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趙傑,男,博士,研究員,就職於中科院亞熱帶農業生態研究所。研究方向是土壤生態學和恢復生態學,研究興趣是植被與土壤生物相互作用,主要以土壤微生物和土壤線蟲群落為工具開展相關研究,關注土壤微生物群落和線蟲群落組成狀況及功能。目前已發表第一作者和通訊作者SCI論文30餘篇,主要發表在以下相關雜誌上:《Soil Biology & Biochemistry》、《Geoderma》、《Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment》、《Plant and Soil》、《Forest Ecology and Management》等。先後獲得中國生態學學會青年科技獎、中科院青促會優秀會員、湖南省傑青、中科院西部學者和中科院廣州分院優秀青年科技工作者等榮譽稱號。


  • 中文名:趙傑
  • 職業:研究員
  • 性別:男


2020.01--至今 中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態研究所 研究員
2017.06—2018.03 University of Western Australia 訪問學者
2015.1--2019.12 中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態研究所 副研究員
2012.7--2014.12 中國科學院亞熱帶農業生態研究所 助理研究員
2011.1-2012.1 University of Vermont 聯合培養
2007.9-2012.7 中科院華南植物園 生態學/博士
2003.9-2007.7 山東大學(威海) 生物技術專業/理學學士






[1]Liao, X., Fu, S., Zhao, J.*, 2023. Altered energy dynamics of multitrophic groups modify the patterns of soil CO2 emissions in planted forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 178: 108953.
[2]Li, J., Zhao, J.*, Liao, X., Yi, Q., Zhang, W., Lin, H., Liu, K., Peng, P., Wang, K., 2023. Long-term returning agricultural residues increases soil microbe-nematode network complexity and ecosystem multifunctionality. Geoderma 430, 116340.
[3]Li, Z., Chen, X., Li, J., Liao, X., Li, D., He, X., Zhang, W., Zhao, J.*, 2022. Relationships between soil nematode communities and soil quality as affected by land-Use type. Forests 13, 1658.
[4]Liao, X., Zhao, J.*, Xu, L., Tang, L., Li, J., Zhang, W., Xiao, J., Xiao, D., Hu, P., Nie, Y., Zou, D., Wang, K.*, 2023. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi increase the interspecific competition between two forage plant species and stabilize the soil microbial network during a drought event: Evidence from the field. Applied Soil Ecology 185, 104805.
[5]Liao, X., Zhao, J.*, Yi, Q., Li, J., Li, Z., Wu, S., Zhang, W., Wang, K.*, 2023. Metagenomic insights into the effects of organic and inorganic agricultural managements on soil phosphorus cycling. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 343, 108281.
[6]Wang, J., Wang, H., Lin, Q., Wu, Y., He, X., Chen, X., Yan, W.*, Zhao, J.*, 2023. Legume biological nitrogen fixation improves but chemical nitrogen fertilizer suppresses soil nematode communities in a Camellia oleifera plantation. Land Degradation & Development.
[7]Zhao, J., Wang, K.*, 2022. Methods for cleaning turbid nematode suspensions collected from different land-use types and soil types. Soil Ecology Letters 4, 429-434.
[8]Gao, D., Moreira-Grez, B., Wang, K., Zhang, W., Xiao, S., Wang, W., Chen, H., Zhao, J.*, 2021. Effects of ecosystem disturbance on nematode communities in calcareous and red soils: Comparison of taxonomic methods. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 155, 108162.
[9]Zhao, J., Xiao, J., Zhang, W., Fu, Z., Zhang, M., Liu, T., Tan, Q., Wang, K., 2019. A method for estimating nematode body lengths for use in the calculation of biomass via a simplified formula. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 134, 36-41.
[10]Gao, D., Wan, S., Fu, S., Zhao, J.*, 2021. Effects of understory or overstory removal on the abundances of soil nematode genera in a eucalyptus plantation. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 640299.
[11]Liao, X., Song, T., Xiong, Y., Zou, D., Wang, K., Du, H., Zhao, J.*, 2021. Soil nematode communities on five oceanic islands across a latitudinal gradient in the north of the South China Sea: Influence of biotic and abiotic factors. Ecological Indicators 129, 107619.
[12]Gao, D., Wang, F., Li, J., Yu, S., Li, Z., Zhao, J.*, 2020. Soil nematode communities as indicators of soil health in different land use types in tropical area. Nematology 22, 595-610.
[13]Wang, Z., He, G., Hou, Z., Luo, Z., Chen, S., Lu, J., Zhao, J.*, 2021. Soil C:N:P stoichiometry of typical coniferous (Cunninghamia lanceolata) and/or evergreen broadleaved (Phoebe bournei) plantations in south China. Forest Ecology and Management 486, 118974.
[14]Ye, Y., Rui, Y., Zeng, Z., He, X., Wang, K., Zhao, J.*, 2020. Responses of soil nematode community to monoculture or mixed culture of a grass and a legume forage species in China. Pedosphere 30, 791-800.
[15]Zhao, J., Xun, R., He, X., Zhang, W., Fu, W., Wang, K., 2015. Size spectra of soil nematode assemblages under different land use types. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 85, 130-136.
[16]Li. J., Peng, P., Zhao, J.*, 2020. Assessment of soil nematode diversity based on different taxonomic levels and functional groups. Soil Ecology Letters 2: 33-39
[17]Zhao, J., He, X., Zhang, W., Nie, Y., Fu, Z., Wang, K., 2015. Unusual soil nematode communities on karst mountain peaks in southwest China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 88, 414-419.
[18]Zhao, J., Li, D., Fu, S., He, X., Fu, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, K., 2016. Using the biomasses of soil nematode taxa as weighting factors for assessing soil food web conditions. Ecological Indicators 60, 310-316.
[19]Gao, D., Wang, X., Fu, S., Zhao, J.*, 2017. Legume plants enhance the resistance of soil to ecosystem disturbance. Frontiers in Plant Science 8.
[20]Zhang, W., Zhao, J.#, Pan, F., Li, D., Chen, H., Wang, K., 2015. Changes in nitrogen and phosphorus limitation during secondary succession in a karst region in southwest China. Plant and Soil 391, 77-91.
[21]Ciobanu, M., Popovici, I., Zhao, J.*, Stoica, I.-A., 2015. Patterns of relative magnitudes of soil energy channels and their relationships with environmental factors in different ecosystems in Romania. Scientific Reports 5, 17606.
[22]Zhao, J., He, X., Wang, K., 2015. A hypothetical model that explains differing net effects of inorganic fertilization on biomass and/or abundance of soil biota. Theoretical Ecology 8, 505-512.
[23]Zhao, J., Li, S., He, X., Liu, L., Wang, K., 2014. The soil biota composition along a progressive succession of secondary vegetation in a karst area. PLOS ONE 9, e112436.
[24]Zhao, J., Neher, D., 2013. Soil nematode genera that predict specific types of disturbance. Applied Soil Ecology 64, 135-141.
[25]Zhao, J., Neher, D., 2014. Soil energy pathways of different ecosystems using nematode trophic group analysis: a meta analysis. Nematology 16, 379-385.
[26]Zhao, J., Neher, D., Fu, S., Li, Z., Wang, K., 2013. Non-target effects of herbicides on soil nematode assemblages. Pest Management Science 69, 679-684.
[27]Zhao, J., Shao, Y., Wang, X., Neher, D.A., Xu, G., Li, Z.a., Fu, S., 2013. Sentinel soil invertebrate taxa as bioindicators for forest management practices. Ecological Indicators 24, 236-239.
[28]Zhao, J., Wan, S., Fu, S., Wang, X., Wang, M., Liang, C., Chen, Y., Zhu, X., 2013. Effects of understory removal and nitrogen fertilization on soil microbial communities in Eucalyptus plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 310, 80-86.
[29]Zhao, J., Wan, S., Li, Z., Shao, Y., Xu, G., Liu, Z., Zhou, L., Fu, S., 2012. Dicranopteris-dominated understory as major driver of intensive forest ecosystem in humid subtropical and tropical region. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 49, 78-87.
[30]Zhao, J., Wan, S., Zhang, C., Liu, Z., Zhou, L., Fu, S., 2014. Contributions of understory and/or overstory vegetations to soil microbial PLFA and nematode diversities in eucalyptus monocultures. PLOS ONE 9, e85513.
[31]Zhao, J., Wang, F., Li, J., Zou, B., Wang, X., Li, Z., Fu, S., 2014. Effects of experimental nitrogen and/or phosphorus additions on soil nematode communities in a secondary tropical forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 75, 1-10.
[32]Zhao, J., Wang, X., Shao, Y., Xu, G., Fu, S., 2011. Effects of vegetation removal on soil properties and decomposer organisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43, 954-960.
[33]Zhao, J., Wang, X., Wang, X., Fu, S., 2014. Legume-soil interactions: legume addition enhances the complexity of the soil food web. Plant and Soil 385, 273-286.
[34]Zhao, J., Zeng, Z., He, X., Chen, H., Wang, K., 2015d. Effects of monoculture and mixed culture of grass and legume forage species on soil microbial community structure under different levels of nitrogen fertilization. European Journal of Soil Biology 68, 61-68.
[35]Zhao, J., Zhang, W., Wang, K., Song, T., Du, H., 2014. Responses of the soil nematode community to management of hybrid napiergrass: The trade-off between positive and negative effects. Applied Soil Ecology 74, 134-144.
[36]Zhao, J., Zhao, C., Wan, S., Wang, X., Zhou, L., Fu, S., 2015. Soil nematode assemblages in an acid soil as affected by lime application. Nematology 17, 179-191


