- 中文名:趙小立
- 職業:教師
- 任職院校:浙江大學
- 職稱:副教授
1979---1983 杭州大學 生物系學士
1987---1990 杭州大學 生命科學學院碩士
1990---至今 浙江大學生命科學學院助教,講師,副教授
1997---1998 美國Valpraso大學訪問學者
3.Huarong Huang, Xiaoli Zhao,Liangbiao Chen,Chao Xu,Xing Yao,Yongliang Lu,Licheng Dai, Ming Zhang,Differentiation of human embryonic stem cells into smooth muscle cells in adherent monolayer culture,Biochemical and Biophsical Res.Communication,2006,351:321-327.
4.Xiaopan Chen,Rongrong Wu,Shumei Feng,Bin Gu,Licheng Dai,Ming Zhang,Xiaoli Zhao,Single cell derived murine embryonic stem cell clones stably express Rex1-specific green fluorescent protein and their differentiation study. Biochemical and Biophsical Res.Communication,2007,362:467-473.
5.YuKan Liu,HuiJiao Ji ,QiaoZhi Lu ,XiaoLi Zhao,Ming Zhang,Effects of extracellular calcium and phosphate concentrations on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells.Biomedical material,2009,4(2):25004
6.YuKan Liu,GuangChuan Wang,YuRong Cai,HuiJiao Ji,GuoShun Zhou,XiaoLi Zhao,RuiKang Tang,Ming Zhang,In vitro effects of nanophase hydroxyapatite particles on proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells.J Biomed Mater Res A,2009,90(4):1083-91.
7.Xing Yao ,HuiJiao Ji, YuKan Liu,YuRong Cai,XiaoLi Zhao,RuiKang Tang, Ming Zhang. Hydroxyapatite conditioned medium enhance the osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.Minerva Biotechnologica,2010, 22(1):9-15
8.Zhong-yuan Su,Ying Li,Xiao-li Zhao,Ming Zhang.ALL-trans retinoic acid promotes smooth muscle cell differentiation of rabbit bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.J Zhejiang Univ-sciB,2010 ,11(7):489-496
9.Zhou Tan,Zhongyuan Su,Rongrong Wu,Bin Gu,Yukan Liu,Xiaoli Zhao,and Ming Zhang.Immunomodulative effects of mesenchymal stem cells derived from human embryonic stem cells.J.Zhejiang Univ-sci B, 2011, 12(1):18-27
10. Qi Chen,Yang Zhou,Xiaoli Zhao,Ming Zhang.Effect of dual-specificity protein phosphatase 5 on pluripotency maintenance and differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.J.Cellular Biochem.,2011,June,online
11. Zhou Tan,Jiarong Zhang,Zhongyuan Su,Bin Gu,Xinhang Jiang,Jingfeng Luo,Huijiao Ji,Guangchuan Wang,Bo Tao,Xiaoli Zhao,Liangbiao Chen, Guoliang Yu,Weimin Zhu,Ming Zhang. production of rabbit monoclonal antibodies against mouse embryonic stem cells and identification of pluripotency-associated surface antigens.Journal of Immunological Methods, 2011,365: 149–157
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