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  • 中文名:謝微
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:固態環境中光-物質相互作用及其調控
  • 職務:博士生導師
  • 職稱:研究員
  • 任職院校:華東師範大學物理與電子科學學院、精密光譜科學國家重點實驗室




1. “Room-temperature Macroscopic Coherence of Two Electron-hole Plasmas in a Microcavity”, Qi Jie, Keye Zhang, Chih-Wei Lai, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Weiping Zhang*, Song Luo, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, Zhanghai Chen and Wei Xie*, Phys. Rev. Lett. (Accepted)
2. “Cooperative excitonic quantum ensemble in perovskite-assembly superlattice microcavities”, Chun Zhou+, Yichi Zhong+, Hongxing Dong*, Weihao Zheng, Jiqing Tan, Qi Jie, Anlian Pan, Long Zhang* and Wei Xie*, Nat. Commu., 11, 329 (2020).
3. “All-Photonic Miniature Perovskite Encoder with a Terahertz Bandwidth”, Yichi Zhong; Bing Tang; Meng Fei; Qi Jie; Jiqing Tan; Qiangqiang Wang; Shuang Liang; Junjie Du; Long Zhang; Hongxing Dong* and Wei Xie*, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 1900398, (2020).
4. “Linearly polarized lasing based on coupled perovskite microspheres”, Beier Zhou+, Yichi Zhong+, Mingming Jiang, Jianhao Zhang, Hongxing Dong*, Linqi Chen, Hao Wu, Wei Xie* and Long Zhang*, Nanoscale, 12, 5805 (2020).
1. “Highly linear polarized photoluminescence from a rippled WSe2 monolayer”, Bilin Li, Zhongqi Ren, Ni Zhong, and Wei Xie*, Optics Express, vol.27, no.9, (2019)
1. “Multiple-pulse microcavity lasing from an optically induced confinement”, Wei Xie, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, ChihWei Lai*, Optica, vol.3, no.12, (2016)
2. “Weak lasing in one-dimensional polariton superlattices”, Long Zhang+, Wei Xie+, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol.112, no.13, (2015)
3. “Room-temperature polariton parametric scattering driven by a one-dimensional polariton condensate”, Wei Xie, Hongxing Dong, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 166401 (2012)
4. “Exciton-polariton condensate induced by evaporative cooling in a three-dimensionally confined microcavity”, Jian Wang, Wei Xie*, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Phys. Rev. B, vol.91, 165423 (2015)
5. “Room-temperature polariton waveguide effect in a ZnO microwire”, Yanjing Ling, Wei Xie*, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Express, 8 031102 (2015)
6. “Linearly Polarized Remote-Edge Luminescence in GaSe Nanoslabs”, Yanhao Tang, Wei Xie, John A. McGuire, and C. W. Lai *, Phys. Rev. Applied, 4, 034008 (2015)
7. “Ultrafast spin-polarized lasing in a highly photoexcited semiconductor microcavity at room temperature”, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Wei Xie, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, ChihWei Lai*., Phys. Rev. B, 91, 195312 (2015)
8. “Optical and spin polarization dynamics in GaSe nanoslabs”, Yanhao Tang, Wei Xie, Krishna C. Mandal, John A. McGuire, and C. W. Lai *, Phys. Rev. B, 91, 195429 (2015)
9. “Coherent scattering of exciton polaritons and acoustic phonons in a ZnO single crystal”, Wenhui Liu, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Phys. Rev. B, 89, 201201(R) (2014)
10. “Transient dual-energy lasing in a semiconductor microcavity”, Feng-Kuo Hsu, Wei Xie, Yi-Shan Lee, Sheng-Di Lin, ChihWei Lai*, Sci. Rep. 5, 15347 (2015)
11. “Robust exciton-polariton effect in a ZnO whispering gallery microcavity at high temperature”, Saifeng Zhang, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 100, 101912 (2012)
12. “Angle-Dependent Resonant Light Absorption of Polariton States in One-Dimensional ZnO Microcavities”, Wenhui Liu, Dan Xu, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Express, 6, 091101 (2013)
13. “Strong bound exciton-photon coupling in ZnO whispering gallery microcavity”, Liaoxin Sun, Hongxin Dong, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Optics Express, 21, 030227 (2013)
14. “Spin-Resolved Purcell Effect in a Quantum Dot Microcavity System”, Ren, QJ, Lu, J, Tan, HH, Wu, S, Sun, LX, Zhou, WH, Wei Xie, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Nano Letters, 12, 3008083 (2012)
15. “Indium oxide octahedra optical microcavities”, Hongxin Dong, Liaoxin Sun, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 223114 (2010)
16. “Polariton lasing of quasi-whispering gallery modes in a ZnO microwire”, Duan, Qingqing; Xu, Dan; Liu, Wenhui; Lu, Jian; Zhang, Long; Wang, Jian; Wang, Yinglei; Gu, Jie; Hu, Tao; Xie, Wei; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 103, 2, (2013)
17. “One-dimensional ZnO exciton polaritons with negligible thermal broadening at room temperature”, Trichet, A.; Sun, L.; Pavlovic, G.; Gippius, N. A.; Malpuech, G.; Xie, W.; Chen, Z.; Richard, M.; Dang, Le Si, Phys. Rev. B, 83, 4 (2011)
18. “Single-crystalline polyhedral In2O3 vertical Fabry-Perot resonators”, Dong, Hongxing; Sun, Shulin; Sun, Liaoxin; Xie, Wei; Zhou, Lei; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 1, (2011)
19. “Facile Synthesis and Ultraviolet Lasing Properties a ZnO Microtubes”, Dong, Hongxing; Sun, Liaoxin; Xie, Wei; Zhou, Weihang; Shen, Xuechu; Chen, Zhanghai*, J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 41: 17369~17373, (2010)
20. “Quasi-whispering gallery modes of exciton-polaritons in a ZnO microrod”, Liaoxin Sun, Hongxin Dong, Wei Xie, Xuechu Shen, Zhanghai Chen*, et al., Optics Express, 18, 015371 (2010)


