- 中文名:趙俊猛
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:遼寧省東港市
- 畢業院校:中國地震局地質研究所
- 性別:男
1982畢業於成都地質學院(現成都理工大學), 物探系, 地震專業。1994年晉升為副研究員,同年被提升為研究院總工程師。1995在前蘇聯遠東大地構造研究所就郯廬斷裂北段(營口以北至蘇聯遠東地區)進行合作研究。1995年9月至1998年12月在中國地震局地質研究所攻讀博士學位,並獲得理學博士學位。1998年入選跨世紀人才“百千萬工程”。2000年晉升為研究員,並提升為大地電磁探測研究中心副主任;2001在美國史丹福大學作短期訪問與學術交流;2003年11月至今在中國科學院青藏高原研究所工作,任研究員。2005年獲中國科學院“百人計畫”資格,並獲得了擇優支持。
Junmeng Zhao, Shah Syed Tallataf Hussain, Heng Zhang, Xiankang Zhang, Changli Yao, Yishi Li Hongbing Liu, Qiang Xu, Gong Deng, Zhaoguo Hu, Zahid Imran Bhatti, Density and magnetic intensity of the crust and uppermost mantle across the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 265 (2017), 15-22.
Heng Zhang, Dapeng Zhao, Chunquan Yu, and Junmeng Zhao, Varying deformation patterns incentral Tibet revealed by radial anisotropy tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 121 (2016), 3445-3461.
HengZhang, JunmengZhao, DapengZhao, ChunquanYu, HongbingLiu, Zhaoguo Hu, Complex deformation in western Tibet revealed by anisotropic tomography, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 451 (2016), 97-107.
Deng Gong, Liang Feng, Li Xiaoting, Junmeng Zhao, Liu Hongbing, Wang Xun, The application of s-transform spectrum decomposition technique in extraction of weak seismic signals. Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 59 (1) (2016), 43-53.
趙俊猛, 杜品仁, 印度-亞洲大陸的初始碰撞, 地震地質, 38 (3) (2016), 783-796.
Junmeng Zhao, Xiankang Zhang, Changli Yao, Yisi Li, Hongbing Liu, and Qiang Xu, A Comprehensive Geophysical Profile across Northern Margin of Tibetan Plateau, Geophysics in China, (2015), 9-12, Beijing
Junmeng Zhao, Xuezhong Shao, Xiankang Zhang, Xinfa Chen, Zongjin Ma, Crustal Structure and Property of Western Junggar Basin, Geophysics in China, (2015), 1004-1007.
Junmeng Zhao, Xuezhong Shao, Xiankang Zhang, Xinfa Chen, Zongjin Ma, Basement Structure of Southern Junggar Basin, Geophysics in China, (2015), 1001-1004.
Junmeng Zhao, Xuezhong Shao, Xiankang Zhang, Xinfa Chen, Jie Xu, Zongjin Ma, Crustal Structure of Eastern Junggar Basin and Dynamic Analysis, Geophysics in China, (2015), 1007-1010.
Ling Bai, Guohui Li, Nangyal G. Khan, Junmeng Zhao, Lin Ding, Focal depths and mechanisms of shallow earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan region, Gondwana Research, 41 (2017), 390-399. (SCI-5)
Junmeng Zhao, D. P. Zhao, H. Zhang, H. B. Liu, Y. Huang, H. G. Cheng, and W. Wang, P-wave tomography and dynamics of the crust and upper mantle beneath western Tibet, Gondwana Research, 25 (4) (2014a), 1690-1699. (SCI-6)
Junmeng Zhao, H. Zhang, W. Tang, H. Liu, S. Pei, G. Deng, Z. Lu, D. Jiang, Y. Bai, and K. Pan, Seismic Tomography and Analysis of Bohai Basin and itsRegions, 中國大陸地球內部物理學與動力學研究-慶賀滕吉文院士從事地球物理學研究 60 周年 (2014), 508-519.
Junmeng Zhao, D. Murodov, Y. Huang, Y. S. Sun, S. P. Pei, H. B. Liu, H. Zhang,Y. Y. Fu, W. Wang, H. G. Cheng, and W. Tang, Upper mantle deformation beneath central-southern Tibet revealed by shear wave splitting measurements, Tectonophysics, 627 (2014b), 135-140. (SCI-7)
Junmeng Zhao, Zongjin Ma, Xiankang Zhang, Walter D.Mooney, Shixu Jia, Hongbing Liu, Shunping Pei, Ji Tang, Baofeng Liu, and Jianshi Zhang, A Geophysical profile of lithosphere across eastern Tianshan orogen. Progress in Studies of Geophysics and Regional Dynamics of Asia (2014).
趙俊猛. 國西部陸-陸碰撞與俯衝的深部結構特點, 2014 年中國地球科學聯合學術年會-專題 34:特提斯—青藏高原地質演化與成礦 (2014), 1867.
Zhang Heng, Dapeng Zhao, Junmeng Zhao, and Hongbing Liu, Tomographic imaging of the underthrusting Indian slab and mantle upwelling beneath central Tibet, Gondwana Research, 28 (2015), 121-132. (SCI-8)
Xu Qiang, Junmeng Zhao, Xiaohui Yuan, Hongbing Liu, and Shunping Pei, Mapping crustal structure beneath southern Tibet: Seismic evidence for continental crustal underthrusting, Gondwana Research, 27 (2015), 1487-1493. (SCI-9)
Liu, Q. M., Junmeng Zhao, F. Lu, and H. B. Liu, Crustal structure of northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau by receiver function inversion, Science China-Earth Sciences, 57 (4) (2014), 741-750. (SCI-10)
王立全、沙金庚、王強、高銳、侯增謙、潘桂棠、李建國、鄭遠川、饒馨、趙俊猛、金勝、賀日政、盧占武、張洪雙,2014. 青藏高原基礎地質調查研究:39-8, 270-71; 北京(中國科學技術出版社)
Wei Wang, Jumeng Zhao, Xing Gao, Changhui Ju, Hongbing Liu, Shunping Pei, Crust Structure Feature below the Zhangmu-Shuanghu Broadband Seismic Profile in the Tibetan Plateau, Scientific Journal of Earth Science, 4 (3) (2014), 165-170.
Junmeng Zhao, X. H. Yuan, H. B. Liu, P. Kumar, S. P. Pei, R. Kind, Z. J. Zhang,J. W. Teng, H. G. Cheng, Y. Huang, Q. Xu, W. Wang, W. Tang, H. Zhang, and Q.
M. Liu, Architecture of Colliding Tectonic Plates in Tibet by Passive Source Seismology, Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition), 87 (2013a), 181.
Junmeng Zhao, Z. J. Jin, W. D. Mooney, N. Okaya, S. X. Wang, X. Gao, L. J. Tang, S. P. Pei, H. B. Liu, and Q. Xu, Crustal structure of the central Qaidam basin imaged by seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction profiling, Tectonophysics, 584 (2013b), 174-190. (SCI-11)
Junmeng Zhao, Wei Tang, Shunping Pei, Hongbing Liu, and Gong Deng,Lithospheric Structure of the Tibetan Plateau by Seismic Tomography,Geophysics in China (2013), 1.
趙俊猛, 金之鈞, 劉訓. 城-大柴旦地學斷面所揭示的動力學問題, 中國地球 物理, (2013)
Xu, Q., Junmeng Zhao, S. P. Pei, and H. B. Liu, Distinct lateral contrast of the crustal and upper mantle structure beneath northeast Tibetan plateau from receiver function analysis, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 217 (2013a), 1-9. (SCI-12)
Xu, Q., Junmeng Zhao, S. P. Pei, and H. B. Liu, Imaging lithospheric structure of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis: New insights from receiver function analysis, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 118 (5) (2013b), 2323-2332. (SCI- 13)
Lei, X. Q., Y. P. Chen, C. B. Zhao, and Junmeng Zhao, Three-dimensional thermo-mechanical modeling of the Cenozoic uplift of the Tianshan mountains driven tectonically by the Pamir and Tarim, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 62 (2013), 797-811. (SCI-14)
Junmeng Zhao, Fang Lu, Zhichun Li, Yang Wang, Wentao Ma, and Xun Liu, Lithospheric structure and geodynamics at the northern margin of Tibetan plateau, Earthquake Science, 25 (5-6) (2012), 433-450.
Junmeng Zhao, Lithospheric structure and geodynamic properties of the Tibetan plateau and its adjacent regions, Earthquake Science, 25 (5-6) (2012), 353-362.
雷顯權, 陳運平, 趙俊猛, 趙炯洋, 天山造山帶深部探測及地球動力學研究進展, 地球物理學進展 (02) (2012), 417-428.
Zhu, Jieshou, Junmeng Zhao, Xiaotao Jiang, Jun Fan, and Chuntao Liang, Crustal flow beneath the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau, Earthquake Science, 25 (5-6) (2012), 469-483.
Zhang, H., Junmeng Zhao, and Q. Xu, Crustal and upper mantle velocity structure beneath central Tibet by P-wave teleseismic tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 190 (3) (2012a), 1325-1334. (SCI-15)
Zhang, H., D. P. Zhao, Junmeng Zhao, and Q. Xu, Convergence of the Indian and Eurasian plates under eastern Tibet revealed by seismic tomography, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13 (6) (2012b), 56-59. (SCI-16)
Zhang Guoqing, Junmeng Zhao, Hua Bai, Ming Wan, and Xiaoyang Guo, Structural characteristics of the basement and the prospective of favorable oil and gas blocks in the Tacheng basin, Earthquake Science, 25 (5-6) (2012), 527-534.
Ritsema, Jeroen, Ling Bai, and Junmeng Zhao, Focal depth estimates of earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan region from teleseismic waveformmodeling, 中國地球物理 (2012).33
Bai Ling, Jeroen Ritsema, and Junmeng Zhao, Focal depth estimates of earthquakes in the Himalayan-Tibetan region from teleseismic waveform modeling, Earthquake Science, 25 (5-6) (2012), 459-468.
Junmeng Zhao, Zongjin Ma, Xiankang Zhang, Shixu Jia, Hongbing Liu, Shunping Pei, Ji Tang, Baofeng Liu, and Jianshi Zhang, Crustal structure ofeastern Tianshan revealed by active source seismology, 中國地球物理 (2011a),52-53.
Junmeng Zhao, Ying Huang, Shunping Pei, Hongbing Liu, Wei Wang, Qiang Xu, Honggang Cheng, Wei Tang, and Lei Yang, Upper Mantle Transitional Zone beneath Central-Southern Tibet, Geophysics in China (2011b), 50-51.
趙俊猛, 王偉, 劉宏兵, 裴順平, 徐強, 程宏崗, 唐偉, 張衡, 劉啟明, 青藏高原中南部莫霍面結構形態, 中國地球物理 (2011), 139-140.
張衡, 趙俊猛, 青藏高原中部及西部地區的遠震 P 波成像結果, 中國地球物 理 (2011), 392.
徐強, 趙俊猛, 裴順平, 劉宏兵, 利用 S 波接收函式研究 Hi-CLIMB 剖面的岩石圈結構, 中國地球物理 (2011), 332.
Zhang H., Junmeng Zhao, and Q. Xu, Seismic P-wave tomography in eastern Tibet: Formation of the rifts, Chinese Science Bulletin, 56 (23) (2011), 2450-2455. (SCI-17)
Xu Q., Junmeng Zhao, S. P. Pei, and H. B. Liu, The lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary revealed by S-receiver functions from the Hi-CLIMB experiment, Geophysical Journal International, 187 (1) (2011), 414-420.
Pei S. P., Y. S. Sun, M. N. Toksoz, Y. J. Chen, X. Gao, Z. Wang, Junmeng Zhao, and H. B. Liu, Imaging Poisson's Ratio of the Uppermost Mantle beneath China, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101 (3) (2011), 1452-1461. (SCI-19)
Du P. R., Junmeng Zhao, and X. L. Gao, The 18.6-year periodicity of great earthquakes, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 54 (9) (2011),2256-2262. (SCI-20)
Junmen Zhao, X. H. Yuan, H. B. Liu, P. Kumar, S. P. Pei, R. Kind, Z. J. Zhang,J. W. Teng, L. Ding, X. Gao, Q. Xu, and W. Wang, The boundary between the Indian and Asian tectonic plates below Tibet, PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America), 107 (25) (2010), 11229- 11233. (SCI-21)
王偉, 趙俊猛, 劉紅兵, 裴順平, 青藏高原中部莫霍面形態特徵, 中國地球物理 (2010).247
李秋生, 陳凌, 王良書, 吳慶舉, 劉宏兵, 張忠傑, 趙俊猛, 史大年, 賀日政, USArray 及其近期科學發現, 地質學報 (06) (2010), 847-853.
Xu Q., Junmeng Zhao, Z. X. Cui, S. P. Pei, and H. B. Liu, Moho offset beneath the central Bangong-Nujiang suture of Tibetan Plateau, Chinese Science Bulletin, 55 (7) (2010), 607-613. (SCI-22)
Lei X. Q., Y. P. Chen, Junmeng Zhao, and J. Y. Zhao, Modelling of current crustal tectonic deformation in the Chinese Tianshan orogenic belt constrained by GPSobservations, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 7 (4) (2010), 431-442. (SCI-23)
Du P. R., Z. J. Ma, X. L. Gao, and Junmeng Zhao, An analysis on episodes of great earthquakes in the low-latitude circum-earth zone and circum Pacific zone, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 53 (12) (2010), 2869-2874. (SCI-24)
樊計昌, 劉明軍, 王夫運, 海燕, 趙俊猛, 小波包節點域和空間域傾角掃描高階相關去噪技術, 石油地球物理勘探 (06) (2009), 695-699.
Xu Q., Junmeng Zhao, Z. X. Cui, and M. Q. Liu, Structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the southeastern Tibetan Plateau by P and S receiver functions, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 52 (12) (2009), 3001-3008. (SCI-25)
Pei S. P., Z. X. Cui, Y. S. Sun, M. N. Toksoz, C. A. Rowe, X. Gao, Junmeng Zhao,H. B. Liu, J. K. He, and F. D. Morgan, Structure of the Upper Crust in Japan from S-Wave Attenuation Tomography, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 99 (1) (2009), 428-434. (SCI-26)
Jia S. X., C. K. Zhang, J. R. Zhao, S. M. Fang, Z. Liu, and Junmeng Zhao, Crustal structure of the rift-depression basin and Yanshan uplift in the northeast part of North China, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 52 (1) (2009), 99-110.
Junmeng Zhao, Honggang Cheng, Shunping Pei, Hongbing Liu, Jianshi Zhang, Baofeng Liu, Deep structure at northern margin of Tarim Basin. Chinese Science Bulletin, 53 (10) (2008), 1544-1554. (SCI-28)
Junmeng Zhao, Y. Huang, Z. J. Ma, X. Z. Shao, H. G. Cheng, W. Wang, and Q. Xu, Discussion on the basement structure and property of northern Junggar basin, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 51 (6) (2008), 1767-1775. (SCI-29)
趙俊猛, 張先康, 段永紅, 劉宏兵, 裴順平, 青藏高原北緣基底結構的差異,中國地球物理 (2008a), 271-272.
趙俊猛, 徐強, 段永紅, 裴順平, 劉宏兵, 青藏高原北緣基底結構的有限差 分研究, 地球物理學進展 (04) (2008b), 993-1000.
趙俊猛, 唐偉, 裴順平, 劉宏兵, 高星, 程宏崗, 王偉, 徐強, 黃英, 楊磊,青藏高原中部殼幔速度結構研究, 中國地球物理 (2008c), 268-269.
趙俊猛, 馬宗晉, 姚長利, 黎益仕, 劉占坡, 準噶爾盆地基底構造分區的重 磁異常分析, 新疆石油地質 (01) (2008d), 7-11.
趙俊猛, 馬宗晉, 金之鈞, 張先康, 王尚旭, 劉宏兵, 裴順平, 塔里木盆地北緣雙莫霍面及成因探討, 中國地球物理 (2008e), 370-371.
趙俊猛, 盧造勛, 姚長利, 黎益仕, 劉占坡, 準噶爾盆地基底斷裂的重磁學 研究, 地震地質 (01) (2008f), 132-143.
趙俊猛, 黃英, 劉宏兵, 裴順平, 高星, 程宏崗, 唐偉, 徐強, 王偉, 楊磊,青藏高原中部殼幔各向異性研究, 中國地球物理 (2008g).
徐強, 趙俊猛, 接收函式方法的研究綜述, 地球物理學進展 (06) (2008),1709-1716.
Pei S. P., J. R. Su, X. Gao, Junmeng Zhao, and H. B. Liu, S-wave attenuation tomography of upper crust in Japan, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 51 (3) (2008), 828-835. (SCI-30)
Wang, W., J. J. Yin, X. W. Liu, Junmeng Zhao, Y. Wang, and Y. Huang, Equivalent offset method and its application, Chinese Journal of Geophysics- Chinese Edition, 50 (6) (2007), 1823-1830. (SCI-31)
Pei, S. P., Junmeng Zhao, Y. S. Sun, Z. H. Xu, S. Y. Wang, H. B. Liu, C. A. Rowe,M. N. Toksoz, and X. Gao, Upper mantle seismic velocities and anisotropy in China determined through Pn and Sn tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 112 (B5) (2007), doi:10.1029/2006jb004409. (SCI-32)
Junmeng Zhao, W. D. Mooney, X. K. Zhang, Z. C. Li, Z. J. Jin, and N. Okaya, Crustal structure across the Altyn Tagh Range at the northern margin of the Tibetan plateau and tectonic implications, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 241 (3-4) (2006), 804-814. (SCI-33)
趙俊猛, 唐偉, 黎益仕, 姚長利, 張進, 王偉, 黃英, 青藏高原東北緣岩石圈密度與磁化強度及動力學含義, 地學前緣 (05) (2006a), 391-400.
趙俊猛, 盧芳, 嘉世旭, 徐強, 唐偉, 伽師強震群的深部動力學條件, 地震 研究 (04) (2006b), 338-343.
曲國勝, 馬宗晉, 張寧, 邵學鐘, 張先康, 趙俊猛,2006.準噶爾盆地陸殼基底構造的發現, “十五”重要地質科技成果暨重大找礦成果交流會材料四(2006), 17.
李茹, 章大港, 周瑤琪, 趙俊猛, 遼西地區中生代岩石圈結構與演化的有限 元模擬, 地學前緣 (06) (2006), 64-71.
Pei S. P., Junmeng Zhao, C. A. Rowe, S. Y. Wang, T. M. Hearn, Z. H. Xu, H. B. Liu, and Y. S. Sun, M-L amplitude tomography in north China, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 96 (4) (2006), 1560-1566. (SCI-34)
趙俊猛, 孔見, 青藏高原的隆起, 西藏人文地理 (5) (2005), 30-35.
詹艷, 趙國澤, 王繼軍, 湯吉, 陳小斌, 鄧前輝, 宣飛, 趙俊猛, 青藏高原東北緣海原弧形構造區地殼電性結構探測研究, 地震學報 (04) (2005), 431-440.
徐傑, 馬宗晉, 陳國光, 龔再升, 鄧起東, 高祥林, 張功成, 蔡東升, 張進, 趙俊猛, 根據周圍山地第四紀地貌特徵估計渤海第四紀構造活動幕的發生 時間, 第四紀研究 (06) (2005), 38-48.
Zhao, G. Z., J. Tang, Y. Zhan, X. B. Chen, X. J. Zhuo, J. J. Wang, F. Xuan, Q. H. Deng, and Junmeng Zhao, Relation between electricity structure of the crust anddeformation of crustal blocks on the northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 48 (10) (2005), 1613-1626. (SCI-35)
Tang, J., Y. Zhan, G. Z. Zhao, Q. H. Deng, J. J. Wang, X. B. Chen, Junmeng Zhao,and F. Xuan, Electrical conductivity structure of the crust and upper mantle in the northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau along the profile Maqen- Lanzhou-Jingbian, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 48 (5) (2005),1205-1216. (SCI-36)
Junmeng Zhao, Q. C. Wang, X. Gao, Y. H. Duan, S. X. Jia, and S. Z. Pan, A finite difference study on the basement structure beneath the Tianshan Orogen, Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 47 (2004a), 16-23. (SCI-37)
Junmeng Zhao, Z. C. Li, H. G. Cheng, C. L. Yao, and Y. S. Li, Structure of lithospheric density and geomagnetism beneath the Tianshan orogenic belt and their geodynamic implacations, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 47 (6) (2004b), 1061-1067. (SCI-38)
趙俊猛, 鄧起東, 盧造勛, 中國西北地區綜合地球物理探測研究進展及展望,中國大陸地震學與地球內部物理學研究進展-慶賀曾融生院士八十壽辰(2004), 128-134.
徐傑, 馬宗晉, 鄧起東, 陳國光, 趙俊猛, 張進, 渤海中部漸新世以來強烈 沉陷的區域構造條件, 石油學報 (05) (2004), 11-16.
陳國光, 徐傑, 馬宗晉, 鄧起東, 張進, 趙俊猛, 渤海盆地現代構造應力場與強震活動, 地震學報 (04) (2004), 396-403.
Junmeng Zhao, X. K. Zhang, H. Z. Deng, and J. Zhang, Q value structure of the upper crust along the profile from Baicheng to Da Qaidam, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 46 (4) (2003a), 503-509. (SCI-39)
Junmeng Zhao, G. D. Liu, Z. X. Lu, X. K. Zhang, and G. Z. Zhao, Lithospheric structure and dynamic processes of the Tianshan orogenic belt and the Junggar basin, Tectonophysics, 376 (3-4) (2003b), 199-239. (SCI-40)
Junmeng Zhao, J. C. Fan, and Z. C. Li, Q value structure of geoscience transect from Korla to Jimsar and its geodynamic implication, Science in China Series D- Earth Sciences, 46 (8) (2003c), 779-788. (SCI-41)
趙俊猛, 張先康, 邵學鐘, 徐傑, 胥頤, 準噶爾盆地綜合地球物理探測與研究, 我國喜馬拉雅運動對沉積盆地的控制作用與油氣晚期成藏會議論文集(2003a), 61-62.
趙俊猛, 張先康, 邵學鐘, 王尚旭, 徐傑, 中國西北部地球動力學綜合探測 研究所揭示的基本問題, 中國地球物理 (2003b), 6-7.
趙俊猛, 張先康, 劉占坡, 黎益仕, 天山造山帶岩石圈二維密度結構與“層間插入消減”模型, 中國地球物理 (2003c), 395-396.
趙俊猛, 李植純, 馬宗晉, 天山分段性的地球物理學分析, 地學前緣 (S1)(2003d), 125-131.
趙俊猛, 李植純, 盧造勛, 關英梅, 地學發展中的辯證思維, 東北地震研究(03) (2003e), 1-5.
趙俊猛, 伽師強震群的深部構造背景分析, 中國地球物理 (2003), 282-283.
趙國澤 , 湯吉 , 鄧 前 輝 , 趙俊猛 , 王 繼 軍 , 陳 小 斌 , 詹艷 , 宣飛 ,A.K.SARAEV, M.I.PERTEL, A.B.KOTCHEROV, M.M.KHARLMOV, 魯躍,劉允秀, 張建新, 翟彥忠, 人工源超低頻電磁波技術及在首都圈地區的測量 研究, 地學前緣 (S1) (2003), 248-257.
盧造勛、潘科、蔣秀琴、趙俊猛、白雲、姜德祿,2002. 膠遼渤海地區地殼上地幔結構特徵與地震活動。活動斷裂研究理論與套用,9-31,地震出版社
Junmeng Zhao, G. D. Liu, Z. X. Lu, X. K. Zhang, and G. Z. Zhao, Crust-mantle transitional zone of Tianshan orogenic belt and Junggar Basin and its geodynamic implication, Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences, 44 (9) (2001), 824-837. (SCI-42)
趙俊猛, 張先康, 王尚旭, 魯兵, 張進, 盧苗安, 準噶爾盆地、天山造山帶、
塔里木盆地、阿爾金造山帶、柴達木盆地和崑崙造山帶(北緣)岩石圈結構及 其動力學研究, 中國地球物理 (2001a), 13.
趙俊猛, 張先康, 王尚旭, 魯兵, 張進, 準噶爾盆地、天造山帶、塔里木盆地、阿爾金造山帶、柴達木盆地和崑崙造山帶帶(北緣)岩石圈結構及其動力學研 究, <21 世紀地球科學前緣問題> 青年科學家論壇 (2001b), 24-25.
趙國澤, Alexander Saraev, 鄧前輝, 湯吉, 趙俊猛 , Mikhail Pertel, AntonKocherov, Mikhail, 王繼軍, 宣飛, 詹艷, 劉雲秀, 超低頻/極低頻電磁波技 術及其在北京地區的觀測試驗, 中國地球物理 (2001), 412.
詹艷, 趙國澤, 梁競閣, 湯吉, 鄧前輝, 李文軍, 趙俊猛, 范宏瑞, 趙永貴,李群, PROTEM-37 瞬變電磁測深系統及套用實例, 地震地質 (02) (2001),264-270.
湯吉, 鄧前輝, 王繼軍, 趙俊猛, 趙國澤, 宣飛, 詹艷, 青海達日-陝西靖邊 剖面電性結構初步研究, 中國地球物理 (2001), 416.
Junmeng Zhao, G. Z. Zhao, J. Tang, Y. Zhan, Q. H. Deng, and J. J. Wang, Electric evidence for modern-day introcontinental subduction, 5th China International Geo-Electromagnetic Workshop (2000a), 87-90.
Junmeng Zhao, J. Tang, H. J. Zhang, C. K. Zhang, J. Yang, S. X. Jia, J. S. Zhang, and Z. X. Yang, Wavelet transform and its application in data processing and interpretation of seismic reflection/refraction profile, Chinese Journal of Geophysics-Chinese Edition, 43 (5) (2000b), 666-676. (SCI-43)
Junmeng Zhao, Lithospheric structure and dynamic processes of the Tianshan orogenic belt and the Junggar basin, The Second World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences (2000), 364-368.
Junmeng Zhao, Y Che, and J Yu, High conductivity layer in crust and its relation to earthquakes in northern part of northern China, The Second World Chinese Conference on Geological Sciences (2000), 113-117.
盧造勛, 潘科, 蔣秀琴, 趙俊猛, 膠遼渤海地區地殼上地幔結構特徵與地震活動, 活動構造研究-理論與套用 (2000), 1-25.
車用太, 魚金子, 王基華, 趙俊猛, 林元武, 地殼流體與地震活動關係及其 對地震預測探索的啟示, 地震 (S1) (2000), 91-96.
Junmeng Zhao, G. Liu, Z. X. Lu, X. K. Zhang, and G. Z. Zhao, A geodynamic model for quickly uplifting of Tianshan orogenic belt, '99 International Symposium on Tianshan Earthquake (1999), 177.
趙俊猛, 張先康, 趙國澤, 盧造勛, 劉國棟, 特提斯洋演化與天山造山帶崛起, 中國地球物理 (1999a), 297.
趙俊猛, 張先康, 趙國澤, 劉國棟, 盧造勛, 不同構造環境下的殼-幔過渡帶 結構, 地學前緣 (03) (1999b), 165-172.
趙俊猛, 劉國棟, 盧造勛, 張先康, 趙國澤, 天山造山帶快速隆升的地球動力學模型, ‘99 天山地震國際學術研討會論文摘要集 (1999c), 175-176. [112]趙俊猛, 劉國棟, 盧造勛, 張先康, 趙國澤, 天山造山帶與準噶爾盆地岩石圈結構及其動力學模型, 大陸構造及陸內變形暨第六屆全國地質力學學術 討論會論文集(紀念著名地質學家李四光教授誕辰 110 周年) (1999d), 85-
趙俊猛, 劉國棟, 盧造勛, 張先康, 趙國澤, 天山造山帶地球動力學研究現 狀與展望, 構造地質學-岩石圈動力學研究進展-慶賀馬杏垣從事地質工作六 十年暨八十壽辰 (1999e), 403-412.
趙俊猛, 天山造山帶與準噶爾盆地岩石圈結構及其動力學過程, 博士學位論文 (1999).
詹艷, 趙國澤, 湯吉, 趙俊猛, 晉光文, 鄧前輝, 王繼軍, 新疆瑪納斯大震 區地殼深部的電性結構, 地震地質 (02) (1999), 64-72.
馬宗晉, 趙俊猛, 天山與陰山-燕山造山帶的深部結構和地震, 地學前緣(03) (1999), 95-102.
趙俊猛, 盧造勛, 遼河裂谷的深部構造與裂谷活動的側向遷移, 地震地質(03) (1998), 34-41.
詹艷, 趙國澤, 湯吉, 趙俊猛, 瑪納斯大震區深部結構大地電磁初步研究,中國地球物理 (1998).
Wakef., J, 趙俊猛, 科學家們對波利維亞深源地震機制的進一步認識, 地震地質譯叢, 18 (6) (1996), 67-69.
SilV., PG, 趙俊猛, 大陸下的震波各向異性:探測深部地質(1), 地震地質譯 叢, 18 (5) (1996), 45-64.
Pavl., NI, 趙俊猛, 大陸岩石圈與板塊構造的結構規律, 地震地質譯叢, 18 (3)(1996), 1-11.
Navro., A, 趙俊猛, 建立下一代的參考地球模型, 地震地質譯叢, 18 (4)(1996), 63-64.
Jurdy, DM, 趙俊猛, 古生代板塊動力學, 地震地質譯叢, 18 (3) (1996), 12-20.
Godano, C, 趙俊猛, 地震目錄的多分形分析, 地震地質譯叢, 18 (3) (1996),53-59.
Cloos, M, 趙俊猛, 智利型和馬里亞納型俯衝帶中的剪下帶厚度及其地震活 動性, 地震地質譯叢, 18 (6) (1996), 73-77.
Cloet., S, 趙俊猛, 伸展盆地形成及倒轉動力學引論, 地震地質譯叢, 18 (2)(1996), 26-29.
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趙俊猛, 盧造勛, 遼南地區莫霍洛維奇界面的結構特點, 發展中的地震科學 (1995), 223-229.
Zaoxun Lu, Guodong Liu, Menghua Wei, Buzai Meng and Junmeng Zhao, Lateral inhomogeneity of crust and upper mantle in southern Liaoning, China and its relationship with the M=7.3 Haicheng earthquake. Acta Seismologica Sinica, 4 (4) (1991), 521-534
盧造勛, 劉國棟, 魏夢華, 孟朴在, 趙俊猛, 中國遼南地區地殼與上地幔介質的橫向不均勻性與海城 7.3 級地震, 地震學報 12 (04) (1990), 367-378. [131] Lu Zaoxun, Meng Buzai and Junmeng Zhao, Velocity structure characteristicsof crust and upper mantle in Luyang-Haicheng-Gonggou profile and their relationship to the Haicheng earthquake, Earthquake Research in China, 4 (3) (1990), 249-259
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