Water Management. 2008,95:529-544.
De Wang, Bojie Fu, Wenwu Zhao,Huifeng Hu, Yafeng Wang . Multifractal characteristics of soil particle size distribution under different land-use types on the Loess Plateau, China . Catena. 2008, 72:29–36 .
朱恆峰,趙文武*,康慕誼, 郭雯雯.水土保持地區人類活動對汛期徑流影響的估算.水科學進展.2008,19(3):400-406
趙文武,徐海燕,朱 婧.對災區土地利用總體規劃的幾點建議.見:汶川地震社會管理政策研究.北京:科學出版社,2008:198-207
東野光亮,趙文武.中國土壤地質學研究進展與展望.土壤學報.2008, 45( 5 ): 875-880 .
朱恆峰,趙文武*,康慕誼, 郭雯雯.延河流域輸沙時變過程的顯著干擾點分析.人民黃河.2008,30:80-88.
朱恆峰,趙文武*,康慕誼, 郭雯雯.延河流域土地利用格局時空變化與驅動因子分析.乾旱區資源與環境.2008,22(8):17-22.
朱婧,趙文武*,徐海燕.黃土丘陵溝壑區徑流、輸沙相關性的尺度效應分析.水土保持研究. 2008,15(3):4-6.
趙文武,郭雯雯,朱婧,徐海燕.耕地總量動態平衡與耕地動態平衡.農業經濟. 2007:88-90.
朱恆峰,康慕誼,趙文武.郭雯雯.水利水保措施對延河流域侵蝕、泥沙輸移和沉積的影響.水土保持研究. 2007,14(4):88-90.
Fu Bojie, Zhao Wenwu, Chen Liding, Lü Yihe, Wang De. A multiscale soil loss evaluation index. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2006, 51(4): 448-456
Bo-Jie Fu, Qiu-Ju Zhang, Li-Ding Chen, Wen-Wu Zhao, Hubert Gulinck, Guo-Bin Liu, Qin-Ke Yang, Yong-Guan Zhu. Temporal change in land use and its relationship to slope degree and soil type in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau of China. Catena. 2006, 65: 41-48
趙文武,傅伯傑,陳利頂,呂一河.SEDEM及其套用初步.自然地理學與生態建設. 北京:氣象出版社.
朱婧,趙文武.資源節約型城市土地利用評價指標體系研究.中國科技論文線上. 2006年12月.
B. J. FU, W. W. ZHAO, L. D. CHEN, Q. J. ZHANG, Y. H. LU¨ , H. GULINCK AND J. POESEN. Assessment of soil erosion at large watershed scale using RUSLE and GIS: a case study in the Loess Plateau of China. Land degradation and development. 2005, 16: 73-85
Bo-Jie Fu, Wen-Wu Zhao, Li-Ding Chen, Zhan-Feng Liu, Yi-He Lü. Eco-hydrological effects of landscape pattern change. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. 2005, 1: 25-32
Wang Linlin, Dongye Guangliang, Zhao Wenwu , Wang Mingmei, Li Chuanrong. Hazard assessment of debris flows based on GIS: A case study in Xiajiang county of Shandong province, China. . In Li Shengcai, Wang Yajun, Huang Ping (eds).Progress in safety science and technology. Beijing: Science Press.2005.
Zhao Wenwu, Fu Bojie, Meng Qinghua, Zhang Qiuju, Zhang Yinhui, 2004. Effects of land-use pattern change on rainfall-runoff and runoff-sediment relations: a case study in Zichang watershed of the Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Environment Science. 16(3): 436-442 .
B. J. FU, Q. H. MENG, Y. QIU, W. W. ZHAO, Q. J. ZHANG AND D. A. DAVIDSON. Effects of land use on soil erosion and nitrogen loss in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China. Land Degradation & Development. 2004, 15: 87–96
Qiu-Ju Zhang, Bo-Jie Fu, Li-Ding Chen, Wen-wu Zhao, et a.Dynamics and driving factors of agricultural landscape in the semiarid hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.2004,103(3): 535-543.
張秋菊,傅伯傑,陳利頂,趙文武.黃土丘陵溝壑區縣域耕地糧食生產力和糧食自給能力變化差異.資源科學.2004,26(4):126-131 82-89.
張秋菊,傅伯傑,陳利頂,趙文武.黃土丘陵溝壑區退耕還林還草工程與區域可持續發展.土地變化科學與生態環境建設.北京:商務印書館.2004.293-298 82-89.
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Meng Qinghua, Fu Bojie, Qiu yang and Zhao wenwu.Land Use Effects on Soil Erosion and Phosphorus Loss in the Hilly Area of the Loess Plateau, China. Proceedings of 12th ISCO Conference,Process of Erosion and Its Environment Effect (Volume Ⅱ).Beijing:Tsinghua University Press. 2002. 116-121 .
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傅伯傑,趙文武,張秋菊,劉宇等 .黃土高原景觀格局變化與土壤侵蝕 .北京:科學出版社.2014.4 .
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王晶, 趙文武, 賈立志. 一種新型的土壤分離能力沖刷實驗樣品提取方法.專利號: 201721868109.2(實用新型專利,2018年8月)
2014年 北京師範大學第十四屆青年教師基本功比賽二等獎、最佳教態獎(研究生教學理工科組)
2013年 北京師範大學京師英才二等獎。
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