


  • 中文名:趙卓慧
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:空氣污染與人群健康、環境與兒童呼吸道健康、環境流行病學。
  • 就職院校:復旦大學公共衛生學院


2006年瑞典烏普薩拉大學環境醫學博士畢業,2007年任職復旦大學公共衛生學院環境衛生教研室講師, 2013年晉升副教授, 2018年晉升教授。
現任中國環境科學學會室內環境與健康分會青年委員會副主任委員,上海市預防醫學會環境衛生分會 委員,上海市室內環境淨化行業協會院士專家服務中心專家。




申請者共主持/參與 12 個 項目,在研項目4 項, 主持 1 項國家重點聯合研究計畫“大氣污染成 因與控制技術研究”重點專項(青年項目),主持 1 項上海市教委專項 “學校室內空氣品質控制及策略”,國家自 然基金委中國-瑞典國際合作項目 1 項,骨幹參與 973 項目“大氣細顆粒 物引發呼吸道損傷的病理生理學機制與干預研究”子課題 1 項,已 結題項目 8 項(含國家自然基金委青年項目 1 項)。
發表期刊學術論文77篇,共同副 主編論著 1 本。其中 SCI 收錄論文 64 篇(83%),唯一/共同通訊或唯 一/共同第一作者 30 篇,SCI 論文引用次數共 815(排除所有共同作者 的他引次數 524 次)。唯一/共同通訊或唯一/共同第一作者論文中,單篇最高影響因子為 9.776, 單篇最高引用次數 75(他引 67 次),作為共同第一和通訊作者,發表了2篇高被引論文。
  1. Xin Zhang, Xu Bai, Chenghuan Li, Tian Li, Rihua Wang,Zhuohui Zhao& Dan. Norback (2019): Elemental composition of ambient air particles in Taiyuan, China: evaluation of lifetime cancer and non-cancer risks, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International. Journal,
Wenming Shi, Zhijing Lin, Chenxi Liao, Jialing Zhang, Wei Liu, Xueying Wang, Jiao Caib, Zhijun Zou, Heng Wang, Dan Norback, Haidong Kan, Chen Huang*,Zhuohui Zhao*.Urinary phthalate metabolites in relation to children’s asthmatic and allergic symptoms in Shanghai. Environmental International.
Fei'er Chen, Zhijing Lin, Renjie Chen, Dan Norback, Cong Liu, Haidong Kan, Qihong Deng, Chen Huang, Yu Hu, Zhijun Zou, Wei Liu, Juan Wang, Chan Lu,Hua Qian, Xu Yang, Xin Zhang, Fang Qu, Jan Sundell, Yinping Zhang, Baizhan Li,Yuexia Sun,Zhuohui Zhao. The effects of PM2.5on asthmatic and allergic diseases or symptoms in preschool children of six Chinese cities, based on China, Children, Homes and Health (CCHH) project.Environmental Pollution232
Liao, Chenxi(#); Liu, Wei; Zhang, Jialing; Shi, Wenming; Wang, Xueying; Cai, Jiao; Zou, Zhijun; Lu, Rongchun, Sun Chanjun, Wang Heng, Huang Chen,Zhao Zhuohui.Associations of urinary phthalate metabolites with residential characteristics, lifestyles, and dietary habits among young children in Shanghai, China.Science of the Total Environment616–617
Jingjin Shi, Fei'er Chen, Yunfei Cai, Shichen Fan, Jing Cai, Renjie Chen, Haidong Kan, Yihan Lu,Zhuohui Zhao. Validation of a light-scattering PM2.5 sensor monitor based on the long-term gravimetric measurements in field tests.PLoS ONE2017, 12(11): e0185700.
Anan Ding, Yajun Yang,Zhuohui Zhao, Anke Hüls4, Andrea Vierkötter, Ziyu Yuan, Jing Cai, Juan Zhang, Wenshan Gao, Jinxi Li, Manfei Zhang, Mary Matsui, Jean Krutmann,Haidong Kan, Tamara Schikowski, Li Jin & Sijia Wang. Indoor PM2.5 exposure affects skin aging manifestation in a Chinese population.
Jingjin Shi, Zhijing Lin, Renjie Chen, Cuicui Wang, Changyuan Yang, Jing Cai, Jingyu Lin, Xiaohui Xu, Jennifer A Ross,Zhuohui Zhao, Haidong Kan. Cardiovascular benefits of wearing particulate-filtering respirators: a randomized crossover trial.Environmental Health Perspectives
Jingjin Shi, RenjieChen, ChangyuanYang, ZhijingLin, JingCai, YongjieXia, Cuicui Wang, HuichuLi, NatalieJohnson, XiaohuiXu,Zhuohui Zhao, Haidong Kan. Association between fine particulate matter chemical constituents and airwayinflammation: panel study among healthy adults in China.
Feng Xu, Shuxian Yan, Qile Zheng, Fei Li, Weihan Chai, Minmin Wu, Haidong Kan,Dan Norback, Jinhua Xu andZhuohui Zhao. Residential Risk Factors for Atopic Dermatitis in
3- to 6-Year Old Children: A Cross-Sectional Study in Shanghai, China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health2016(13), 537;
Zhijin Lin, Dan Norback, TingtingWang, Xin Zhang, Jingjin Shi, Haidong Kan, Zhuohui Zhao. The first 2-year home environment in relation to the new onset and remission of asthmatic and allergic symptoms in 4246 preschool children.Science of the Total Environment2016,
Zhuohui Zhao, Renjie Chen, Zhijing Lin, Jing Cai, Yingying Yang, Dandan Yang, Dan Norback, Haidong Kan. Ambient carbon monoxide associated with alleviated respiratory inflammation in healthy young adults.Environmental Pollution2016, Volume 208, Part A,
Lin Z,Zhao Z,Xu H,Zhang X,Wang T,Kan H,Norback D. Home Dampness Signs in Association with Asthma and Allergic Diseases in 4618 Preschool Children in Urumqi, China-The Influence of Ventilation/Cleaning Habits.Plos one2015, Jul 31;10(7):e0134359. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.
Chen R,Zhao Z,Sun Q, Lin Z, Zhao A, Wang C, Xia Y, Xu X,Kan H*.Size-fractionated particulate air pollution and circulating biomarkers of inflammation, coagulation and vasoconstriction in a panel of young adults.Epidemiology,
Xin Zhang, Fan Li, Li Zhang,Zhuohui Zhao*, Dan Norback. A Longitudinal Study of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) among Pupils in Relation to SO2, NO2, O3 and PM10 in Schools in China.
Zhijing Lin, Tingting Wang, Dan Norback, Haidong Kan, Jan Sundell,Zhuohui Zhao*.Sick building syndrome, perceived odors, sensation of air dryness and indoor environment in Urumqi, China.Chinese Science Bulletin2014,59(35),
Zhuohui Zhao*, Chen Huang, Xin Zhang, Feng Xu, Haidong Kan, Weimin Song, Gunilla Wieslander, Dan Norback. Fractional exhaled nitric oxide in Chinese children with asthma and allergies-A two-city study.
Zhuohui Zhao*, Xin Zhang, Ranran Liu,Dan Norback, Gunilla Wieslander, Jie Chen,Jan Sundell.Prenatal and early life home environment exposure in relation to preschool children’s asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in Taiyuan, China.Chinese Science Bulletin.2013(58),
Guanghe Wang, Rongfang Jiang,Zhuohui Zhao*, Weimin Song*. Effects of ozone and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) on rat system inflammation and cardiac function.Toxicology letters,2013,
Tingting Wang,Zhuohui Zhao*, Hua Ya, Shulan Wan, Dan Norback, Jie Che, Jinfeng M, Xiaoli J, Li Wang, Jan Sundell. Housing characteristics and indoor environment in relation to children’s asthma, allergic diseases and pneumonia in Urumqi, China.Chinese Science Bulletin.2013(58).




