賈耀鋒,男,漢族,博士,副教授,現在北方民族大學管理學院工作。1991年寧夏大學地理系畢業, 2003年畢業於陝西師範大學旅遊與環境學院,獲理學碩士學位,2007年畢業於陝西師範大學旅遊與環境學院,獲理學博士學位。主要從事環境變遷和資源開發方面的研究工作。主持和參與完成了國家自然科學基金、國家社科基金、教育部重點基金、陝西省自然基金、陝西師範大學研究生創新基金、銀川市社科項目等近10項。獲2010年陝西省科學技術獎三等獎和陝西省高校科學技術獎一等獎各一項,並多次獲陝西師範大學優秀科研成果獎和優秀研究生獎。先後發表學術論文40餘篇,其中有8篇論文在SCI期刊發表。《地理學報》、《中國沙漠》、《Environmental Earth Sciences》(SCI)等期刊審稿人。
- 中文名:賈耀鋒
- 民族:漢
- 畢業院校:寧夏大學
- 主要成就:《全球變化》
賈耀鋒,黃春長,龐獎勵,盧新衛,張旭,2007. 單片再生劑量法測定全新世黃土等效劑量預熱條件的研究.核技術,30(11):899-904.
Chunchang Huang, Yaofeng Jia, Jiangli Pang, Xiaochun Zha, Hongxia Su, 2006.Holocene colluviation and its implications for tracing human-induced soil erosion and redeposition on the piedmont loess lands of the Qinling Mountains, northern China. Geoderma,136:838-851.
C.C. Huang, J. Pang, H. Su, Q. Yang, Y. Jia.Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on soil formation in the semiarid loess tablelands in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, China. Journal of Arid Environments,2007,71:280-298.
Chunchang Huang, Jiangli Pang, Xiaochun Zha, Hongxia Su,Yaofeng Jia, Yizhi Zhu.Impact of monsoonal climatic change on Holocene overbank flooding along Sushui River, middle reach of the Yellow River, China.Quaternary Science Reviews,2007,26:2247–2264.
Yaofeng Jia, Chunchang Huang, Jiangli Pang, Longjiang Mao,2007.Variation of the Lithium-Barium ratio in the Holocene loess-paleosol profiles in the southe of the Chinese Loess Plateau: implications for pedogenic weathering intensity.Soil Science,172(11):925-940.
Yaofeng Jia, Chunchang Huang, Jiangli Pang, Junjie Niu,2008.Chronology of the Holocene loess-paleosol section and its deposition and pedogenesis on the south of Chinese Loess Plateau. Journal of Geographical Sciences,18(4):425-442.
賈耀鋒,黃春長,龐獎勵,2008. 渭河流域東部全新世黃土-古土壤剖面光釋光測年及其記錄的土壤侵蝕事件.海洋地質與第四紀地質,28(3):73-83.
賈耀鋒,毛龍江,2010.黃土Rb、Sr地球化學研究新進展. 土壤通報,41(6):1501-1504.
Yaofeng Jia, Chunchang Huang, Longjiang Mao,2011. OSL dating of a Holocene loess-paleosol sequence in the southern Loess Plateau, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 64(4):1071-1079.
ChunChang Huang, Jiangli Pang, Xiaochun Zha, Hongxia Su, Yaofeng Jia,2011.Extraordinary floods related to the climatic event at 4200 a BP on the Qishuihe River, middle reaches of the Yellow River, China. Quaternary Science Reviews,30(3-4):460-468.