



  • 中文名:貝賽特山中學
  • 學生:平均10人
  • 宗旨:培養學生終生喜愛學習為其教育
  • 提供:AP(Advanced Placement)課程


因為私立寄宿學校都受到政府的監督, 且大部分都是以非營利組織的方式經營, 且學費按比例使用,在提升教育質量及改善學校硬設備上, 大部分的頂級學校都收到極高的評價與大學入學資格審查員的青睞.
Behçet Hill Middle School in order to stimulate the students' potential, and students life-long love of learning for its educational purpose. In addition to providing a comprehensive academic curriculum, more known for its active and sophisticated performing arts curriculum. In order to assist students in their studies, but also arrange TOEFL preparation courses for students to choose. Attaches great importance to the student attendance rate, requiring each student to participate in each class, an average of 10 students per class, so teachers and students interact frequently, students in this study can be obtained adequate management and supervision. Campus a total of 11 buildings, containing natural science lab, photography lab, art centers, theaters, recording studios, pottery room, digital media laboratories, the entire campus wireless Internet access. The school also in regular weekly shuttle students to the town shopping and leisure.
Private boarding schools are subject to the supervision of the government, and most of them are operating in nonprofit organizations, and tuition fees in proportion to enhance the quality of education and improve school hardware devices, most of the top schools received high evaluation of university entrance qualification examiners ages.


許多頂尖的寄宿學校都有百年以上的歷史, 這意味著他們與頂尖美國大學, 常春藤等學校, 都有相當好的默契與配合度。他們的課程與許多課外活動也都是配合頂尖大學設計的, 使學生們在進入高等教育之前就已經具備了很強的課內與課外的能力優勢。
Education designed for top American universities apply for admission for the target system:
Top boarding schools have more than a century of history, this means that the top American universities, Ivy League and other schools, they have a very good understanding and cooperation degrees. Their courses and many extra-curricular activities are also designed with the top universities, before entering higher education, the students already have a strong curricular and extracurricular advantage.
學生可以依據他的喜好與能力選擇適合他的課程。對於有特殊能力的學生, 老師們會進行尖子生教學(1-4個學生)或甚至是1對1的課程。通常一個班級都幾乎是介於10-16個學生。 而平均全校的師生比例也在1:10(聖保羅為1:5)左右。有些如聖保羅學校的老師, 不僅全體學生寄宿, 全體老師也一起住校, 這給學生提供了很多在課外 (例如全校家族式晚餐時等) 學習的機會。
Diversity education courses and personal strengths guidance:
The student can choose his course according to his preferences and capabilities. For students with special abilities, the teachers will be students the top student teaching (1-4) or even 1-on-1 courses. Usually a class almost between 10-16 students. The average school teacher-student ratio is about 1:5) also 1:10 (Sao Paulo. Some, such as Sao Paulo, a school teacher, not only for all students boarding, all teachers together live on campus, which gives students many extracurricular (for example, when the whole school family dinner, etc.) the opportunity to learn.
幾乎所有的寄宿高中, 讓學生們在高年級就可以上拿大學學分的課程, 讓他們在進入大學的同時就可以挑戰更高級別的課程。而且, 公立高中只同時提供兩種以下的外語, 頂級寄宿高中能夠提供5樣以上的語言, 培養學生國際競爭能力。
With challenging educational programs:
Almost all boarding high school offers AP (Advanced Placement) courses, allow students to take college-credit courses, so that they can enter university while challenging higher level courses can be more than the higher grades. Moreover, the public high school only provide the following two foreign languages at the same time, top boarding high school able to provide more than 5-like language, students and international competitiveness.


