賀建奎擁有多學科交叉的背景,並在基因測序儀研究, CRISPR基因編輯,生物信息學等多個領域取得研究突破。他的實驗室將高通量測序套用到免疫細胞受體庫的多樣性研究。
2019年1月21日,南方科技大學研究決定解除與賀建奎的勞動契約關係,終止其在校內一切教學科研活動。2月12日,史丹福大學正在按照程式,對校內與賀建奎有關的研究人員進行審查。 2019年2月,開展基因編輯嬰兒實驗的原南方科技大學副教授賀建奎的一篇研究論文被撤稿。
- 中文名:賀建奎
- 主要成就:統計和信息學的交叉技術來研究複雜的生物系統
- 性別:男

2.Zhoufang Li, Guangjie Liu, Ying Tong, Meng Zhang, Ying Xu, Li Qin, Zhanhui Wang, Xiaoping Chen, Jiankui He* (2015) “Comprehensive analysis of the T-cell receptor beta chain gene in rhesus monkey by high throughput sequencing” Scientific Reports, 5:10092
3.Luwen Ning, Geng Liu, Guibo Li, Yong Hou, Yin Tong, Jiankui He* (2014) “Current Challenges in the Bioinformatics of Single Cell Genomics.” Frontier in Oncology, 4:7.
4.Ning Jiang#, Jiankui He#, Joshua A. Weinstein#, Lolita Penland, Sanae Sasaki, Xiao-Song He, Cornelia L. Dekker, Patrick C. Wilson, Harry B. Greenberg, Mark M. Davis, Daniel S. Fisher and Stephen R. Quake (2013), “Lineage structure of the human antibody repertoire in response to influenza vaccination”. Science Translational Medicine, 5:171, 171ra19
5.J. He and M. Deem (2010), “Heterogeneous Diversity of Spacers within CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105:128102
6.J. He and M. Deem (2010) “Structure and response in the world trade network.” Phys. Rev. Lett. 105:198701
7.J. He and M. Deem (2010) “Low-dimensional clustering detects incipient dominant influenza strain clusters.” Protein Engineering Design and Selection 23:935–946
8.J. He and M. Deem (2010) “Hierarchical evolution of animal body plans.” Developmental Biology, 337:157
9.J. He, J. Sun and M. Deem (2009) “Spontaneous emergence of modularity in a model of evolving individuals and in real networks.” Phys. Rev. E. 79: 031907. Also in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research
10.J. He, Q. Chen, L. Ding and S. Wan (2008) “Conclusive and perfect quantum state transfer with a single spin chain.” Phys. Lett. A 372:185-190
- Jiankui He (2011) “Modularity: The principle of evolution in complex systems” Lambert Academic Publishing, Koln, Germany. 2011