


  • 中文名:譚志傑
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 畢業院校:武漢大學
  • 職務:博士生導師






1. Tan ZJ& Chen SJ. Importance of Diffuse Metal Ion Binding to RNA, 9:101-124. in "Structural and Catalytic Roles of Metal Ions in RNA" (volume of Metal Ions in Life Sciences), edited by Astrid Sigel, Helmut Sigel, and Roland K. O. Sigel. 2011.
2. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Predicting electrostatic forces in RNA folding, 469:465-487, in "Biophysical Approaches to RNA Structure and Folding" (volume of Methods in Enzymology), edited by Daniel Herschlag. 2009.
3. Chen SJ, Tan ZJ, Cao S & Zhang WB. Statistical Mechanics of RNA folding. 物理. 35:218-229, 2006.


1. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Salt contribution to RNA tertiary structure folding stability. Biophysical Journal 101:176-187, 2011.
2. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Predicting ion binding properties for RNA tertiary structures. Biophysical Journal 99:1565-1576 2010 .
3. Chen G, Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Salt dependent folding energy landscape of RNA three-way junction. Biophysical Journal 98:111-120, 2010.
4. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Salt dependence of nucleic acid hairpin stability. Biophysical Journal 95:738-752, 2008.
5. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Electrostatic free energy landscapes for DNA helix bending. Biophysical Journal 94:3137-3149, 2008.
6. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. RNA helix stability in mixed Na/Mgsolutions. Biophysical Journal 92:3615-3632, 2007.
7.Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Electrostatic free energy landscapes for nucleic acid helix assembly. Nucleic Acids Research 34:6629-6639, 2006.
8. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Ion-mediated nucleic acid helix-helix interactions. Biophysical Journal 91:518-536, 2006.
9. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Nucleic acid helix stability: effects of salt concentration, cation valency and size, and chain length. Biophysical Journal 90:1175-1190, 2006.
10. Tan ZJ & Chen SJ. Electrostatic correlation and fluctuations for ion binding to finite length polyelectrolyte. Journal of Chemical Physics 122:044903(1-16), 2005.
11. Huang SY, Zou XW, Tan ZJ & Z.G. Shao. Critical behavior of efficiency dynamics in the small-world networks. Physical Review E 68:016107(1-6), 2003.
12. Huang SY, Zou XW, Tan ZJ & Z.Z. Jin. Network-induced nonequilibrium phase transition in the ``game of life''. Physical Review E 67:026107(1-6), 2003.
13. Tan ZJ, Zou XW, Huang SY & Jin ZZ. Pattern of particle distribution in multi-particle system by random walk with memory enhancement and decay. Physical Review E66:011101, 2002.
14. Tan ZJ, Zou XW, Huang SY & Jin ZZ. Deposition, diffusion and aggregation on percolations: A model for nanostructure growth on nonuniform substrates. Physical Review B65:235403, 2002.
15. Tan ZJ, Zou XW, Zhang W, & Jin ZZ. Pattern formation on nonuniform surfaces by correlated-random sequential adsorption. Physical Review E65:057201, 2002.
16. Tan ZJ, Zou XW, Huang SY, Zhang W, & Jin ZZ. Random walk with memorial enhancement and decay. Physical Review E 65:041101, 2002.
17. Tan ZJ, Zou XW & Jin ZZ. Percolation with long-range correlations for epidemic spreading. Physical Review E62:8409-8412, 2000.
18. Tan ZJ, Zou XW, Zhang WB & Jin ZZ. Structure transition in cluster-cluster aggregation under external fields. Physical Review E61:734-737, 2000.
19. Tan ZJ, Zou XW, Zhang WB & Jin ZZ. Influence of particle size on diffusion-limited aggregation. Physical Review E60:6202-6205, 1999.
20. Tan ZJ, Zou XW, Zhang WB & Jin ZZ. Influences of the size and dielectric properties of particles on electrorheological response. Physical Review E59:3177-3181, 1999.


