- 中文名:賈盾
- 畢業院校:馬里蘭大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:總量經濟學、貨幣經濟學、量化模型算法、巨觀資產定價、中國經濟
- 就職院校:北京大學滙豐商學院
2016年獲得馬里蘭大學經濟學博士學位,2011年於哥倫比亞大學社會科學量化方法QMSS碩士項目獲得統計學碩士學位,2009年獲得北京大學經濟學和英語雙學士學位。2013年短期就職於世界銀行擔任顧問。2016年8月入職中國人民大學漢青經濟與金融高級研究院。 2021年8月起就職於北京大學滙豐商學院。
Macroeconomics Theory I (1st-year Ph.D.), Renmin University of China, Fall 2017; Fall 2018
Advanced Macroeconomics (2nd-year Ph.D.), Renmin University of China, Fall 2017, Fall2018
Money, Banking, and Financial Markets (Master’s in Finance), Renmin University of China,Spring 2018, Spring 2019
Mathematics for Economist I (Second Half, 1st-year Ph.D. sequence), Renmin University ofChina, Fall 2016
Financial Markets and Macroeconomy (ECON 435, Undergraduate), University of Maryland,Summer 2015, Fall 2015
Prep Course: Computational Macroeconomics (Second-year Ph.D.), University of Maryland,Summer 2013
Money and Banking (ECON 330, Undergraduate), University of Maryland, Summer 2013
其工作論文多次入選國際頂級經濟學/總量經濟學會議包括ASSA Meetings, Society of Economic Dynamics (SED) Annual Conference, Society of Computational Economics (SCE) Conference等。
2019: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Scheduled), 2019 Tsinghua MacroWorkshop (Scheduled, Tsinghua University, SEM), 2019 China Financial Research Conference (Tsinghua University, PBC), Nanchang University
2018: Tsinghua University (SEM), Beihang University, Spring 2018 Macro Fluctuations &Growth Research Workshop (Shanghai Jiaotong University), 2018 Society of ComputationalEconomics (SCE) Annual Conference (Italy), 2018 Society of Economic Dynamics (SED)Annual Conference (Mexico), 2018 China Meeting of the Econometric Society (Fudan University), 2018 China Financial Research Conference Program (Tsinghua PBC School of2Finance), Fudan University (Fanhai School of Finance), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen (CUHK-SZ), Tsinghua University (PBC School of Finance), Hong Kong University of Science and Technology*, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University,Renmin University (School of Finance), Luojia Macro Workshop (Wuhan University)
2017: Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society (ASSA Meetings), 3rd INFER AppliedMacroeconomics Workshop (Henan University), 2017 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Tsinghua University (PBC School), Peking University (NSD), Nankai University
2016: Drexel University, Tsinghua University (SEM), Chinese University of Hong Kong,Workshop on Policy Uncertainty (University of Melbourne), Five-Star Finance Workshop(Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business), Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai University of Economics and Finance (School of International Business)
2015: Public Economic Theory Conference
2014: Fall Midwest Macro Meeting, Fall Midwest Economic Theory Conference, The NorthAmerican Productivity Workshop (NAPW) VIII, International Atlantic Economic Conference
*: presented by co-author
Deng, Kaihua and Dun Jia, 2018. “Backtesting Stress Tests: A Guide for M2 ForwardGuidance”, Annals of Economics and Finance, Society for AEF, vol. 19(2), pages 443-471,November.
Jia, Dun, Xi Sun and Rui Guo, 2019. “Monetary Policy Uncertainty and Pre-AnnouncementPremium”, Journal of Financial Research in Chinese, Accepted
“Opaqueness of Central Bank Communications: Sticky Information and Monetary PolicyEffectiveness”
“Disagreement vs. Uncertainty: Investment Dynamics and Business Cycles”
“Uncertainty, Heterogeneous Beliefs, and Business Cycles: Macro and Micro Evidence”
“Monetary Announcement Premium in China”, with Rui Guo (Renmin University) and XiSun (Renmin University)
“Dynamic Price Competition and Learning-by-Doing: The Effect of Strategic Buyers on Equilibria”, with Andrew Sweeting (University of Maryland) and Shen Hui (CUHK-Shenzhen)and Xinlu Yao (University of Maryland)
“Zombie Firms and China’s Monetary Policy”, with Wei Guo (IMF) and Tony Wei Li (Beihang University)
“Online Borders of U.S. Dollar: Price Setting and Exchange Rate Sensitivities”, with MichaelDevereux (University of British Columbia) and Guoshi Tong (Renmin University)
New Faculty Research Funds, Renmin University of China, 2016-2019
Dean’s Research Initiative Ph.D. Dissertation Fellowship, University of Maryland, 2015-2016
eBay Policy Research Fellowship, eBay Inc., 2014-2015
The Jacob K Goldhaber Travel Award, University of Maryland, 2014
Graduation with Distinction Award, Peking University, China 2009
21th Century Economics Fellowship, Peking University, China, 2006-2009
Ellen Eoyang Scholarship, Peking University, China 2006