

《 賴世雄國小英語閱讀輕鬆練100篇 五年級》的作者是賴世雄英語編輯組,是2018年外文出版社出版的圖書。本書適合國小五年級學生使用。全書共100篇閱讀,分為基礎篇和提高篇。每篇閱讀單詞注釋、短文的中文翻譯,練習題。


  • 書名: 賴世雄國小英語閱讀輕鬆練100篇 五年級
  • 作者:賴世雄英語編輯組
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • ISBN:9787119114026 




Passage 1 The sports meeting in theforest
Passage 2 Saying goodbye
Passage 3 Doves
Passage 4 My village
Passage 5 Father’s things
Passage 6 Is he two years old?
Passage 7 Tina and her doll
Passage 8 A happy bear family
Passage 9 A clever panda
Passage 10 Trains
Passage 11 Dragon Boat Festival
Passage 12 Miss Wang
Passage 13 A clever crow
Passage 14 Who wants an apple?
Passage 15 Who puts ink on the teacher’schair?
Passage 16 Two trees’ dreams
Passage 17 I don’t think so
Passage 18 A stammering boy and his stammering parrot
Passage 19 Animal’s home
Passage 20 The snowman
Passage 21 Aunt Lucy’s birthday
Passage 22 Winter time
Passage 23 We have the same mother
Passage 24 The panda in China
Passage 25 Colors and feelings
Passage 26 Our country—China
Passage 27 Sharon and her guide dog
Passage 28 What am I?
Passage 29 A silly dog
Passage 30 Heat
Passage 31 Leonardo da Vinci
Passage 32 How many birds?
Passage 33 Do you know your future?
Passage 34 Has your father got muchmoney?
Passage 35 Man’s friends-dogs
Passage 36 Why does she cut up myticket?
Passage 37 Whose cake did he eat?
Passage 38 I pushed the boy into theriver
Passage 39 The White House
Passage 40 The meals in England
Passage 41 What do you call chicksbefore
Passage 42 The wolf and the crane
Passage 43 Don’t play in the letterbox
Passage 44 Whose garden is the worst?
Passage 45 What a bad day!
Passage 46 Mr. Brown’s plants
Passage 47 A special birthday present
Passage 48 Coffee
Passage 49 Can he read?
Passage 50 What time is it?
Passage 51 The four seasons
Passage 52 I only save two dollarsless
Passage 53 Did Jim eat eggs today?
Passage 54 The City of Lights—Paris
Passage 55 A near-sighted man
Passage 56 Mary’s life
Passage 57 Two tigers?
Passage 58 Mid-Autumn Festival
Passage 59 A clever tortoise
Passage 60 The flying squirrel
Passage 61 The small tent
Passage 62 Lazy boys
Passage 63 Say good night
Passage 64 Lucy’s family
Passage 65 Barbican Theater
Passage 66 What’s wrong with her?
Passage 67 Belling the cat
Passage 68 My summer vacation
Passage 69 What should I do?
Passage 70 Native Americans in the U.S
Passage 71 Three little pigs and a bigwolf
Passage 72 How do we go to school?
Passage 73 A clever cock
Passage 74 Animals and plants
Passage 75 Oranges
Passage 76 Why crying?
Passage 77 Whose horse?
Passage 78 The sea
Passage 79 The fox and the leopard
Passage 80 My grandma and her garden
Passage 81 Festivals
Passage 82 Two holes in the door
Passage 83 How dangerous?
Passage 84 Where was the man?
Passage 85 Water
Passage 86 A foreign language
Passage 87 A clever girl
Passage 88 Yawn
Passage 89 American families
Passage 90 Only one artist in thefamily
Passage 91 Not a dancer
Passage 92 The first Chinese stamps
Passage 93 J.K. Rowling
Passage 94 The attraction of the map
Passage 95 Why do you never phone me?
Passage 96 The traffic problem
Passage 97 The public beaches of Hong Kong
Passage 98 Who was the first man?
Passage 99 Sometimes
Passage 100 Pyramids in Mexico


 賴世雄教授是聞名海峽兩岸的英語教學專家,先後獲得美國明尼蘇達大學大眾傳播與英語教學雙學士學位,擔任托福專任講師 18 年,也是托福成績滿分記錄保持者之一。賴教授曾任上海復旦大學以及大連外國語大學客座教授,現任常春藤解析英語雜誌社社長,著有英語升學、進修、生活英語、兒童英語、職場英語叢書兩百餘種,並擔任多家電台英語教學廣播主講。
  1993 年賴世雄教授開始擔任中央人民廣播電台英語教學節目主播,時間長達12年,教學方式風趣幽默、深入淺出、妙趣橫生。2003年賴教授被《中國圖書商報》評選為中國英語教學十大名師之一。2004年至今擔任北京市政府主辦英語活動之主講教授。2014年1月,賴世雄教授的“美語從頭學”節目在北京外語廣播台開播。


