- 中文名:趙一雷
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:中國科技大學
- 研究方向:計算生物化學
2005-2009,美您盛罪國國家標舟辨勸辨準和技術研究所, 研究轎烏狼員
34. Philip Schulz, Christopher D. Zangmeister, Yi-Lei Zhao, Paul R. Frail, Sangameshwar R. Saudari, Carlos A. Gonzalez, Cherie R. Kagan, Matthias Wuttig, and Roger D. van Zee J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114 (48), pp 20843–20851.
33. Zhao, YL*; Meot-Ner, M.; Gonzalez, C. (2009) “Ionic Hydrogen Bond Networks and Ion Solvation 1. An Efficient Monte Carlo / Quantum Mechanical Method for Structural Search and Energy Computations: Ammonium/Water”, J. Phys. Chem. A, 113(12), 2967-2974.
32. Zhao, YL*; Flora, J. W.; Thweatt, W. D.; Garrison, S.L.; Gonzalez, C.; Houk, K.N.; Marquez, M. (2009) “Phosphine Polymerization by Nitric Oxide: Experimental Characterization and Theoretical Predictions of Mechanism”, Inorganic Chemistry, 48(3), 1223-1231.
31. Bartalis, J.; Zhao, YL, Flora, J. W.; Paine, J. B.; Wooten, J. B. (2009) “Carbon-Centered Radicals in Cigarette Smoke: Acyl and Alkylaminocarbonyl Radicals”, Analytical Chemistry, 81(2), 631-641.
30. Penoni, A.; Palmisano, G.; Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N.; Volkman, J.; Nicholas, K. M. (2009) “On the Mechanism of Nitrosoarene-Alkyne Cycloaddition”, J. Am. Soc. Chem. 131(2), 653-661.
29. Wu, Y.-D.; Han, W.; Wang, D.-P.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, YL. (2008) “Theoretical Analysis of Secondary Structures of beta-Peptides”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 41, 1418-1427.
28. Zhao, YL; Laufer, A.H.; Halpern, J.; Fahr, A. (2007) “Hydrogen Migration and Vinylidene Pathway for Formation of Methane in the 193 nm Photodissociation of Propene; CH3CH=CH2 and CD3CD=CD2”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A.111, 8330-8335.
27. DeChancie, J.; Clemente, F. R.; Smith, A. J. T.; Gunaydin, H.; Zhao, Y.-L.; Zhang, X.; Houk, K. N. (2007) “淚灑乃How Similar are Enzyme Active Site Geometries Derived from Quantum Mechanical Theozymes to Crystal Structures of Enzyme-inhibitor Complexes? Implications for Enzyme Design”, Protein Science, 16, 1851-1866.
26. Zhao, YL*; Garrison, S.L.; Gonzalez, C.; Thweatt, W.D.; Marquez, M. (2007) “N-Nitrosation of Amines by NO2 and NO: a Theoretical Study”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 111, 2200-2205.
25. Edwards, N.; Helgeson, R.; Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N. (2006) “Pyridine-based Cavitands for Acid and Carboxylate Recognition”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 456, 175-192.
24. Zhao, YL; Suhrada, C. P.; Jung, M. E.; Houk, K. N. (2006) “Theoretical Investigation of the Stereoselective Stepwise Cope Rearrangement of a 3-Vinylmethylenecyclobutane” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (34); 11106-11113.
23. Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N. (2006) “Thionitroxides, RS-NH-O●: The Structure of the SNO Moiety in "S-Nitrosohemoglobin", A Possible NO Reservoir and Transporter”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128(5), 1422-1423.
22. Zhao, YL; Jones, W. H.; Monnat, F., Wudl, F.; Houk, K. N. (2005) “Mechanisms of the Thermal Decomposition of Polysulfone: A DFT and CBS-QB3 study”, Macromolecules, 38(24); 10279-10285.
21. Zhao, YL; McCarren, P.R.; Houk, K. N.; Choi, BY; Toone, E. J. (2005) “Nitrosonium-Catalyzed Decomposition of S-Nitrosothiols in Solution: A Theoretical and Experimental Study.”(Article), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127(31), 10917-10924.
20. Palmer L. C.; Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N. Rebek, J. Jr. (2005) “Diastereoselection of Chiral Acids in a Cylindrical Capsule”, Chem. Comm., 29, 3667-3669.
19. Zhao, YL; Bartberger, M.D.; Goto, K.; Shimada, K.; Kawashima, T; Houk, K. N. (2005) “Theoretical Evidence for Enhanced NO Dimerization in Aromatic Hosts: Implications for the Role of the Electrophile (NO)2 in Nitric Oxide Chemistry”(Communication), JACS, 127(22), 7964-7965.
18. Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N.; Rechavi, D.; Scarso, A.; Rebek, J. Jr. (2004) “Equilibrium Isotope Effects as a Probe of Nonbonding Attractions”(Communication), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126(37), 11428-11429.
17. Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N.; Olson, L. P. (2004) “Mechanisms of Peroxynitrous Acid and Methyl Peroxynitrite, ROONO (R = H, Me), Rearrangements: A Conformation-Dependent Homolytic Dissociation.”(Article) Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108(27), 5864-5871.
16. Zhao YL; Wu YD. (2002): “A Theoretical Study on b-Sheet Models: Is the Formation of Hydrogen Bond Network Cooperative?” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124(8), 1570-1571.
15. Wu, YD; Lin, JQ; Zhao, YL. (2002) “Theoretical study of b-peptide models: intrinsic preferences of helical structures.” Helvetica Chimica Acta, 85(10), 3144-3160.
14. Wu YD.; Zhao YL (2001):“A Theoretical Study on the Origin of Cooperativity in the Formation of 310- and a-Helices”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123(22), 5313-5319.
13. Zhao YL, Zhou DJ, Huang CH, Gan LB, Ying LM, Zhao XS, Zhang B, Ma Y, Xu M, Wu K (1998): “Langmuir-Blodgett Film of a Europium Complex and Its Application in a Silver Mirror Planar Microcavity”, Langmuir, 14(2), 417-422.
12. Zhao YL, Gan LB, Zhou DJ, Huang CH, Jiang JZ, Liu W (1998): “Photocurrent Generation from a Self-Assembling Guest-Host LB Film of C60(HOOCCHNHCHCOOH) and Octopentyloxy Phthalocyanine,” Solid State Communications, 106(1), 43-48.
11. Huang YY, Zhao YL, Gan LB, Huang CH, Wu NZ. (1998): “Langmuir-Blodgett Film Formation of a Fullerene Dicarboxylic Acid Derivative C60(HOOCCHNHCHCOOH) and its Photocurrent Generation”, J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 204(2), 277-283.
10. Lang AD, Zhai J, Huang CH, Gan LB, Zhao YL, Zhou DJ, Chen ZD. (1998): “Relationship between Structures and Photocurrent Generation Properties in a Series of Hemicyanine Congeners”, J. Phys. Chem. B. 102(8),1424-1429.
9. Huang YY, Gan LB, Huang CH, Zhao YL, Zhai J, Zou YD, Tan J, Zhao XS. (1998): “Studies on the Langmuir Films of the Quinone Compounds with Long Alkyl Side Chains and Their Surface Potential”, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 19, 1323-1325. [in Chinese: 黃岩誼,甘良兵,黃春輝,趙一雷,翟錦,鄒永德,譚俊,趙新生 “帶有長側鏈醌類化合物的Langmuir膜及其表面電勢”高等學校化學學報]
8. Zhao YL, Zhou DJ, Yao GQ, Huang CH (1997): “Strong luminescent terbium(III)-pyrazolone complexes and their Langmuir-Blodgett films”, Langmuir, 13(15), 4060-4065.
7. Zhou DJ, Zhao YL, Gan LB, Luo CP, Huang CH, Luo MJ, Pan JQ, Wu Z (1997): “Synthesis of C60-Pyrrolidine Derivatives by 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Azomethine Ylides to C60”— Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 18(5), 665-670. [in Chinese: 周德健,趙一雷,甘良兵,駱初平,黃春輝,呂木堅,潘景岐,武輊 “含氮Ylide對C60的1, 3-偶極環加成反應法合成含吡咯環C60衍生物”高等學校化學學報]
6. Zhao YL, Gan LB, Zhou DJ, Luo CP, Huang CH, Jia GC, Wu T. (1997): “Synthesis of Proline Fullerene Derivative”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(16), 1360-1363. [Chinese: 趙一雷,甘良兵,周德健,駱初平,黃春輝,賈國成,武輊 “1, 3-偶極環加成反應合成脯氨酸C60衍生物”科學通報]
5. Zhang, B, Ma Y, Xu M, Wu K, Huang CH, Zhao YL, Zhuo DJ, Yin LM, Zhao XS (1997) “Planar Organic Microcavity of Eu-Chelate Film with Metal Mirrors”, Solid State Communications, 104(10), 593-596
4. Luo CP, Huang CH, Gan LB, Zhou DJ, Xia WS, Zhuang QK, Zhao YL, Huang YY. (1996): “An Investigation of Photoelectrochemsitry of C60 and Its Derivatives of C60-Pyrrolidine by Monolayer Modified SnO2 Electrodes”J. Phys. Chem., 100(41), 16685-16689.
3. Zhao YL, Gan LB, Huang CH, (1996, review) “C60 Ultro-thin Regulated Film”, Chemistry in Universities, 1996, 11(4), 1-4. [Chinese: 趙一雷,甘良兵,黃春輝“C60的超薄有序膜”大學化學, 1996, 11(4),1-4.]
2. Li H, Huang CH, Zhao YL, Li TK, Bai J, Zhao XS, Xia XH.(1995): “Langmuir-Blodgett Film and Second Harmonic Generation of a Series of New Nonlinear Optical Rare Earth Complexes”,— Solid State Communications. 94(9), 731-733.
1. Tang KB, Zhao YL, Chen ZY, Qian YT, Chao LZ, Zhang YH. (1994) “Effect of Cd Substitution on Superconductivity of Bi2222 Cuprates”,—Physica C., 232,131(1)
30. Penoni, A.; Palmisano, G.; Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N.; Volkman, J.; Nicholas, K. M. (2009) “On the Mechanism of Nitrosoarene-Alkyne Cycloaddition”, J. Am. Soc. Chem. 131(2), 653-661.
29. Wu, Y.-D.; Han, W.; Wang, D.-P.; Gao, Y.; Zhao, YL. (2008) “Theoretical Analysis of Secondary Structures of beta-Peptides”, Accounts of Chemical Research, 41, 1418-1427.
28. Zhao, YL; Laufer, A.H.; Halpern, J.; Fahr, A. (2007) “Hydrogen Migration and Vinylidene Pathway for Formation of Methane in the 193 nm Photodissociation of Propene; CH3CH=CH2 and CD3CD=CD2”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A.111, 8330-8335.
27. DeChancie, J.; Clemente, F. R.; Smith, A. J. T.; Gunaydin, H.; Zhao, Y.-L.; Zhang, X.; Houk, K. N. (2007) “How Similar are Enzyme Active Site Geometries Derived from Quantum Mechanical Theozymes to Crystal Structures of Enzyme-inhibitor Complexes? Implications for Enzyme Design”, Protein Science, 16, 1851-1866.
26. Zhao, YL*; Garrison, S.L.; Gonzalez, C.; Thweatt, W.D.; Marquez, M. (2007) “N-Nitrosation of Amines by NO2 and NO: a Theoretical Study”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 111, 2200-2205.
25. Edwards, N.; Helgeson, R.; Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N. (2006) “Pyridine-based Cavitands for Acid and Carboxylate Recognition”, Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 456, 175-192.
24. Zhao, YL; Suhrada, C. P.; Jung, M. E.; Houk, K. N. (2006) “Theoretical Investigation of the Stereoselective Stepwise Cope Rearrangement of a 3-Vinylmethylenecyclobutane” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128 (34); 11106-11113.
23. Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N. (2006) “Thionitroxides, RS-NH-O●: The Structure of the SNO Moiety in "S-Nitrosohemoglobin", A Possible NO Reservoir and Transporter”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 128(5), 1422-1423.
22. Zhao, YL; Jones, W. H.; Monnat, F., Wudl, F.; Houk, K. N. (2005) “Mechanisms of the Thermal Decomposition of Polysulfone: A DFT and CBS-QB3 study”, Macromolecules, 38(24); 10279-10285.
21. Zhao, YL; McCarren, P.R.; Houk, K. N.; Choi, BY; Toone, E. J. (2005) “Nitrosonium-Catalyzed Decomposition of S-Nitrosothiols in Solution: A Theoretical and Experimental Study.”(Article), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127(31), 10917-10924.
20. Palmer L. C.; Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N. Rebek, J. Jr. (2005) “Diastereoselection of Chiral Acids in a Cylindrical Capsule”, Chem. Comm., 29, 3667-3669.
19. Zhao, YL; Bartberger, M.D.; Goto, K.; Shimada, K.; Kawashima, T; Houk, K. N. (2005) “Theoretical Evidence for Enhanced NO Dimerization in Aromatic Hosts: Implications for the Role of the Electrophile (NO)2 in Nitric Oxide Chemistry”(Communication), JACS, 127(22), 7964-7965.
18. Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N.; Rechavi, D.; Scarso, A.; Rebek, J. Jr. (2004) “Equilibrium Isotope Effects as a Probe of Nonbonding Attractions”(Communication), J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126(37), 11428-11429.
17. Zhao, YL; Houk, K. N.; Olson, L. P. (2004) “Mechanisms of Peroxynitrous Acid and Methyl Peroxynitrite, ROONO (R = H, Me), Rearrangements: A Conformation-Dependent Homolytic Dissociation.”(Article) Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 108(27), 5864-5871.
16. Zhao YL; Wu YD. (2002): “A Theoretical Study on b-Sheet Models: Is the Formation of Hydrogen Bond Network Cooperative?” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124(8), 1570-1571.
15. Wu, YD; Lin, JQ; Zhao, YL. (2002) “Theoretical study of b-peptide models: intrinsic preferences of helical structures.” Helvetica Chimica Acta, 85(10), 3144-3160.
14. Wu YD.; Zhao YL (2001):“A Theoretical Study on the Origin of Cooperativity in the Formation of 310- and a-Helices”J. Am. Chem. Soc. 123(22), 5313-5319.
13. Zhao YL, Zhou DJ, Huang CH, Gan LB, Ying LM, Zhao XS, Zhang B, Ma Y, Xu M, Wu K (1998): “Langmuir-Blodgett Film of a Europium Complex and Its Application in a Silver Mirror Planar Microcavity”, Langmuir, 14(2), 417-422.
12. Zhao YL, Gan LB, Zhou DJ, Huang CH, Jiang JZ, Liu W (1998): “Photocurrent Generation from a Self-Assembling Guest-Host LB Film of C60(HOOCCHNHCHCOOH) and Octopentyloxy Phthalocyanine,” Solid State Communications, 106(1), 43-48.
11. Huang YY, Zhao YL, Gan LB, Huang CH, Wu NZ. (1998): “Langmuir-Blodgett Film Formation of a Fullerene Dicarboxylic Acid Derivative C60(HOOCCHNHCHCOOH) and its Photocurrent Generation”, J. of Colloid and Interface Science, 204(2), 277-283.
10. Lang AD, Zhai J, Huang CH, Gan LB, Zhao YL, Zhou DJ, Chen ZD. (1998): “Relationship between Structures and Photocurrent Generation Properties in a Series of Hemicyanine Congeners”, J. Phys. Chem. B. 102(8),1424-1429.
9. Huang YY, Gan LB, Huang CH, Zhao YL, Zhai J, Zou YD, Tan J, Zhao XS. (1998): “Studies on the Langmuir Films of the Quinone Compounds with Long Alkyl Side Chains and Their Surface Potential”, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 19, 1323-1325. [in Chinese: 黃岩誼,甘良兵,黃春輝,趙一雷,翟錦,鄒永德,譚俊,趙新生 “帶有長側鏈醌類化合物的Langmuir膜及其表面電勢”高等學校化學學報]
8. Zhao YL, Zhou DJ, Yao GQ, Huang CH (1997): “Strong luminescent terbium(III)-pyrazolone complexes and their Langmuir-Blodgett films”, Langmuir, 13(15), 4060-4065.
7. Zhou DJ, Zhao YL, Gan LB, Luo CP, Huang CH, Luo MJ, Pan JQ, Wu Z (1997): “Synthesis of C60-Pyrrolidine Derivatives by 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Azomethine Ylides to C60”— Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 18(5), 665-670. [in Chinese: 周德健,趙一雷,甘良兵,駱初平,黃春輝,呂木堅,潘景岐,武輊 “含氮Ylide對C60的1, 3-偶極環加成反應法合成含吡咯環C60衍生物”高等學校化學學報]
6. Zhao YL, Gan LB, Zhou DJ, Luo CP, Huang CH, Jia GC, Wu T. (1997): “Synthesis of Proline Fullerene Derivative”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(16), 1360-1363. [Chinese: 趙一雷,甘良兵,周德健,駱初平,黃春輝,賈國成,武輊 “1, 3-偶極環加成反應合成脯氨酸C60衍生物”科學通報]
5. Zhang, B, Ma Y, Xu M, Wu K, Huang CH, Zhao YL, Zhuo DJ, Yin LM, Zhao XS (1997) “Planar Organic Microcavity of Eu-Chelate Film with Metal Mirrors”, Solid State Communications, 104(10), 593-596
4. Luo CP, Huang CH, Gan LB, Zhou DJ, Xia WS, Zhuang QK, Zhao YL, Huang YY. (1996): “An Investigation of Photoelectrochemsitry of C60 and Its Derivatives of C60-Pyrrolidine by Monolayer Modified SnO2 Electrodes”J. Phys. Chem., 100(41), 16685-16689.
3. Zhao YL, Gan LB, Huang CH, (1996, review) “C60 Ultro-thin Regulated Film”, Chemistry in Universities, 1996, 11(4), 1-4. [Chinese: 趙一雷,甘良兵,黃春輝“C60的超薄有序膜”大學化學, 1996, 11(4),1-4.]
2. Li H, Huang CH, Zhao YL, Li TK, Bai J, Zhao XS, Xia XH.(1995): “Langmuir-Blodgett Film and Second Harmonic Generation of a Series of New Nonlinear Optical Rare Earth Complexes”,— Solid State Communications. 94(9), 731-733.
1. Tang KB, Zhao YL, Chen ZY, Qian YT, Chao LZ, Zhang YH. (1994) “Effect of Cd Substitution on Superconductivity of Bi2222 Cuprates”,—Physica C., 232,131(1)