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  • 中文名:謝福貴
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:機構學與機器人、先進制造技術及裝備
  • 任職院校:清華大學機械工程系


2018/12-, 清華大學機械工程系,副研究員






[1] 2018.01—2020.12,“高檔數控工具機與基礎製造裝備”科技重大專項:大型太空飛行器艙體多安裝面整體結構一體化加工套用示範(子課題)
[2] 2017.12—2020.11,科技部重點研發計畫課題:大型風電葉片磨拋移動式高效加工機器人系統設計
[3] 2017.01—2020.12,國家自然科學基金面上項目:啄木鳥仿生學製造裝備機構創新設計及關鍵技術研究
[4] 2015.01—2017.12,“高檔數控工具機與基礎製造裝備”科技重大專項:五千台具有完全自主智慧財產權的面向工具機自動化生產的機器人開發及產業化工程(子課題)
[5] 2014.01—2016.12,國家自然科學基金青年基金:可實現SCARA運動的新型並在線上器人機構及其動態特性研究
Shen Xu, Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun, Xie Zenghui. A smooth and undistorted toolpath interpolation method for 5-DoF parallel kinematic machines. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2019,
Bi Weiyao, Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun*, Luo Xuan. Optimal design of a novel 4-degree-of-freedom parallel mechanism with flexible orientation capability. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2019,
Li Jie, Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun, Mei Bin, Li Hongji. A spatial vector projection based error sensitivity analysis method for industrial robots. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018,
Xin-Jun Liu, Gang Han, Fugui Xie*, Qizhi Meng. A novel acceleration capacity index based on motion/force transmissibility for high-speed parallel robots. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018,
Xin-Jun Liu, Gang Han, Fugui Xie*, Qizhi Meng, Sai Zhang. A Novel Parameter Optimization Method for the Driving System of High-Speed Parallel Robots. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2018,
Gang Han, Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu*. Evaluation of the power consumption of a high-speed parallel robot. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2018,
Qizhi Meng, Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu*. Conceptual Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Novel Parallel Robot for High-Speed Pick-and-Place Operations. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering, 2018,
Fugui Xie, Xin-Jun Liu*, Jinsong Wang, Markus Wabner. Kinematic optimization of a five Degrees-of-Freedom spatial parallel mechanism with large orientational workspace. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2017,
Jie Li, Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu*, Zeyuan Dong, Zhiyong Song, Weidong Li. A geometric error identification method for the swiveling axes of five-axis machine tools by static R-test. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017.
Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu *, Xuan Luo, Markus Wabner. Mobility, Singularity and Kinematics Analysis of a Novel Spatial Parallel Mechanism. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2016,
Fugui XIE*, Xin-Jun LIU*. Analysis of the kinematic characteristics of a high-speed parallel robot with Schönflies motion: Mobility, kinematics, and singularity [J]. Front. Mech. Eng., 2016,
Xie F G, Liu X J*, Wang J S. Conceptual design and optimization of a 3-DoF parallel mechanism for a turbine blade grinding machine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016,
Jie Li, Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu*. Geometric error modeling and sensitivity analysis of a five-axis machine tool, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016.
Li Jie, Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun*, Li Weidong, Zhu Shaowei. Geometric error identification and compensation of linear axes based on a novel 13-line method. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2016.
Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun. Design and development of a High-Speed and High-Rotation robot with four identical arms and a single platform. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics-Transactions of the ASME, 2015,
Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun, Wu Chao and Zhang Pan. A novel spray painting robotic device for the coating process in automotive industry. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015,
Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu and Chao Wang, Design of a novel 3-DoF parallel kinematic mechanism: type synthesis and kinematic optimization, Robotica, 2015,
Chen Xiang, Liu Xin-Jun*, Xie Fugui*. Screw theory based singularity analysis of Lower-Mobility parallel robots considering the Motion/Force transmissibility and constrainability. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015
Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu and Yanhua Zhou, Optimization of a Redundantly Actuated Parallel Kinematic Mechanism for a 5-DoF Hybrid Machine Tool, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B:Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2014,
Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu and Yanhua Zhou, Development and Experimental Study of a Redundant Hybrid Machine with Five-Face Milling Capability in One Setup, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2014,
Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun, You Zheng, Wang Jinsong. Type synthesis of 2T1R-type parallel kinematic mechanisms and the application in manufacturing. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2014,
Chen Y. Z., Xie F. G.*, Liu X. J., Zhou Y. H. Error modeling and sensitivity analysis of a parallel robot with SCARA (selective compliance assembly robot arm) motions. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2014,
Xie Fugui*, Liu Xin-Jun, Li Tiemin. Type synthesis and typical application of 1T2R-type parallel robotic mechanisms. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013, Vol. 2013,
Fugui Xie*, Xin-Jun Liu and Tiemin Li, A Comparison Study on the Orientation Capability and Parasitic Motions of Two Novel Articulated Tool Heads with Parallel Kinematics, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013,
XIE Fugui*, LI Tiemin and LIU Xinjun, Type Synthesis of 4-DoF Parallel Kinematic Mechanisms Based on Grassmann Line Geometry and Atlas Method, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013,
Zhou Y. H.*, Xie F. G., Liu X. J. Optimal design of a main driving mechanism for servo punch press based on performance atlases. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2013,
Fugui Xie, Xin-Jun Liu*, Jinsong Wang, A 3-DOF parallel manufacturing module and its kinematic optimization, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2012,
Xie Fugui, Liu Xin-Jun*, Wang Jinsong. Performance evaluation of redundant parallel manipulators assimilating motion/force transmissibility. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2011,
Fugui Xie, Xin-Jun Liu*, Hui Zhang and Jinsong Wang, Design and experimental study of the SPKM165, a five-axis serial-parallel kinematic milling machine, Science China Technological Sciences,2011.
Li-Ping Wang, Fu-Gui Xie, Xin-Jun Liu* and Jin-Song Wang, Kinematic calibration of the 3-DOF parallel module of a 5-axis hybrid milling machine, Robotica, 2011.
Fugui Xie, Xin-Jun Liu*, Li-Ping Wang, and Jinsong Wang, "Optimal Design and Development of a Decoupled A/B-Axis Tool Head with Parallel Kinematics," Advances in Mechanical Engineering, vol. 2010,
[1]. 謝福貴,劉辛軍,汪勁松,一種多軸聯動裝置,中國發明專利,授權時間:2018.4.10。
[2]. 謝福貴,劉辛軍,汪勁松,一種基於三自由度並在線上構的六軸聯動混聯裝置,中國發明專利,授權時間:2017.1.18。
[3]. 謝福貴,劉辛軍,周艷華,汪勁松,一種基於並聯模組的多軸聯動裝置,中國發明專利,授權時間:2016.9.21。
[4]. 謝福貴,劉辛軍,陳禹臻,汪勁松,一種基於四自由度並在線上構的多軸聯動混聯裝置,中國發明專利,授權時間:2015.9.30。
[5]. 謝福貴,劉辛軍,蘇錚,王立平,汪勁松,一種具有高靈活特性的三自由度空間並在線上構,中國發明專利,授權時間:2014.3.12。
[6]. 謝福貴,劉辛軍,汪勁松,一種具有單自由度鉸鏈的三自由度並聯主軸頭,中國發明專利,授權時間:2013.12.11。
[7]. 劉辛軍,謝福貴,韓剛,唐曉強,汪勁松,一種大跨度多功能機器人化工程施工裝備,中國發明專利,授權時間:2018.4.10。
[8]. 劉辛軍,謝福貴,李傑,汪勁松,一種可實現五面加工的多軸聯動裝置,中國發明專利,授權時間:2016.8.17。
[9]. 劉辛軍,謝福貴,王立平,尤政,一種可實現SCARA運動的四自由度單動平台並在線上構,中國發明專利,授權時間:2015.5.20。


[1] 2018年獲中國機械工業科學技術獎(技術發明)一等獎 (排名第2)
[2] 2018年獲中國好設計獎銀獎 (排名第2)
[3] 2018年獲清華大學實驗技術成果獎一等獎 (排名第3)
[4] 2018年獲第三屆中國科協優秀科技論文獎(通訊作者)
[5] 2017年獲全國機器人專利創新創業大賽特等獎 (排名第2)
[6] 2017年獲《機械工程學報》首屆高影響力論文獎 (作者排名第2)
[7] 2014年獲ICIRA2014國際會議大會唯一最佳論文獎 (作者排名第1)
[8] 2013年獲第三屆“上銀優秀機械博士論文獎”優秀獎


