趙仲勇,博士,副教授,重慶市巴渝學者青年學者,中國電工技術學會高級會員,IEEE TII, IEEE TIM, IET GDT,IET EPA等期刊審稿人, 獲省部級技術發明獎一項。2011、2017年在重慶大學電氣工程學院取得電氣工程專業學士、博士學位。曾獲國家留學基金委資助,2015-2016年在澳大利亞科廷大學進行博士聯合培養。長期從事電氣設備絕緣故障狀態檢測與智慧型診斷、脈衝功率技術及其套用的研究。近年來主持國家自然科學基金青年基金、重慶市自然科學基金面上項目、重慶市留學回國人員創業創新支持計畫、國家電網公司等6項科研項目
- 中文名:趙仲勇
- 國籍:中國
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
(1)Zhongyong Zhao, Chenguo Yao, Chengxiang Li and Syed Islam. Detection of power transformer winding deformation using improved fra based on binary morphology and extreme point variation. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(4):3509-3519. (SCI)
(2)Zhongyong Zhao*, Chao Tang, Chengxiang Li, Fayou Yan and Syed Islam al. Diagnosing transformer winding deformation faults based on the analysis of binary image obtained from fra signature. IEEE Access, 2019, (7):40463-40474. (SCI)
(3)Qian Cheng, Zhongyong Zhao*, Chao Tang, Guochao Qian and Syed Islam. Diagnostic of transformer winding deformation fault types using continuous wavelet transform of pulse response. Measurement, 2019, (140):197-206. (SCI)
(4)Jiangnan Liu, Zhongyong Zhao*, Chao Tang, Chenguo Yao, Chengxiang Li and Syed Islam. Classifying Transformer Winding Deformation Fault Types and Degrees Using FRA Based on Support Vector Machine. IEEE Access, 2019, (7):112494-112504. (SCI)
(5)Zhongyong Zhao*, Chao Tang, Chenguo Yao, Qu Zhou, Lingna Xu, Yingang Gui and Syed Islam. Improved method to obtain the online impulse frequency response signature of a power transformer by multi scale complex cwt. IEEE Access, 2018, (6):48934-48945. (SCI)
(6)趙仲勇*, 唐超, 李成祥, 周渠, 夏麒, 姚陳果. 基於頻率回響二值化圖像的變壓器繞組變形故障診斷方法. 高電壓技術, 2019, 45(5): 1526-1534. (EI)
(7)Zhongyong Zhao, Chenguo Yao, Naser Hashemnia and Syed Islam. Determination of nanosecond pulse parameters on transfer function measurement for power transformer winding deformation. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(6): 3761-3770. (SCI)
(8)Zhongyong Zhao, Chenguo Yao, Xiaozhen Zhao, Naser Hashemnia and Syed Islam. Impact of capacitive coupling circuit on online impulse frequency response of a power transformer. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2016, 23(3): 1285-1293. (SCI)
(9)趙仲勇, 姚陳果, 李成祥, 龍羿, 陳曉晗, 廖瑞金. 基於短時Fourier變換的變壓器繞組變形脈衝頻率回響曲線獲取方法.高電壓技術, 2016, 42(1): 241-247. (EI)
(10) Chenguo Yao, Zhongyong Zhao, Yan Mi, Chengxiang Li, Yifan Liao and Guochao Qian. Improved online monitoring method for transformer winding deformations based on the lissajous graphical analysis of voltage and current. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2015, 30(4): 1965-1973. (SCI)
(11) Chenguo Yao, Zhongyong Zhao, Chengxiang Li, Xiaohan Chen, Yajun Zhao, Xiaozhen Zhao, Jian Wang and Wei Li. Noninvasive method for online detection of internal winding faults of 750 kv ehv shunt reactors. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(5): 2833-2840. (SCI)
(12) Chenguo Yao, Zhongyong Zhao, Shoulong Dong and Zhou Zuo. High-voltage subnanosecond pulsed power source with repetitive frequency based on marx structure. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2015, 22(4): 1896-1901. (SCI)
(13) Chenguo Yao, Zhongyong Zhao, Yu Chen, Xiaozhen Zhao, Zhaojiong Li, Yong Wang, Zehong Zhou and Gang Wei. Transformer winding deformation diagnostic system using online high frequency signal injection by capacitive coupling. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2014, 21(4): 1486-1492. (SCI)
(14) 姚陳果, 趙仲勇, 李成祥, 陳曉晗, 李昭炯. 基於暫態過電壓特性的電力變壓器繞組變形故障線上檢測. 高電壓技術, 2015, 41(3): 873-880. (EI)