

《財務管理英語》是清華大學出版社2020年出版圖書,作者王文杰、閔雪、賀瓊、王昱睿、 杜丹


  • 中文名:財務管理英語
  • 作者:王文杰、閔雪、賀瓊、王昱睿、 杜丹
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787302529217 


《財務管理英語》按財務管理專業主幹課程的架構共設四篇十章,具體包括財務管理概述、財務報表 概述、貨幣時間價值、風險與收益、資本預算、資本成本、資本結構、股利政策、資產評估 概述及權益估值和公司估值等內容。本書不僅列出了各章節主要概念,配有中文的拓展閱讀, 用於豐富和啟發學生對於相關知識點的學習,而且配有適當的習題與案例,供教師教學和學 生學習使用。 本書內容全面,包含了財務管理、公司理財、資產評估及企業價值評估等專業方向的基 本理論介紹,特別適合用作財務管理相關專業學生的教材,也可供相關從業者學習參考。教學 課件和習題答案的下載方式見前言。


Part Ⅰ Basis of Financial Valuation 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to Financial Management 2
1.1 Financial Management and Financial Manager 3
1.1.1 Financial Management 3
1.1.2 Financial Manager 4
1.2 Objectives and Functions of Financial Management 4
1.2.1 Objectives of Financial Management 4
1.2.2 Functions of Financial Management 6
1.3 Financial Market and Market Efficiency 7
1.3.1 Financial Market 7
1.3.2 Market Efficiency 8
1.3.3 Degrees of Market Efficiency 8
1.4 Agency Relationships 10
1.4.1 Agency Problems 10
1.4.2 Agency Costs 10
1.4.3 Practical Solutions to the Agency Problems 11
Questions and Problems
Chapter 2 Introduction to Financial Statements
2.1 Financial Statements and Annual Reports
2.1.1 Overview of Financial Statements
2.1.2 Corporate Annual Reports
2.2 Analysis of Financial Statements
2.2.1 The Need for Ratios
2.2.2 Types of Accounting Ratios
2.2.3 Users of Ratios
2.2.4 Categories of Ratio
Questions and Problems
Chapter 3 Time Value of Money
3.1 Value Creation and Corporate Investment
3.2 Simple and Compound Interest
3.2.1 Simple Interest
3.2.2 Compound Interest
3.3 Future Value and Present Value
3.3.1 Future Value
3.3.2 Present Value
3.3.3 Determining the Rate of Interest
3.3.4 Annuity
Questions and Problems
Part II Capital Budgeting
Part III Financing Decision
Part IV Valuation


