



  • 中文名:譚亮成
  • 外文名:Liangcheng TAn
  • 出生地:湖南耒陽
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學 中國科學院地球環境研究所


姓 名:  譚亮成
性 別:  男
職 稱:  研究員
學 歷:  博士


譚亮成,男,博士,1980年12月生。2003年7月畢業於蘭州大學地理基地班,獲學士學位;同年免試推薦到中國科學院地球環境研究所碩博連讀,2009年3月獲博士學位,留所工作,歷任助研、副研、研究員。2010-2013年期間多次在美國明尼蘇達大學地球科學系和台灣大學地質科學系開展洞穴石筍的鈾系測年及微量元素合作研究。2016年-2017年在美國德克薩斯大學聖安東尼奧分校訪問,並擔任Research Fellow一職。先後主持2項國家自然科學基金和中國科學院“西部之光”人才培養重點項目,參與國家重點基礎研究規劃(973)、國家重大科學研究計畫及中國科學院重大部署項目等,並承擔子課題。研究方向為歷史時期氣候變化的石筍記錄、全新世氣候變化、影響及人類適應、喀斯特環境演化等。共發表論文40餘篇,其中第一/通訊作者SCI論文13篇,申請專利一項。研究成果被包括IPCC AR5、Science、PNAS、Nature Geo.、Nature Clim. Change、Nature Comm.等國際頂級期刊論文等引用超過1000次。部分成果被選為Nature出版集團的亮點文章和Quaternary Research封面文章,同時被國內外知名媒體,如英國BBC、美國紐約時報、新聞周刊、丹麥周末報、中國科學報等專題報導,產生了良好的社會影響。
曾多次擔任國內外學術會議的專題召集人和主持人,以及QSR、GCA、GRL、科學通報等20餘份期刊的審稿人;任Scientific Reports編委、地球環境學報特邀編輯、中科院青年地學論壇理事會副理事長、中科院青聯第四屆委員、以及中國第四紀科學研究會喀斯特與環境專業委員會委員;獲2015年度陝西省青年科技新星獎和2016年度中科院青年創新促進會優秀會員稱號。


2003/9 - 2009/3,中國科學院地球環境研究所,第四紀地質學,博士
1999/9 - 2003/7,蘭州大學,地理科學,學士


2017/2 - 至今,中國科學院地球環境研究所,現代環境研究室,研究員
2016.4-2017.3, 美國德克薩斯大學聖安東尼奧分校,Research Fellow
2013/2 - 2017/1,中國科學院地球環境研究所,現代環境研究室,副研究員
2009/10 - 2013/1,中國科學院地球環境研究所,現代環境研究室,助理研究員
2009/4 - 2009/9,中國科學院地球環境研究所,現代環境研究室,研究實習員








1. Liangcheng Tan*, Guanghui Dong, Zhisheng An, R. Lawrence Edwards, Haiming Li, Dong Li, Robert Spengler, Yanjun Cai, Hai Cheng, Jianghu Lan, Rustam Orozbaevk, Ruiliang Liu, Jianhui Chen, Hai Xu, Fahu Chen. Megadrought and cultural exchange along the proto-Silk Road. Science Bulletin, 2020, doi:10.1016/j.scib.2020.10.011
2. Liangcheng Tan*, Yanzhen Li, Xiqian Wang, Yanjun Cai, Fangyuan Lin, Hai Cheng, Le Ma, Ashish Sinha, R. Lawrence Edwards. Holocene monsoon change and abrupt events on the western Chinese Loess Plateau as revealed by accurately-dated stalagmites. Geophysical Research Letters, 2020, 47(21), e2020GL090273. doi:10.1029/2020GL090273.
3. Tan L*, Liu W, Wang T, Cheng P, Zang J, Wang X, Ma L, Li D, Lan J, Edwards R L, Cheng H, Xu H, Ai L, Gao Y, Cai Y. A multiple-proxy stalagmite record reveals historical deforestation in central Shandong, northern China. Science China Earth Sciences, 2020, 63(10): 1622-1632
4. Liangcheng Tan*, Hai Xu*. Holocene climate changes in the Asia-Pacific region. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2020, 8: 622792. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.622792.
5. Liangcheng Tan*, Jingyao Zhao, Dong Li, Yongli Gao. Cave air CO2 monitoring in Shenqi Cave, southwest China, 16th Sinkhole Conference NCKRI Symposium, 2020, 8: 48-52.
6. Jianghu Lan, Hai Xu*, Yunchao Lang, Keke Yu, Peng Zhou, Shugang Kang, Kangen Zhou, Xulong Wang, Tianli Wang, Peng Cheng, Dongna Yan, Shiyong Yu, Ping Che, Yuanda Ye, Liangcheng Tan*. Dramatic weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon in northern China during the transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age. Geology, 2020,48 (4): 307–312.
7. Liangcheng Tan*, Chuan-Chou Shen*, Ludvig L?wemark, Sakonvan Chawchai, R. Lawrence Edwards, Yanjun Cai, Sebastian F. M. Breitenbach, Hai Cheng, Yu-Chen Chou, Helmut Duerrast, Judson W. Partin,Wenju Cai, Akkaneewut Chabangborn, Yongli Gao, Ola Kwiecien, Chung-Che Wu, Zhengguo Shi, Huang-Hsiung Hsu, Barbara Wohlfarth. Rainfall variations in central Indo-Pacific over the past 2700 yr. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019, 116 (35): 17201-17206.
8. Tianli Wang, Liangcheng Tan*, Hai Xu*, Jingjie Zang, Dong Li, Jianghu Lan, Yongming Han, Li Li. The selection of a primary marker for the Anthropocene. Science Bulletin, 2019, 64: 1643-1645.
9. Dong Li, Liangcheng Tan*, Fei Guo, Yanjun Cai, Youbin Sun, Gang Xue, Xing Cheng, Hong Yan, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Yongli Gao, Jessica Kelley. 2019. Application of Avaatech X-ray fluorescence core-scanning in Sr/Ca analysis of speleothems. Science China Earth Sciences, 2019, 62(6): 964-973.
10. Dong Li, Liangcheng Tan*, Yanjun Cai, Xiuyang Jiang, Le Ma, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Haiwei Zhang, Yongli Gao, Zhisheng An. Is Chinese stalagmite δ18O solely controlled by the Indian summer monsoon? Climate Dynamics, 2019, 53: 2969-2983
11. Liangcheng Tan*, Yanjun Cai, Hai Cheng, Lawrence R. Edwards, Jianghu Lan, Haiwei Zhang, Dong Li, Le Ma, Peipei Zhao, Yongli Gao. High resolution monsoon precipitation changes on southeastern Tibetan Plateau over the past 2300 years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2018, 195: 122-132.
12. Liangcheng Tan*, Chuan-Chou Shen, Yanjun Cai, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards. Great Flood in the middle-lower Yellow River reaches at 4000 a BP inferred from accurately-dated stalagmite records. Science Bulletin, 2018, 63(4): 206-208.
13. Liangcheng Tan*, Yanjun Cai, Hai Cheng, Lawrence R. Edwards, Yongli Gao, Hai Xu, Haiwei Zhang, Zhisheng An. Centennial- to decadal- scale monsoon precipitation variations in the upper Hanjiang River region, China over the past 6650 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018, 482: 580-590.
14. Peipei Zhao, Liangcheng Tan *, Pu Zhang*, Shengjie Wang, Buli Cui, Dong Li, Gang Xue, Xing Cheng. Stable isotopic characteristics and influencing factors in precipitation in the monsoon marginal region of northern China. Atmosphere, 2018, 9(3), 97; doi:10.3390/atmos9030097.
15. Liangcheng Tan, Yanjun Cai, Zhisheng An, Hai Cheng, Chuan-Chou Shen, Yongli Gao, R. Lawrence Edwards. Decreasing monsoon precipitation in southwest China during the last 240 years associated with the warming of tropical sea surface temperature.Climate Dynamics, 2017, 48(5), 1769-17782.
16.TAN Liangcheng, SONG Yougui, CAI Yanjun, AN Zhisheng, Rustam OROZBAEV, Yunus MAMADJANOV, Lawrence R. EDWARDS, CHENG Hai, LI Dong, LI Yue. Preliminary studies of speleothem in central Asia. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2016, 90(6): 2279-2280.
17. Liangcheng Tan, Yanjun Cai, Zhisheng An, Hai Cheng, Chuan-Chou Shen, Sebastian F.M. Breitenbach, R. Lawrence Edwards, Haiwei Zhang, Yajuan Du. A Chinese cave links climate change, social impacts, and human adaptation over the last 500 years.Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 12284; doi: 10.1038/srep12284.
18. Liangcheng Tan, Yanjun Cai, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Chuan-Chou Shen, Yongli Gao, Zhisheng An. Climate significance of speleothem δO from central China on decadal timescale. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2015, 106: 150-155.
19. Yucheng Wu, Liangcheng Tan, WuXing Liu, BaoZhan Wang, Yanjun Cai, Xiangui Lin. Profiling bacterial diversity in a limestone cave of the western Loess Plateau of China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2015, 6: 244. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00244 (#共同第一作者).
20. Liangcheng Tan, Zhisheng An, Chih-An Huh, Yanjun Cai, Chuan-Chou Shen, Liang-Jian Shiau, Libin Yan, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards. Cyclic precipitation variation on the western Loess Plateau of China during the past four centuries. Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 6381; doi:10.1038/srep06381
21. Liangcheng Tan, Ian J. Orland, Hai Cheng. Annually laminated speleothems in paleoclimate studies.Past Global Changes Magazine, 2014, 22(1): 22-23.
22. Liangcheng Tan, Chuan-Chou Shen, Yanjun Cai, Li Lo, Hai Cheng, Zhisheng An. Trace element variations in an annually layered stalagmite as recorders of climatic changes and anthropogenic pollution in Central China. Quaternary Research, 2014, 81: 181-188.
23. Liangcheng Tan, Liang Yi, Yanjun Cai, Chuan-Chou Shen, Hai Cheng, Zhisheng An. Quantitative temperature reconstruction based on growth rate of annually-layered stalagmite: A case study from central China. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2013, 72: 137-145.
24. Liangcheng Tan, Haiwei Zhang, Shijiang Qin, Zhisheng An. Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on δC variations in a stalagmite from central China. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 2013, 24(3): 333-343.
25. Liangcheng Tan, Yanjun Cai, Zhisheng An, Liang Yi, Haiwei, Zhang, Shijiang Qin. Climate patterns in north central China during the last 1800 yr and their possible driving force. Climate of the Past, 2011, 7: 685-692.
26. Liangcheng Tan, Yanjun Cai, Zhisheng An, R. Lawrence Edwards; Hai Cheng, Chuan-Chou Shen, Haiwei Zhang. Centennial- to decadal-scale monsoon precipitation variability in the semihumid region, northern China during the last 1860 years: records from stalagmites in Huangye Cave. The Holocene, 2011, 21: 287-296
27. Liangcheng Tan, Yanjun Cai, Hai Cheng, Zhisheng An, R. Lawrence Edwards. Summer monsoon precipitation variations in central China over the past 750 years derived from a high-resolution absolute-dated stalagmite. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2009, 280: 432-439.
28. Liangcheng Tan, Yanjun Cai, Liang Yi, Zhisheng An, Li Ai. Precipitation variations of Longxi, northeast margin of Tibetan Plateau since AD 960 and their relationship with solar activity. Climate of the Past, 2008, 4: 19-28.
29. 李東,譚亮成*,安芷生. 我國季風區5 ka BP 氣候事件. 地球環境學報, 2016, 7(5): 468-479.
30. 譚亮成, 馬樂, 毛瑞雪, 蔡演軍. 歷史文獻在我國最近2000年氣候變化研究中的套用. 地球環境學報, 2014, 5(6): 434-440.
31. 譚亮成, 蔡演軍, 安芷生, 程海, 易亮, 艾思本. 石筍氧同位素和微量元素記錄的陝南地區2000~4200 a B.P.高解析度季風降雨變化. 第四紀研究,2014, 34 (6): 1238-1245.
32. 譚亮成, 蔡演軍, 安芷生. 隴西地區最近2000年降雨變化及其驅動因子分析. 乾旱區資源與環境, 2010, 24: 109-116.
33. 譚亮成, 安芷生, 蔡演軍, 隆浩. 4.2 ka BP 氣候事件在中國的降雨表現及其全球聯繫. 地質論評, 2008, 54: 94-104.
34. 譚亮成,安芷生, 蔡演軍. 洞穴碳酸鹽有機質螢光發光特徵研究及其展望. 中國岩溶, 2004, 23(4): 83-89
35. Li, X., Cheng, H., Tan, L., Ban, F., Sinha, A., Duan, W., Li, H., Zhang, H., Ning, Y., Kathayat, G., Edwards, R.L., 2017. The East Asian summer monsoon variability over the last 145 years inferred from the Shihua Cave record, North China. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 7078, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07251-3.
36. Liang Yi, Zhengguo Shi, Liangcheng Tan, Chenglong Deng. Orbital-scale nonlinear response of East Asian summer monsoon to its potential driving forces in the late Quaternary. Climate Dynamics, 2017, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3743-5.
37. Cai, Y., Chiang, J.C.H., Breitenbach, S.F.M., Tan, L., Cheng, H., Edwards, R.L., An, Z. Holocene moisture changes in western China, Central Asia, inferred from stalagmites. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2017,158: 15-28
38. Keke Yu, Hai Xu, Jianghu Lan, Enguo Sheng, Bin Liu, Huixian Wu, Liangcheng Tan, Kevin M. Yeager. Climate change and soil erosion in a small alpine lake basin on the Loess Plateau, China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2017, 42(8):1238–1247.
39. Cai Y.J., Fung I., Edwards R. L., An Z.S., Cheng H., Lee J.-E., Tan L.C., Shen C-C. Wang X.F., Day J.A., Zhou W.J., Kelly M., Chiang J.C.H., Variability of stalagmite-inferred Indian monsoon precipitation over the past 252,000 y. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2015, 112(10): 2954-2959.
40. An, Z., Wu, G., Li, J., Sun, Y., Liu, Y., Zhou, W., Cai, Y., Duan, A., Li, L., Mao, J., Cheng, H., Shi, Z., Tan, L., Yan, H., Ao, H., Chang, H., Feng, J., 2015. Global Monsoon Dynamics and Climate Change. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2015, 43: 29-77
41. Haiwei Zhang, Yanjun Cai, Liangcheng Tan, Shijiang Qin, Zhisheng An. Large variations of δC in stalagmites from southeastern China during historical times: implications for anthropogenic deforestation. Boreas, 2015, 44 (3), 511-525.
42. Lin Deng, Wenke Wang, Yanjun Cai, Anyan Hu, Liangcheng Tan. Groundwater Diffuse Recharge and its Response to Climate Changes in Semi-Arid Northwestern China. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 2015, 26(4): 451-461.
43. Sebastian F M Breitenbach,Yanjun Cai,Ola Kwiecien,Alexander V Osinzev, Liangcheng Tan,Haiwei Zhang. A high-altitude cave as an example of active karstification in the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Cave and Karst Science, 2014, 41:132-137.
44. Haiwei Zhang, Yanjun Cai, Liangcheng Tan, Shijiang Qin, Zhisheng An. Stable isotope composition alteration produced by the aragonite-to-calcite transformation in speleothems and implications for paleoclimate reconstructions. Sedimentary Geology, 2014, 309:1-14.
45. Yanjun Cai,Haiwei Zhang, Hai Cheng,Zhisheng An,LawrenceR. Edwards,Xianfeng Wang,Liangcheng Tan,Fuyuan Liang,Jin Wang,Megan Kelly.TheHoloceneIndianmonsoonvariabilityoverthesouthernTibetanPlateauand itsteleconnections. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2012, 335:135-144.
46. Yanjun Cai, Liangcheng Tan, Hai Cheng, Zhisheng An, R. Lawrence Edwards, Megan J. Kelly, Xinggong Kong, Xianfeng Wang. The variation of summer monsoon precipitation in central China since the last deglaciation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010, 291: 21-31.
47. Yanjun Cai, Hai Cheng, Zhisheng An, R. Lawrence Edwards, Xianfeng Wang, Liangcheng Tan, Jin Wang. Large variations of oxygen isotope in precipitation over South-Central Tibet during Marine Isotope Stage 5. Geology, 2010, 38(3): 243-246.
48. Xu, H., Hou, Z. H., Ai, L., Tan, L. C. Precipitation at Lake Qinghai, NE Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and its relation to Asian summer monsoons on decadal/interdecadal scales during the past 500 years. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2007, 254(3-4): 541-549.
49. Long Hao, Tan Hongbin, Wang Naiang, Tan Liangcheng, Li Yu. Mid-Holocene climate variations recorded by palaeolake in marginal area of East Asian monsoon: a multi-proxy study. Chinese Geographical Science, 2007, 17(4): 325-332.
50. Hai Xu, Li Ai, Liangcheng Tan, Zhisheng An. Stable isotopes in bulk carbonates and organic matter in recent sediments of Lake Qinghai and their climatic implications. Chemical Geology, 2006, 235(3-4): 262-275.
51. Xu Hai, Ai Li, Tan Liangcheng, An Zhisheng. Geochronology of a surface core in the north basin of Qinghai Lake: evidence from Pb and Cs radionuclides. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2006, 25(4): 301-306.
52. 王振峰,張道軍,劉新宇,尤麗,羅威,易亮,譚亮成,祝幼華,秦華鋒,程海,李忠權,謝強,車志偉,鄧成龍,朱日祥.基於古地磁與Th定年的西沙西科1井樂東組生物礁沉積年代的初步研究. 地球物理學報, 2017, 60(3): 1027-1038.
53. 安芷生, 吳國雄, 李建平, 孫有斌, 劉屹岷, 周衛健, 蔡演軍, 段安民, 李力, 毛江玉, 程海, 石正國, 譚亮成, 晏宏, 敖紅, 常宏, 馮娟. (2015). 全球季風動力學與氣候變化. 地球環境學報, 6(6), 341-381.
54. 張鶴嶠, 蔡演軍, 張海偉, 譚亮成, 秦世江. 神農宮和祥龍洞洞溫季節變化特徵及其對石筍氧同位素組成的可能影響.中國岩溶, 2014, 33(3): 363-372.
55. 劉娟, 王津, 陳永亨, 譚亮成, 王萌萌, 蘇龍曉. 硫鐵礦和冶煉廢渣中毒害重金屬形態分布特徵及環境效應的研究. 地球環境學報, 2013, 4(2): 1243-1248.
56. 張海偉, 蔡演軍, 譚亮成. 石筍礦物類型、成因及其對氣候和環境的指示. 中國岩溶, 2010, 29(3): 222-228.專利:譚亮成,毛瑞雪,蔡演軍. 一種低損耗低污染的地質岩心切割機。實用新型專利,專利號:ZL201520000891.0


