



  • 中文名:趙勝東
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:聲子晶體與聲學超構材料
  • 任職院校:青島大學數學與統計學院


2015年10月-2016年10月在德國錫根大學 (University of Siegen) 交流學習,訪問學者。




(1) 國家自然科學基金委員會,青年科學基金項目,11902171,基於Minnaert共振的氣泡型超表面水下隱身機理研究,2020-01-01 至 2022-12-31,28萬元,在研,主持
(2) 中國博士後科學基金委員會,博後面上項目,2019M662297,基於3D列印的氣泡型軟超材料水下隱身機理研究,2020-01至今,8萬元,在研,主持
[1] Sheng-Dong Zhao, A-Li Chen,Yue-Sheng Wang, and Chuanzeng Zhang,Continuouslytunableacousticmetasurface fortransmittedwavefrontmodulation.Physical Review Applied, 2018,10: 054066.
[2] Sheng-Dong Zhao, Yue-Sheng Wang, and Chuanzeng Zhang, High-transmission acoustic self-focusing and directional cloaking in a graded perforated metal slab.Scientific. Reports 7 (2017) 4368.
[3] Sheng-Dong Zhao, Yue-Sheng Wang, and Chuanzeng Zhang, Acoustic imaging and mirage effects with high transmittance in a periodically perforated metal slab.Journal of Applied Physics 120 (2016) 194901.
[4] Sheng-Dong Zhao, Yue-Sheng Wang, Negative refraction and imaging of acoustic waves in a two-dimensional square chiral lattice structure.Comptes Rendus Physique. 17 (2016) 533–542.
[5] Sheng-Dong Zhao, Yue-Sheng, Negative refraction of acoustic waves in a two-dimensional square zigzag lattice structure.Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA) (2014) 182–185.
[6] Hao-Wen Dong, Sheng-Dong Zhao (共同一作), Yue-Sheng Wang, Li Cheng, Chuanzeng Zhang, Robust 2D/3D multi-polar acoustic metamaterials with broadband double negativity. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020, 137: 103889.
[7] Zheren Cai, Sheng-Dong Zhao (共同一作), Zhandong Huang, Zheng Li, Meng Su, Zeying Zhang,Zhipeng Zhao, Xiaotian Hu, Yue-Sheng Wang, and Yanlin Song, Bubble Architectures for Locally Resonant Acoustic Metamaterials. Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 1906984.
[8] Zhandong Huang, Sheng-Dong Zhao (共同一作), Meng Su, Qiang Yang, Zheng Li, Zheren Cai, Huanyu Zhao, Xiaotian Hu, Haihua Zhou, Fengyu Li, Jun Yang, Yuesheng Wang, and Yanlin Song, Bioinspired Patterned Bubbles for Broad and Low-Frequency Acoustic Blocking. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(1), 1757-1764.
[9] Hao-Wen Dong, Sheng-Dong Zhao (共同一作), Peijun Weia, Li Cheng, Yue-Sheng Wang, Chuanzeng Zhang, Systematic design and realization of double-negative acousticmetamaterials by topology optimization. Acta Materialia, 2019, 172, 102-120.
[10] Zhandong Huang, Zhipeng Zhao, Shengdong Zhao (通訊作者), Xiaobing Cai, Yiyuan Zhang, Zheren Cai, Huizeng Li, Zheng Li, Meng Su, Chuangzeng Zhang, Yaozong Pan, Yanlin Song, Jun Yang, Lotus Metasurface for Wide-Angle Intermediate-Frequency Wate-Air Acoustic Transmission, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 2021, 13: 53242-53251.
[11] Hao-Wen Dong,Sheng-Dong Zhao, Yue-Sheng Wang, Chuanzeng Zhang, Topology optimization of anisotropic broadband double-negative elastic metamaterials.Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 105 (2017) 54–80.
[12] Hao-Wen Dong,Sheng-Dong Zhao, Yue-Sheng Wang, Chuanzeng Zhang, Topology optimization of broadband hyperbolic elastic metamaterials with super-resolution imaging.Scientific Reports 8 (2018) 2247.
[13] Cheng-Lin Yang,Sheng-Dong Zhao, Yue-Sheng Wang, Experimental evidence of large complete bandgaps in zig-zag lattice structures.Ultrasonics 74 (2017) 99–105.
(1) 趙勝東; 陳阿麗; 汪越勝; 張傳增; 一種可調節聲波聚焦的超表面結構, 2020-11-17, 中國, ZL201710640789.0 (專利)
(2) 趙勝東; 董浩文; 張娜莉; 張傳增; 汪越勝; 一種聲學天線及其套用, 2021-8-05, 中國, 202110895902.6 (專利)
(3) 趙勝東; 董浩文; 張傳增; 沈辰; 汪越勝; 成利; 一種拓撲聲學定向傳輸裝置及其製備方法, 2020-4-03, 中國, 202010258079.3 (專利)
(4) 趙勝東; 董浩文; 張傳增; 沈辰; 汪越勝; 成利; 一種寬頻消色差聲聚焦透鏡, 2020-4-03, 中國, 202010257958.4 (專利)
(5) 汪越勝; 趙勝東; 王艷鋒; 張傳增; 實現水下聲波定向隱身的聲子功能結構和製作方法, 2019-4-23, 中國, ZL201610536880.3 (專利)
(6) 樊世旺; 趙勝東; 汪越勝; 唐全余; 陳阿麗; 王艷鋒; 王毅澤; 一種反射型波前調控的超表面結構及其使用方法, 2021-6-08, 中國, ZL201711165446.X (專利)
(7) 董浩文; 趙勝東; 沈辰; 汪越勝; 成利; 一種具有寬頻聲波轉向功能的超表面結構和聲波轉向, 2020-4-02, 中國, 202010256612.2 (專利)
(8) 董浩文; 趙勝東; 沈辰; 汪越勝; 成利; 一種寬頻超聲懸浮裝置及其製作方法, 2020-4-10, 中國, 202010281060.0 (專利)
(9) 張娜莉; 趙勝東; 谷岩; 屈文鎮; 王發傑; 張傳增; 左梓樂; 一種寬頻編碼聲學超表面結構及其製作方法和使用方法, 2021-3-31, 中國, 202110347250.2 (專利)
(10) 董浩文; 方岱寧; 汪越勝; 成利; 趙勝東; 五模超材料拓撲最佳化軟體, 2022SR0182136, 原始取得, 全部權利, 2021-3-16 (軟體著作權)


