



  • 中文名:超大型多金屬礦床成礦作用:背景與規律
  • 作者:成永生
  • 出版社:中南大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2016年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787548723127




Chapter 1 Geological Background and Metallogenic Conditions
Petrogenesis of skarn in Shizhuyuan W-polymetallic deposit, southern Hunan,China: Constraints from petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry
Geological characteristics of the Dafulou tin-polymetallic sulfide deposits in Guangxi, south China
Analysis on mineralization geological conditions of Danchi metallogenetic beh,Guangxi, China
Tectonic setting and their metallogenic significance of the indium-rich deposits from a global perspective
Ore-forming geological conditions and prospecting potential in Dahutang W-Cu
polymetallic ore district of north Jiangxi, China
Chapter 2 Mineralization Characteristics and Mineral Enrichment
Occurrence characteristics and enrichment regularity of indium in pyrite:A case study of the Dachang tin ore field
Geology and sulfur isotope geochemistry of Dafulou tin-polymetallie deposit in Dachang ore field, Guangxi, China
Orebody characteristics and mineralization stages of the Qiushuwan Cu-Mo deposit in the eastern Qinling, China
Research status of the enrichment regularity of dispersed element indium ~ Skarn petrology and geochemistry in the Shizhuyuan superlarge tungsten
polymetallic deposit of southern Hunan, China
Chapter 3 Magmatic Geochemical Evolution and Ore-forming Fluid ..
Geochemistry of intrusive rock in Dachang tin-polymetallic ore field, Guangxi,China: Implications for petrogenesis and geodynamics
Geochemical characteristics and metallogenic significance of the deep rock in Dachang tin ore field of Guangxi, China
Geochemistry and diagenetic environments of the magmatic rock in Qiushuwan
copper-molybdenum ore district of eastern Qinling, China
Fluid inclusion and mineralization of Dafulou tin deposit in Dachang metal district,Guangxi, south China
Geochemical characteristics of the fluid inclusion of the Dafulou deposits in Guangxi, China
Study on the features of ore-forming fluid of Dafulou Sn-polymetallic deposit ( Guangxi, China)
Chapter 4 Ore-forming Materials and Crust-mantle Interactions
Lead isotope composition and constraints on origin of Dafulou ore deposit, Guangxi,China
Ore-forming material of Dachang tin deposit in Guangxi, China: Lead isotope evidence
Lead isotope of sulfide minerals from Dachang ore field of Guangxi ( south China) : characteristic and implication
Geological features and S isotope composition of tin deposit in Dachang ore district in Guangxi
Sulfur isotope geochemistry of Sn-polymetallic deposits in Dafulou district of Guangxi province, China
Chapter 5 Ore-controlling Factors and Key Constraint Mechanism ..
Ore-controlling characteristics of Devonian stratum in the Dachang Sn ore field,Guangxi ( south China)
Characteristics of granites and their relationship to mineralization, Dachang ore field, Guangxi, China
Petrology and geochemistry of Liujiang formation siliceous rock in Dachang ore district, Guangxi, China
REE geochemistry of Devonian stratum, in the Dachang ore district, Guangxi, south China
3D modeling and quantitative analysis of the complex geological body


