- 中文名:豐鎮平
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:西安交通大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職務:陝西省葉輪機械及動力裝備工程實驗室主任
1975.07–1978.02浙江省桐鄉縣梧桐公社 插隊知青
1978.02–1982.01西安交通大學熱力渦輪機專業 工學學士
1982.02–1984.12西安交通大學熱力渦輪機專業 工學碩士
1984.12–至今 西安交通大學教師,其中:
1984.12–1987.09能源與動力工程系渦輪機教研室 助教
1987.03–1992.02西安交通大學熱力葉輪機械專業 工學博士
1987.10–1992.09能源與動力工程系渦輪機教研室 講師
1992.10–1998.07能源與動力工程學院 副教授
1993.11–1994.11德國斯圖加特大學航天系統研究所 訪問學者
1998.02–2001.02能源與動力工程學院熱動力工程系 主任
1998.08–至今 能源與動力工程學院 教授(2011二級教授)
1998.12–至今 能源與動力工程學院 博導(已培養博士26名)
1998.10–1999.01德國柏林工大航空推進實驗室 DAAD訪問教授
2000.10–2003.03能源與動力工程學院 副院長
2003.03–2009.11西安交通大學國際合作與交流處 處長
2009.11–2016.11能源與動力工程學院 院長
2015.11–至今 陝西省葉輪機械及動力裝備工程實驗室主任
中國動力工程學會常務理事、學術工作委員會主任、透平專委會副主任,中國通用機械工業協會常務理事、能量回收裝備分會副理事長,中國工程熱物理學會理事,國家XX專項基礎研究專業組專家,全國燃氣輪機標準化技術委員會顧問,北航先進航空發動機協同創新中心理事,東方電氣集團科技發展戰略諮詢委員會委員,《動力工程學報》編委會副主任及《Procs IMechE Part A: Journal of Power and Energy》、《工程熱物理學報》等國內外10個學術期刊編委等。
1. 中歐國際合作項目,基於湍流邊界層流動控制的減阻技術(Drag Reduction via Turbulent Boundary Layer Flow Control, DRAGY,EU Horizon 2020 program),2016.04- 2019.03,鄭耀主持,負責(110萬元)
2. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(51336007),考慮熱斑和冷氣摻混的多級燃氣透平非定常流動與傳熱機理研究,2014.01-2018.12,300萬元,主持
3. 中國航發商用航空發動機公司基礎研究項目,葉片端壁冷卻技術研究,2013.12-2016.11,90萬元,主持
4. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(51076121),基於離散伴隨方法的葉輪機械葉柵氣動最佳化設計理論及方法的研究,2011.01-2013.12,35萬元,主持
5. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(50776065),基於控制理論的葉輪機械葉柵氣動最佳化設計理論及方法的研究,2008.01-2010.12,30萬元,主持
6. 國家863計畫微型燃機重點項目課題(2008AA050501),100kW級微型燃氣輪機及其供能系統-渦輪分課題,2008.10-2012.09,135萬元,負責
7. 國家973計畫課題(2007CB210107),燃氣輪機熱端部件冷卻機理研究,2007.07-2011.09,562萬元,主持(豐鎮平,姜培學)
8. 航空推進技術驗證計畫課題(APTD-0601B),葉柵氣動反設計最佳化,2007-2009,60萬元,主持
9. 國家自然科學基金重點項目(50336050),軸流式葉輪機械非軸對稱非定常流動機理的實驗和理論研究,2004.01-2007.12,150萬元,蔣洪德主持,負責(65萬元)
1. Study on Leakage Flow Characteristics of Radial Inflow Turbines at Rotor Tip Clearance.Science in China, Series E: Technological Sciences, 2008, 51(8): 1125-1136.
2. Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Based on the Moving Horizon State Estimation for the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(9): 2355-2366.
3. Investigations on the Discharge and Total Temperature Increase Characteristics of the Labyrinth Seals with Honeycomb and Smooth Lands.ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 2009, 131(4): 041009.
4. Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inlet Condition on Self-excited Oscillation of Wet Steam Flow in a Supersonic Turbine Cascade.International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2009, 60(12): 1334-1350.
5. Aerodynamic Design and Numerical Investigation on Overall Performance of a Microradial Turbine With Millimeter-Scale.ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power,2010, 132(3): 032301.
6. Investigation of Leakage Flow and Heat Transfer in a Gas Turbine Blade Tip with Emphasis on the Effect of Rotation.ASME Journal of Turbomachinery,2010, 132(4): 041010.
7. Numerical Investigations on Leakage Performance of the Rotating Labyrinth Honeycomb Seal.ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power,2010, 132(6): 062501.
8. Reduction of Solid-Particle Erosion on the Control-Stage Nozzle of a Steam Turbine through Improved End-Wall Contouring.Proceedings of the IMechE, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2010, 224(10): 2199-2210.
9. A Review of Intergration Strategies for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells.Journal of Power Sources, 2010, 195(3): 685-702.
10. 2D Viscous Aerodynamic Shape Design Optimization for Turbine Blades Based on Adjoint Method.ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 2011, 133(3): 031014.
11. Effects of Pressure Ratio and Rotational Speed on Leakage Flow and Cavity Pressure in the Staggered Labyrinth Seal.ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, 2011, 133(11): 114503.
12. Integrated Optimization Design for a Radial Turbine Wheel of a 100 kW-Class Microturbine.ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2012, 134(1): 012301.
13. A Study on Multidisciplinary Optimization of an Axial Compressor Blade based on Evolutionary Algorithms.ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 2012, 134(5): 054501.
14. Investigations of the Conjugate Heat Transfer and Windage Effect in Stepped Labyrinth Seals.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55: 4526-4657.
15. Component Sizing of Hybrid Energy Systems via the Optimization of Power Dispatch Simulation.Energy, 2013, 52(1): 165-172.
16. Aerodynamic Inverse Design Optimization for Turbine Cascades based on Control Theory.Science China Technological Sciences, 2013, 56(2): 308-323.
17. Effect of Bending and Mushrooming Damages on Heat Transfer Characteristic in Labyrinth Seals.ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2014; 136(4): 041901.
18. Unsteady Analysis on the Effects of Tip Clearance Height on Hot Streak Migration Across Rotor Blade Tip Clearance.ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2014, 136(8): 082605.
19. Numerical Investigations on Rotordynamic Characteristic of Hole-Pattern Seals with Two Different Hole-Diameters.ASMEJournal of Turbomachinery2015, 137(7): 071011.
20. Numerical Evaluation of Novel Shaped Holes for Enhancing Film Cooling Performance.ASMEJournal of heat Transfer, 2015, 137(7): 071701.
21. Effects of Hot Streak and Airfoil Clocking on Heat Transfer and Aerodynamic Characteristics in Gas Turbine.ASMEJournal of Turbomachinery, 2016, 138(2): 021002.
22. Numerical study on the effect of jet nozzle aspect ratio and jet angle on swirl cooling in a model of a turbine blade leading edge cooling passage.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 90: 986-1000.
23. Numerical analysis on effects of coolant swirling motion on film cooling performance.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 90: 1082-1089.
24. Influence of Mainstream Turbulence Intensity on Heat Transfer Characteristics of a High Pressure Turbine Stage with Inlet Hot Streak.ASMEJournal of Turbomachinery, 2016, 138(4): 041005.
25. Thermodynamic and Economic Analysis and Multi-objective Optimization of Supercritical COBrayton Cycles.ASMEJournal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2016, 138(8): 081602.
26. Research on Metamodel-Based Global Design Optimization and Data Mining Methods.ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2016; 138(9): 092604.
27. Numerical Analysis on Effects of Inlet Pressure and Temperature Non-uniformities on Aero-thermal Performance of a HP Turbine.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 104: 83-97.
28. Study on Continuous Adjoint Optimization with Turbulence Models for Aerodynamic Performance and Heat Transfer in Turbomachinery Cascades.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 104: 1069-1082.
29. Study on Performances of Supercritical CORecompression Brayton Cycles with Multi-objective Optimization.Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 114: 1335-1342.
30. Results of the International Wet Steam Modeling Project.Proceedings of the IMechE, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy,first published March 15, 2018.