- 中文名:趙敏娟
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1971年1月
- 畢業院校:西北農林科技大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:管理學
- 職務:西安財經大學校長
- 籍貫:陝西興平
- 任職院校:西安財經大學
國家社會科學基金重大項目“生態文明建設背景下自然資源治理體系構建:全價值與多中心途徑”(15ZDA052),2015.7-2017.6.(首席專家、在研) | ||||||
國家自然科學基金項目“西北地區水資源配置的多目標協同研究:全價值評估與公眾支持”(71373209), 2014.1-2017.12. (主持、在研) | ||||||
國家自然科學基金重大項目之專題“黑河流域農業水資源最佳化配置模型測算與分析”(K305021401)2014.1-2017.12. (主持、在研) | ||||||
農業部農村經濟研究中心委託項目“大宗淡水魚產業預警與技術效率問題研究”, 2014.6-12. (主持、在研) | ||||||
中國科學院黑河流域生態綜合治理工程生態成效評估之專題“生態工程的經濟社會效益與生態修復的互饋效應”, 2014.1-2015.12. (主持、在研) | ||||||
中央高校基本科研業務費項目“脆弱性貧困、食物消費行為與農村老年人健康質量的關聯研究” 2013RWZD02, 2013.5-2016.5. (主持、在研) | ||||||
國家自然科學基金項目“基於選擇模型的西北地區水資源環境價值評估及其效益轉移研究” (71073128), 2011.1-2013.12. (主持、完成) | ||||||
陝西省千陽縣政府委託項目,“陝西省千陽縣“十三五”水資源規劃方案”,2014.1-2015.6 (負責、完成) | ||||||
陝西省種子公司合作項目,”陝西種業企業發展調查研究”, 2013.12-2014.12. (負責、完成) | ||||||
陝西楊凌示範區合作項目,“國家楊凌農業技術交易中心建設方案”,2012.12-2014.12(負責、完成) | ||||||
高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金 “石羊河流域生態系統價值評估及流域可持續管理框架” (20100204110031), 2011.1-2013.12. (主持、完成) | ||||||
陝西省社會哲學科學項目““農地產權變遷中基層組織行為研究”(05D008S),2006.8-2008.12,(主持、完成) | ||||||
國際項目“水資源生態環境價值評估:建立和檢驗以指標為基礎的意願調查法價值評估及其價值轉移模型”, Environmental Protection Agent,the U.S.,2006.5-2009.5,(參與,完成) | ||||||
陝西省軟科學“平利縣農地產權變遷中基層組織行為實證研究”,2006.9-2008.9,(主持、完成) | ||||||
國家留學基金項目“農地產權變遷中地方政府行為績效研究”,2006.6-2009.6, (主持、完成) | ||||||
陝西省自然科學基金項目“陝西省農村資源破壞價值衡量模型與對策研究”(99G03)2000.1-2002.12,(主持、完成) | ||||||
國家自然科學基金項目“西北地區農村資源破壞典型分析及其控制機制研究”(79900017),2000.1-2002.12,(主持、完成) |
Shashi Kant,《Post-Faustmann Forest Resource Economics》, 2012, Springer Press, (Chapter 9, Economics of Forest Ecosystem Restoration: A system Approach, Yin Runsheng, Zhao Minjuan) | ||||||
農業科技創新國際化研究報告(主編),中國農業出版社,2012; | ||||||
陝西現代農作物種業發展研究(參編),西北農林科技大學出版社,2012; | ||||||
土地資源學(參編), 西北農林科技大學出版社,2002 | ||||||
經濟法教程(主編), 西安地圖出版社,2002 |
Zhao, Minjuan; Yin, Runsheng*; Yao, Liuyang; Xu, Tao, Assessing the impact of China ’ s sloping land conversion program on household production efficiency under spatial heterogeneity and output diversification, China Agricultural Economic Review, 2015, 7(2):221–239. | ||||||
史恆通,趙敏娟*,基於選擇試驗模型的生態系統服務支付意願差異及全價值評估:以渭河流域為例,資源科學,2015,37(2):0351-0359. | ||||||
史恆通,趙敏娟*,生態系統服務支付意願及其影響因素分析——以陝西省渭河流域為例,軟科學,2015, 29(6):115-120. | ||||||
鐘媛, 趙敏娟*, 城市土地利用變化對生態系統服務的影響——以西安市為例,水土保持研究,2015, 22(1):274-280. | ||||||
Yin, Runsheng; Zhao, Minjuan, Designing and Implementing Payments for Ecosystem Services Programs: What Lessons Can Be Learned from China’s Experience of Restoring Degraded Cropland? Environmental Science and Technology, 2014, 48(1):19-20 (doi.org/10.1021/es405028n). | ||||||
Yin, Runsheng; Liu, Can; Zhao, Minjuan; Yao, Shunbo; Liu, Hao, The implementation and impacts of China's largest payment for ecosystem services program as revealed by longitudinal household data, Land Use Policy, 2014,40:45-55. | ||||||
Rahman, Wakilur; Luo, Jianchao*; Zhao, Minjuan, Welcome Impacts of Microcredit Programmes: an Empirical Investigation in the State Designated Poor Counties of Shaanxi, China. Journal of International Development,DOI: 10.1002/jid.3020 | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan. 2011, Water use and grain security in Northwestern China, China-Germany Workshop “Food Security in China and International Agricultural Trade”, University of Gottingen, Germany, August. | ||||||
Fanus Asefaw Aregay; Zhao, Minjuan* and Zahra Masood Bhutta, Irrigation water pricing policy for water demand and environmental management: a case study in the Weihe River basin, Water Policy, 2013, 15(5): 816–829. | ||||||
Yin, Runsheng; Liu, Tianjun; Zhao, Minjuan, Designing and implementing payments for ecosystem services programs: Lessons learned from China's cropland restoration experience, Forest Policy and Economics,2013, 35: 66–72. | ||||||
樊輝,趙敏娟*, 自然資源非市場價值評估的選擇實驗法:原理及套用研究, 資源科學, 2013, 35(7):1347-1354. | ||||||
殷兆偉, 趙敏娟*. 基於協調度模型的土地集約利用評價:以楊凌農業高新技術產業示範區為例,貴州農業科學,2013,41(4):181-184. | ||||||
馮劍, 趙敏娟*, 西北五省區羊肉產業的發展對策,貴州農業科學,2013,41(5):113-117. | ||||||
趙敏娟*,姚順波. 基於農戶技術效率的退耕還林政策評價—以黃土高原區的三縣為例,中國人口.資源與環境,2012, 22(7):323-330. | ||||||
郭雅雯, 趙敏娟*.基於STIRPAT模型的陝西省耕地面積變化社會經濟驅動力分析,水土保持研究,2012,19(6):197-201 | ||||||
陳琦, 趙敏娟*, 收入分配視角下的農村居民消費研究,軟科學,2012,26(12):26-31. | ||||||
Runsheng Yin, Minjuan Zhao. Ecological restoration programs and payments for ecosystem services as integrated biophysical and socioeconomic processes — China's experience as an example, Ecological Economics, 2012, 73: 56–65. | ||||||
練夏,趙敏娟*. 天水市秦州區農村居民點整理潛力測算,中國農學通報,2011,27: | ||||||
劉佳,趙敏娟*.寶雞市土地利用經濟效益評價,水土保持研究,2011, 18(6):216-210. | ||||||
石璐璐,趙敏娟*. 陝西省農村土地流轉影響因素分析——基於462戶農戶調查數據,北方園藝,2011,11( 21). | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan. Water use and grain security in Northwestern China, China-Germany Workshop “Food Security in China and International Agricultural Trade”, University of Gottingen, Germany, August, 2011. | ||||||
謝茫茫, 趙敏娟*. 陝西省城鎮土地效率評價,山東農業大學學報(自然科學版), 2011.05.603-608. | ||||||
劉軍, 趙敏娟*. 陝西省楊凌示範區建設用地變化驅動力分析, 中國人口. 資源與環境,2010, 20(3):108-111. | ||||||
4、國際會議報告與論文(2010至今 ) | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan, Yao, Liuyang, Xv Tao, What do the public expect to restore? Qualifying Economic value preference heterogeneity and regional decision support “Resource Constraints and Sustainable Food System in China” 2014 CAER-IFPRI Annual International Conference, Shaanxi, China. Oct. 16-17.2014. (主旨報告) | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan, Luo, Dan, Johnston, R.J, Xu, Tao and Yao, Liuyang, Evaluation for Inland River Watershed Restoration Policy: Quantifying Full Values, Public Preference Heterogeneity and Regional Decision Support, Chinese Economics Society 2014 China Annual Conference, June14- 15.2014. (大會報告) | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan, Yao, Liuyang, Inland River Watershed Management: Quantifying Full Values, Public Support and Preference Heterogeneity, EU-China TEEB Platform (EU-China Platform on mainstreaming the values of nature into decision-making), Beijing. 10th-11th, July 2014. (大會報告) | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan, Johnston, R.J, Implication of Ecological Indicators in Benefit Transfer from Choice Modeling Evaluation, 5th Sino-German Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation, Lanzhou, Gansu, P.R.China . July16-20.2012. (大會報告) | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan, Is identical payment equality? Spatial differential and integral evaluation of Grain to Green Program: Cases from farm household production in Loess Plateau, China, Sino-German Expert Exchange on The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Bonn, Giessen, Leipzig, Germany, November 11 – 17.2012. (大會報告) | ||||||
Zhao, Minjuan, Water use and grain security in Northwest China, China-Germany Workshop “Food Security in China and International Agricultural Trade”, University of Gottingen, Germany, August,8-12.2011. (大會報告) |