- 中文名:超級立方體
- 學科:數學
- 詞性:名詞
- 意義:數學概念中表示四維空間上立方體
If you move a square parallel in space and join the corresponding corners, you get the perspective sight of the cube. |
If you move a cube parallel in space and join the corresponding corners, you get the perspective sight of the hypercube. |
The cube is covered by six squares. In the same way eight cubes form the hypercube. |
Central Projections
...... | The cube is distorted in a central projection. 4 of the 6 squares appear as trapeziums, which lie between the small and the big square. |
. | A representation of the hypercube has been developed of this. (Viktor Schlegel, 1888) |
6 of the 8 cubes appear as pyramid stumps, which lie between the small and the big cube. |
...... | If you spread out the cube, you get its net. Together the six squares have 6x4=24 sides. 2x5=10 sides (red) are bound. If you build a cube, you have to stick the remaining 14 sides in pairs. There are 11 nets. |
... | If you spread out the hypercube, you get its net as an arrangement of 8 cubes. Together the eight cubes have 8x6=48 squares. 2x7=14 squares are bound. If you "build" a hypercube, you have to stick the remaining 34 squares in pairs. How many nets are there? Peter Turney and Dan Hoey counted 261 cases. |
..... | A cube (more exact: a cube with the edges 1) is produced by three unit vectors (red) perpendicular to each other. They form a coordinate system. |
............ | A triplet formed by the numbers 0 or 1 describes the corners. The triplet (011) belongs to the point P. You reach P by going from the origin O first in x2 direction and then in x3 direction. This way is fixed by 011. |
... | You describe all the 8 corners by coordinates in this manner. All combinations of three numbers using 0 or 1 occur as coordinates. |
............... | If you add the coordinates of one point, you get the sums 0,1,2, or 3. The sums 0 and 3 belong to opposite corners. They are ending points of a diagonal (green). If you join the points with the sums 1 or 2, you get triangles (red). |
Corresponding to the cube four basic vectors (red) produce the hypercube. All combinations of four numbers using 0 or 1 occur as coordinates. |
... | If you add the coordinates of one point, you get the sums 0,1,2,3, or 4. The sums 0 and 4 belong to opposite corners. They are ending points of a diagonal (green). If you join the points with the sums 1 or 3, you get two tetrahedra (red). If you join the points with the sum 2, you get an octohedron (blue). If you write x1+x2+x3+x4=a and substitute all numbers between 0 and 4 with a, you find another body as a section to every value. The section is perpendicular to the diagonal from (0000) to (1111). |