- 中文名:賈德昌
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:河北玉田
- 出生日期:1969年1月
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:哈爾濱工業大學
- 主要成就:教育部長江學者特聘教授
國家傑出青年基金資助 - 代表作品:《無機材料性能》,《電子材料》等
1997.07-1999.07 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院, 講師
1999.08-2002.06 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院, 副教授
2002.06-目前 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院, 破格晉升教授
2002.06-2014.06 哈爾濱工業大學材料特種陶瓷研究所, 副所長
2003.06- 目前 哈爾濱工業大學材料科學與工程學院, 教授、博士生導師
2005.11-2006.11 美國伊利諾伊大學香檳分校(UIUC), 國家公派訪問學者
2014.06-目前 哈爾濱工業大學 材料學院 特種陶瓷研究所,所長
2015.08-2015.09 澳大利亞莫納什大學, 國家公派高級訪問學者
2016.10-目前 “先進結構與功能一體化材料與綠色製造技術”工信部重點實驗 主任
- 哈爾濱市科學技術協會第七屆委員會常務委員
- 中國矽酸鹽學會特種陶瓷分會副秘書長
- 中國機械工程學會工程陶瓷專業委員會副理事長
- 中國兵工學會材料科學與技術專業委員會委員
- 哈爾濱市材料與測試學會理事長
- 國家自然科學基金項目通訊評審專家
- 期刊編委等:現代技術陶瓷 副主編;J of Ceram Sci & Technol[德], 矽酸鹽學報、航空材料學報、材料科學與工藝、功能材料、Chinese J of Mater Sci、ISRN Ceram等刊物編委
- J of Eur Ceram Soc, Carbon, Ceram Intern, J of Adv Ceram, J of Asian Ceram, Mater Lett, MSEA,JMST,機械工程材料、複合材料學報、矽酸鹽學報、無機材料學報、材料工程、人工晶體學報等40餘種國際和國內期刊稿件評審專家
《先進功能材料》、《無機非金屬材料製備基礎》、《納米材料與納米結構》 ( 雙語教學 )、《材料科學進展專題》
《先進功能材料》、《無機非金屬材料製備基礎》、《納米材料與納米結構》 ( 雙語教學 )、《材料科學進展專題》
- 非晶/納米晶等亞穩態材料的製備及其組織結構演化規律與機理;
- 多功能航天防熱陶瓷基複合材料及其在極端服役條件下損傷機理;
- 異型或大尺寸陶瓷構件的凝膠注模成型、3D列印成型技術;
- 輕質隔熱/阻燃或耐熱/防熱用無機聚合物及其複合材料;
- 無機聚合物轉化法低成本製備先進陶瓷基複合材料。

2015 年 黑龍江省技術發明一等獎(排名第1)
2011 年,黑龍江省自然類科學技術二等獎1項(排名第4)
2005 年,國家技術發明二等獎1項(排名第2)
2003 年,教育部科技進步一等獎1項(排名第2)
2002 年,國防科工委科技進步二等獎1項(排名第2)
1998 年,航天工業總公司科技進步二等獎1項(排名第2)
1996 年,航天工業總公司科技進步一等獎1項(排名第4)
2013年 入選中組部首批“萬人計畫”
2013年 科技部首批“創新人才推進計畫”中青年科技創新領軍人才
2012 年,獲國家傑出青年基金資助
2011 年,獲第二屆哈爾濱市自然科學學術界新時期領軍人才
2009 年,當選教育部“長江學者獎勵計畫”特聘教授
2008 年,獲黑龍江省優秀中青年專家稱號
2007 年,獲黑龍江省傑出青年基金
2007 年,獲中國矽酸鹽學會第7屆青年科技獎
2007 年,獲黑龍江省第8屆青年科技獎
2006 年,入選哈爾濱工業大學首批優秀科技創新團隊帶頭人
2005 年,獲國防科工委國防科技工業優秀博士學位獲得者榮譽稱號
2004 年,入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫
主要從事先進陶瓷與陶瓷基複合材料及其在航天防熱部件上的套用等方面的科研和教學工作。主持和參與國家自然科學基金、863、國家“高新工程-1” 、總裝與國防基礎預研項目等各類科研課題30餘項。研製出具有自主智慧財產權多種陶瓷基複合材料,並攻克其工程化套用中多項關鍵技術,在多種型號關鍵防熱部件上獲得套用;獲國家技術發明二等獎1項,省部級科技進步一獎3項、二等獎3項;授權國家發明專利50餘項;發表與合作發表學術論文被SCI收錄310餘篇、EI收錄280餘篇, SCI他引2400餘次;分別由科學出版社、台灣滄海書局和哈爾濱工業大學出版社等出版專著/教材4部,論著被同行他引合計 3200 余次。已培養/合作培養博士20餘人、碩士30餘人。代表作如下
- 賈德昌參編《工程材料》第11章 “先進陶瓷材料”,哈爾濱:哈爾濱工業大學出版社(出版印刷中)
- 賈德昌參編《材料大辭典》無機非金屬材料部分詞條,北京:化學工業出版社,2016年9月
- 賈德昌, 何培剛, 段小明, 楊治華, 林鐵松 著《無機聚合物及其複合材料》,哈爾濱:哈爾濱工業大學出版社,2014
- 賈德昌, 宋桂明, 柯華, 王文, 段小明 編著《無機非金屬材料性能》,北京:科學出版社,2008
- 賈德昌, 宋桂明, 周勁松, 王文 編著《電子材料》,哈工大出版社, 2000;台灣滄海書局,2001
- 周 玉, 賈德昌, 溫廣武著《陶瓷材料學》,哈工大出版社, 1995;台灣中央出版社,1998;科學出版社,2004
發表/合作發表論文被SCI 收錄310餘篇,EI收錄280餘篇,SCI 他引2400餘次;論著他引總計3400 余次。國際國內會議大會報告/邀請報告30餘次,主要包括:
- 賈德昌. Si-B-C-N系亞穩陶瓷材料的組織結構演化行為與機理, 第十一屆中國熱處理活動周,甘肅·蘭州,2016.07
- 賈德昌. 航天防熱用Si-B-C-N系亞穩陶瓷及其複合材料的研究與思考,中國物理學會2014秋季學術會議,黑龍江·哈爾濱,2014.09
- 賈德昌. Si-B-C-N系亞穩陶瓷及其複合材料,上海矽酸鹽研究所東山會議,蘇州,2013.11
- 賈德昌. Si-B-C-N機械合金化粉末及陶瓷的組織結構與抗氧化性, 第十五屆全國高技術陶瓷學術年會,遼寧·瀋陽,2008.09
- Dechang Jia. Microstructure Evolution Behavior of Metastable SiBCN Ceramics Prepared by Mechanical Alloying, 2016 China International Conference on Functional Materials-2016 CIFM)and (9th China National Conference on Functional Materials and Applications-9th NCFMA25th~27th, July, 2016
- Dechang Jia, Amorphous SiBCN Ceramics Prepared by Mechanical Alloying and after High Pressure, The Ninth China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-9), Nov. 4-7, 2015, Guilin, China
- D. C. Jia, Zhihua Yang, Bin Liang, Yu Zhou. Metastable SiBCN Ceramics and Its Matrix Composites Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Technique, The Sino-German Symposium on “Design, Process & Application of Adv Ceram Mater” , Nov. 11~14, 2015, Zhengzhou, China (Keynote)
- D C Jia. Sintering and crystallization behavior of 2Si-B-3C-N amorphous powder prepared by mechanical alloying technique, The Eighth China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-8), Nov. 4-7, 2013, Chongqing, China
- D C Jia. Sintering Behavior & Interfacial Structure in Si-B-C-N System Ceramic and Its Matrix CMC, The Fifth Asia-Oceania Ceramic Federation (AOCF) Conference, Oct. 16-19, 2013, Jeju, Korea
- D.C. Jia, P.F. Zhang, Z.H. Yang, X.M. Duan, L.J. Pan, Y. Zhou. Mechanical Properties and Thermal Shock Resistance of Short Fiber Reinforced MA 2Si-B-3C-N Ceramic Matrix Composite, High Temperature Ceramic Matrix Composite Eighth International Conference (HTCMC-8), Sep. 22, 2013, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
- Dechang Jia, Dan Ye, Zhihua Yang, Zhenlin Sun and Yu Zhou. Microstructures and mechanical properties of SiBCNAl ceramics prepared by mechanical alloying and subsequent hot pressing, 36 International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC-2012), Jan. 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
- P.F. Zhang, D.C. Jia, Z.H. Yang, X.M. Duan, Y. Zhou. Microstructure evolution from mechanically alloyed amorphous SiBCN powder to hot-pressed nano-crystalline ceramic, 36 International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC-2012), Jan. 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
- D.C. Jia, P.F. Zhang, Z.H. Yang, X.M. Duan, Y. Zhou. Microstructure evolution from mechanically alloyed amorphous SiBCN powder to hot-pressed nano-crystalline ceramic, The Seventh China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-7), Nov. 4, 2011, Xiamen, China
- Dechang Jia, Zhihua Yang, Xiaoming Duan, Yu Zhou. Effect of Si/C Ratio and Their Content on Properties of Si-B-C-N Ceramics Prepared by Mechanical Alloying Attrition and Spark Plasma Sintering, The Sixth China International Conference on High-Performance Ceramics (CICC-6), Sep. 17, 2009, Harbin, China
- 賈德昌, 段小明, 楊治華, 于洋. ZrO2p(3Y)/BN-SiO2陶瓷複合材料的組織結構與性能, 第九屆全國工程陶瓷學術年會,陝西·西安,2009.11
- 賈德昌、段小明、楊治華、王玉金、田卓、陳磊. 六方氮化硼基複合陶瓷研究與套用,第十二屆全國工程陶瓷學術年會, 湖南長沙,2015.10
- Zhuo Tian, Dechang Jia, Zhihua Yang, Xiaoming Duan and Yu Zhou. Effect of AlN content on microstructure, mechanical and dielectric properties of BN-based composites. 36 International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC-2012), Jan. 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
- Shengjin Wang, Dechang Jia, Zhihua Yang, Xiaoming Duan and Yu Zhou. Effect of h-BN on the mechanical and dielectric properties of porous h-BN/Si3N4 composite ceramics prepared by gel casting, 36 International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC-2012), Jan. 22-27, 2012, Daytona Beach, FL, USA
- 賈德昌. 新型綠色環保材料──鋁矽酸鹽無機聚合物及其複合材料, 第十一屆全國工程陶瓷學術年會,湖北·武漢,2013.10
- 賈德昌. 碳纖維增強無機聚合物及其轉化陶瓷複合材料, 中國機械工程陶瓷學術理事會,陝西·西安,2012.8
- 賈德昌,林鐵松,何培剛,周玉. Cf增強鋁矽酸鹽聚合物基複合材料的力學性能及斷裂行為, 第八屆全國工程陶瓷學術年會議論壇,湖北·武漢,2012.05
- Dechang Jia, Peigang He. Recent development on the green geopolymer composites and Their Developed CMCs, 3rd Malaysian-Indonesian Geopolymer Symposium (MIGS 2016), on 5 August 2016, Ho Chi Minch City (Keynote)
- De-Chang Jia. Effect of Cs partial substitution to K on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Cf/KGP composite before and after high temperature treatment, 4th Inter. Symp. on Adv. Cera. Tech. for Sustain. Ener. App.(ACTSEA-2013), November 10~13th,2013, Taipei
- Dechang Jia, Peigang He, Yu Zhou, Trudy W. Kriven. Effects of high-temperature treatment on the mechanical properties of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced aluminasilicate geopolymer matrix composites (Cf/KGP), 10th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PacRim10), June 2, 2013, San Diego, CA, USA
- Dechang Jia, Peigang He. High-temperature geopolymer & Cf reinforced composites and their derived CMC, GEOPOLYMERCAMP 2011, July 4~6th, 2011, Saint-Quentin, France (Keynote)
- Dechang Jia, Peigang He, Tiesong Lin, Meirong Wang, Yu Zhou. High-temperature Mechanical Properties of Cuf/geopolymer Composite After Heat Treatment and Repeated Impregnation by Sol-SiO2, 12th International Ceramics Congress (CIMTEC), June 10th, 2010, Montecatini Terme, Italy
1. Dechang Jia. Microstructure and Property Tailoring of Advanced Ceramics & CMC- Projects achievements of Institute for Advanced Ceramics, First Symposium of Science & Technology between China and Ukrine, June, 22th, 2015, Harbin, China
2. 賈德昌,楊治華,段小明,周玉. 航天防熱用先進結構陶瓷材料的研究與思考, “工程結構材料”技術科學論壇,中國科學院技術科學部,北京,2014. 9
3. 賈德昌,周玉.熔石英基陶瓷複合材料及其在航天防熱構件上的套用研究, 中國技術科學論壇,中國科學院技術科學部,大連,2004. 8
- Dechang Jia, Lizhong Zhou, Zhihua Yang, Xiaoming Duan, and Yu Zhou. Effect of Preforming Process and Starting Fused SiO2 Particle Size on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pressurelessly Sintered BNp/SiO2 Ceramic Composites. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94 (10): 3552-3560
- Zhenlin Sun(博士生), Yu Zhou, Dechang Jia, Zhihua Yang, Xiaoming Duan, Dan Ye, Pengfei Zhang. Preparation of SiCN(O) material with vinyl trichlorosilicane. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94(8): 2282-2284
- Liyou Zhao(博士生), Dechang Jia, Xiaoming Duan, Zhihua Yang, Yu Zhou. Improved oxidation resistance of zirconium carbide at 1500 °C by lanthanum hexaboride additions. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2011, 94: 3648-50
- Yingfeng Shao(博士生), Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, and Boyang Liu. Novel Method for Fabrication of Silicon Nitride Silicon Oxynitride Composite Ceramic Foams Using Fly Ash Cenosphere as a Pore- Forming Agent. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2008,91(11):3781-3785
- Dechang Jia, DongKyu Kim, and Waltraud M. Kriven. Sintering Behavior of Gehlenite. Part I: Self-Forming, Macro-/Mesoporous Gehlenite - Pore-Forming Mechanism, Microstructure, Mechanical, and Physical Properties. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2007, 90 [6] 1760-1773
- Dechang Jia, Waltraud M. Kriven. Sintering Behavior of Gehlenite. Part II: Microstructure, and Mechanical Properties. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2007, 90 [9] 2766-2770
- D. C. Jia, Y. Zhou, T. C. Lei. Ambient and elevated temperature mechanical properties of hot-pressed fused silica matrix composite, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2003, 23: 801-808
- De-Chang Jia, Jia-Hua Xu, Hua Ke, Wen Wang, Yu Zhou. Structure and Multiferroic Properties of BiFeO3 Powders. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2009,29(14):3099-3103(SCI)
- Liyou Zhao(博士生), Dechang Jia, Xiaoming Duan, Zhihua Yang, Yu Zhou. Oxidation of ZrC–30 vol% SiC composite in air from low to ultrahigh temperature. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2011.10.024
- P. G. He(博士生), D. C. Jia, M. R. Wang, Y. Zhou. Improvement of high-temperature mechanical properties of heat treated Cf/geopolymer composites by Sol-SiO2 impregnation. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2010, 30 (15), 3053–3061
- Shao YF(博士生), Jia DC and Liu BY. Characterization of porous silicon nitride ceramics by pressureless sintering using fly ash cenosphere as a pore-forming agent. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2009,29(8): 1529-1534
- Yingfeng Shao(博士生), Dechang Jia, Boyang Liu. Characterization of porous silicon nitride ceramics by pressureless sintering using fly ash cenosphere as a pore-forming agent. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2008.09.012
- Liu BY(博士生), Jia DC, Meng QC, Rao JC, Shao YF. Synthesis of hollow six-armed carbon particles by a self-assembly template method, Carbon, 2008, 46(4) 717-720
- Boyang Liu(博士生), Dechang Jia, Qingchang Meng, Jiancun Rao. A novel method for preparation of hollow carbon spheres under a gas pressure atmosphere, Carbon, 2007, 45(3): 668-670
- Boyang Liu(博士生), Dechang Jia, Yu Zhou, Haibo Feng, Qingchang Meng. Low temperature synthesis of amorphous carbon nanotubes in air. Carbon, 2007, 45 1710-1713
- Wang YM(博士生), Jia DC, Guo LX, Lei, TQ, Jiang, BL. Effect of discharge pulsating on microarc oxidation coatings formed on Ti6Al4V alloy. Mater. Chem. & Phy, 2005, 90 (1): 128-133
- Xu JH(博士生),Ke H, Jia DC, Wang W, Zhou Y. Low-temperature synthesis of BiFeO3 nanopowders via a sol-gel method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2009, 472(1-2): 473-477
- Liyou zhao(博士生), Dechang Jia, Yujin Wang, Jiancun Rao, Zhihua Yang, Xiaoming Duan,Yu Zhao. ZrC-ZrB2 matrix composites with enhanced toughness prepared by reactive hot pressing. Scripta Materialia, 2010, 63, 887-890
- Haibo Feng(博士生), Yu Zhou, Dechang Jia, Qingchang Meng. Stacking Faults Formation Mechanism of In Situ Synthesized TiB Whiskers. Scripta Materialia. 2006 (55): 667-670
- Guo YP(博士生), Zhou Y, Jia DC, Qingchang Meng. Fabrication and in vitro characterization of magnetic hydroxycarbonate apatite coatings with hierarchically porous structures, Acta Biomaterialia, 2008; 4(4): 923-31
- D. Q. Wei(博士生), Y. Zhou, D. C. Jia, Y. M. Wang. Characteristic and in Vitro Bioactivity of Microactivity of Microarc Oxidized TiO2-Based Coating after Chemical Treatment. Acta Biomaterialia. 2007; 3(5) 817-827
- Guo YP(博士生), Zhou Y, Jia DC. Fabrication of hydroxycarbonate apatite coatings with hierarchically porous structures, Acta Biomaterialia, 2007; 4(2): 334-42
- Haibo Feng(博士生),Yu Zhou, Dechang Jia, Qingchang Meng, and Jianchun Rao. Growth Mechanism of In Situ TiB Whisker in Spark Plasms Sintered TiB/Ti Matrix Composites, Crystal Growth &Design, 2006, 6(7), 1626-1630
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- SiBCN(O)陶瓷材料的製備方法, 專利號:ZL 200910309568.0
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