- 外文名:A Cognitive Study of Metaphors in Samuel Beckett's Dramatic Texts
- 書名:貝克特戲劇文本中隱喻的認知研究
- 作者:黃立華
- 出版日期:2012年4月1日
- 語種:簡體中文
- ISBN:9787516107065
- 出版社:中國社會科學出版社
- 頁數:284頁
- 開本:32
- 品牌:中國社會科學出版社
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this research
1.2 Significance of study
1.3 Methods of study
1.4 The structure of this book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Traditional studies on metaphor
2.2.1 Metaphor in fiction and poetry
2.2.2 Metaphor in drama
2.2.3 Dramatic text and performance
2.3 Contemporary studies on metaphor
2.3.1 Semantic theory of metaphor
2.3.2 Pragmatic theory of metaphor
2.3.3 Cognitive theory of metaphor
2.3.4 Conceptual metaphor
2.3.5 Conventional and novel metaphors
2.4 Metaphor studies of Beckett's plays
2.4.1 Overview of criticism of Samuel Beekett's plays
2.4.2 Overview of metaphor studies on Beckett's plays
2.5 Summary and research questions
Chapter Three Emotion Metaphors in Waiting for Godot
and Krapp's Last Tape
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Emotion metaphors
3.3 Emotion metaphors in Waiting for Godot
3.4 Emotion metaphors in Krapp's Last Tape
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Time as Space Metaphors in Happy Days
and Endgame
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Conceptions of time and space
4.2.1 Keshavmurti on time and space
4.2.2 Alverson on time and space
4.2.3 Lakoff on space and time
4.2.4 Lakoff and Johnson on everyday metaphor
4.3 Time as space metaphors in Happy Days and
4.4 "Time" and "oblivion" in Waiting for Godot
Chapter Five Image-Schema Metaphors in Endgame
Chapter Six Non-verbal Metaphors in Beckett's Dramaticules
Chapter Seven Findings and Conclusions
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Objectives of this research
1.2 Significance of study
1.3 Methods of study
1.4 The structure of this book
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Traditional studies on metaphor
2.2.1 Metaphor in fiction and poetry
2.2.2 Metaphor in drama
2.2.3 Dramatic text and performance
2.3 Contemporary studies on metaphor
2.3.1 Semantic theory of metaphor
2.3.2 Pragmatic theory of metaphor
2.3.3 Cognitive theory of metaphor
2.3.4 Conceptual metaphor
2.3.5 Conventional and novel metaphors
2.4 Metaphor studies of Beckett's plays
2.4.1 Overview of criticism of Samuel Beekett's plays
2.4.2 Overview of metaphor studies on Beckett's plays
2.5 Summary and research questions
Chapter Three Emotion Metaphors in Waiting for Godot
and Krapp's Last Tape
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Emotion metaphors
3.3 Emotion metaphors in Waiting for Godot
3.4 Emotion metaphors in Krapp's Last Tape
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Time as Space Metaphors in Happy Days
and Endgame
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Conceptions of time and space
4.2.1 Keshavmurti on time and space
4.2.2 Alverson on time and space
4.2.3 Lakoff on space and time
4.2.4 Lakoff and Johnson on everyday metaphor
4.3 Time as space metaphors in Happy Days and
4.4 "Time" and "oblivion" in Waiting for Godot
Chapter Five Image-Schema Metaphors in Endgame
Chapter Six Non-verbal Metaphors in Beckett's Dramaticules
Chapter Seven Findings and Conclusions