


  • 中文名:謝逾群
  • 職業:湖北工業大學輕工學部生物工程學院講師


2004-2006 期間在華中農業大學農業微生物國家重點實驗室師叢何進教授進行污水中微生物次級代謝產物檢測方法的研究,針對藻類和放線菌所分泌的具有刺激性土腥氣味的geosmin 和2-methylisoborneol 高靈敏性檢測取得突出成績,該研究巧妙的結合了液相微萃取和氣相色譜與質譜聯用的雙重優勢達到了比其它報導檢測方法低數個數量級的檢測限。此項研究成果於2007年發表在一區SCI雜誌J. Agric. Food Chem相關技術可直接用於污染水體中易揮發組分的提取與檢測。
2007-2008 在美國愛達荷大學化學系加入 Francis Cheng的研究團隊,承擔美國國家安全部的反恐課題,利用電化學方法快速檢測液體爆炸物(過氧化合物)。該方法利用溴化鉀特殊的氧化還原性,簡易的排除了空氣中氧氣的干擾並且高選擇性的快速檢測triacetone triperoxide 和過氧化氫;由於過氧化物酶是以過氧化氫為電子受體催化底物氧化的酶,因此該方法可以套用於線上檢測發酵過程中過氧化物酶的動態變化,此研究為開發生物感應器線上監測環境污染過程奠定了重要的理論基礎。該項研究結果發表於Microchem. J.
2009-2013課題組科研方向轉向材料化學,專攻石墨烯電極材料的合成、表征以及電化學套用。經過不懈的努力,實現了多層石墨烯電極在簡易實驗室條件下低成本、大批量、高質量的一步合成;並且通過對石墨烯電極表面的化學修飾以及石墨烯-納米材料複合物的合成,可以實現對生化物質的單分子檢測;由於以石墨烯為電極的電化學分析方法具有靈敏度高,選擇性好,適用範圍廣等特點,將成為研究生物大分子結構於功能關係的有效方法,也極具潛力開發成生物感測器用於土壤,水體,空氣等污染的線上監測。以上成果先後發表在 Carbon,J. Mater. Chem. RSC Adv。
2014年9月 加入湖北工業大學釀酒團隊,結合自身的研究背景和特長針對固態發酵白酒、果酒、黃酒、液態白酒的生產研發,質量品質檢測等展開一系列的研究工作。


[1] Yuqun Xie, Simon D. McAllister, Seth A. Hyde, Jency Pricilla Sundararajan, B. A. FouetioKengne, David N. McIlroy, I. Francis Cheng. Sulfur as an important co-factor in the formation of multilayer graphene in the thermolyzed asphalt reaction. J. Mater. Chem. 2012, 22, 5723-5729.
[2] Yuqun Xie, Simon D. McAllister, Dean B. Edwards, I. Francis. Cheng. Fabrication of porous hollow glass microspheres.J. Power Sources. 2011, 196, 10727-10730.
[3] Yuqun Xie, I. Francis Cheng. Selective and rapid detection of triacetone triperoxide by double-step chronoamperometry. Microchem. J. 2010, 94, 166-170.
[4]Yuqun Xie, Jin He, Jun Huang, Jibin Zhang, Ziniu Yu.Determination of 2-methylisoborneol and geosmin produced by Streptomyces sp. and Anabaena PCC7120 using headspace liquid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.J. Agric. Food Chem.2007, 55, 6823-6828.
[5] I. Francis Cheng*, Yuqun Xie, R. Allen Gonzales, Przemysław R. Brejna, Jency Pricilla Sundararajan, B. A. Fouetio Kengne, D. Eric Aston, David N. McIlroy, Jeremy D. Foutch and Peter R. Griffiths. Synthesis of Graphene Paper from Pyrolyzed Asphalt. Carbon 2011, 49, 2852-2861.
[6]Bo Xie, Da Song Chen, Kui Zhou, Yuqun Xie, Youguo Li, Guoyuan Hu, Junchu Zhou. Symbiotic abilities of Sinorhizobium fredii with modified expression of purL. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2006, 71, 505-514.
[7] I. Francis Cheng*, Yuqun Xie, Isaiah Owusu Gyan and Nolan W. Nicholas. Highest measured anodic stability in aqueous solutions: graphenic electrodes from the thermolyzed asphalt reaction. RSC Adv.2013, 3, 2379-2384


[1] Francis Cheng, Yuqun Xie. A method for the rapid and selective detection of triacetone triperoxide. (OTT case number 08-034)
[2] Francis Cheng, Yuqun Xie, Isaiah Owusu Gyan, Nolan W. Nicholas, David N. McIlroy, Peter R. Griffiths. Method for making graphene. (U.S. provisional patent application NO. 61/757,411)


[1] Yuqun Xie, I. Francis Cheng. Selective and rapid detection of triacetone triperoxide by double-step chronoamperometry. 64th ACS Northwest Regional Meeting. June 2009, Tacoma (WA), USA.
[2] Yuqun Xie, Simon D. McAllister, Dean B. Edwards, I. Francis. Cheng. Fabrication of porous hollow glass microspheres. Joint 65th ACS Northwest Regional Meeting and 22nd Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting. June 2010, Pullman (WA), USA.


